Sunday, March 12, 2017

Border Patrol Tunnel Rats

By Javier,  Guest reporter Borderland Beat
They are called "tunnel rats", when referring to the U.S. Border Patrol agents who descend  into underground Narco Tunnel that have appeared along the U.S., Mexico border over the past 20 years.  What may appear clear above ground, could have border patrol on duty below the surface.

Sinaloa Cartel  capo Chapo Guzmán, is credited as the innovator behind the drug tunnels, used primarily to traffic drugs.  But the most infamous usage of the Guzmán tunnels, which increasingly have become very sophisticated over the years, was on  the night of July 11, 2015, when chapo disappeared into the underside of his prison cell shower, descending a ladder,  to the tunnel, hopped on a motorbike and exited to freedom.  Albeit, for only six months.

Arguably, the greatest factor of Sinaloa’s trafficking success, are the tunnels. It provides  the ability to transport drugs, in bulk,  to its number one customer, the United States.

The tunnel is equipped with a rail system and electricity, used to move massive loads of drugs.  It is critical to Sinaloa for high risk transports.

In the San Diego area alone, in the past 10 years more than 30 tunnels have been discovered.

The tunnels are the last great frontier for drug trafficking.  Tunnel detection is usually by happenstance. 

It is rumored and reported in Mexico, that some of Mexico’s finest geologists, engineers, and architects have designed the tunnels and also the underground labs.  Not always by choice. And not with a happy ending for the professional coerced into the project.


  1. Mencho is all over sinaloa

    1. You do know Mencho is not the "TOP DOG" in that Cartel,right?Hes a frontman,canon fodder,hes the Cartels lightning rod'll see.

    2. Mencho . Will die before long . Its always that way . If he chooses not to die and surrenders he will be just a little know person in a USA super max . Maybe beside chapo.

    3. Who's he fronting for. Is he aware he's being used?

    4. 6:49 NO, but I am sure he is wondering why he was feeling sooo goooood!

  2. does anyone have any idea on about how long it takes to make one of these tunnel? i would imagine it takes a lot of long hard hours of work.

    thank you for your time

    ~~~el spaceio~~~

    1. It is cheaper and faster than any wall you've ever seen, and it does not cost the public coffers one single dollar, but robbing the airlines of their bread and butta' was never not no nice thang, Air America had to surrender and crash planes in yucatan, and go back to afghanistan and male wat for profit to recover some of their job #1 for making illegal cash, drug trafficking from "opiates" and meth precursors from other countries.
      But guess what, let la chapa talk, he had bosses, I din't think he ever had any idea about MINING, ENGINEERING OR TUNNELING, but there are many new MINING MAGNATES IN MEXICO WHO DO, they have some excellent freelancing diggers from Pachuca Hidalgo, guanajuato, gherrero, Zacatecas, durango, coahuila, and veterans from the campaign of robberies against Las Truchas, alias
      "La Siderurgica mas grande del mundo" set up by former presidente Lazaro Cardenas, also named after him, now property billionaire foreign global capitalist investor vulture
      Arcelor-Mittal always buying "distressed" corporations they themselves conspire with politicians to distress.
      They deserve more punishment than la chapa, but la chapa earned his loot and is the fall guy for now, maybe la mencha tomarrah.

  3. I was just in Zapopan and spoke to a few of the waiters and taxi drivers. They all said sinaloa based organization run Zapopan and Guadalajara.. el mencho is in the outskirts. Scared to go into the big city that's why he sent his son..
    Saludos de la familia Guadalupana

  4. Hahahaha mencho all over Sinaloa, what a fool the Sinaloa cartel ain't going nowhere, mencho just temporary like the rest of the og zetas and la familia Michoacána and at the end of the day the Sinaloans are still there on top

  5. Government has meCho and Quintero doing its dirty work

  6. This article suggests that geologists, architects, etc. in Mexico were forced into designing these tunnels and after they completed their work they were killed by the cartels?

    1. You interpreted the comment correctly. In Mexico, especially the border states this is commonly spoken of in those who follow narco war. There have been articles written of clandestine kidnappings for professionals and entire crews. We posted a couple on BB, I can't recall exactly, but i think it was Durango and Zacatecas where entire crews of construction workers were kidnapped at the site where they were working and transferred by plane to the border to construct labs and tunnels. since they were taken by force, obviously their ability to keep quiet is in great question, so often they are "silenced" forever.....

    2. Weelll, la chapa is getting silenced for his troubles,
      But only until he is released and is able to publish:
      "Mi Verdad" by El Chapo juakin ghostman
      --Chiva, you said you'd be away 1 or 2 weeks,
      nice to see you can't live without us too😨

    3. IT and radio communication specialists have also been kidnapped to set up to build and run such systems for the cartels.

  7. @ 4:15 jaja...well its been one week...but you are correct...a quick drive by was in order.... ;)

    1. I think your Dope chivis! Don't ever stop. - BBadicto.

    2. 4:35 "Waiting eagerly" has its rewards.

  8. I remember hearing about a serial killer, a sicario for one of the cartels in Tijuana who admitted to killing hundreds of poor people they used to build the tunnels under the border. They were kidnapped and forced to dig the tunnels and when they were finished they were all murdered. Truly some of the worst crimes against humanity ever. I guarantee the average American knows nothing about these matters. Why? Is there some sort of news blackout in the USA about these atrocities? You don't see these stories on 60 minutes or CBS, NBC, etc. Who is responsible for purposely hiding this information from the American public?

    1. 8:43 I'm baffled too, it's as if the US has this huge blindspot, or ignorance, or (and this is the worst) just plain apathy

    2. Unfortunately majority of news stations are employed by corporate media watchdogs ( governments, lobbyists) so stories shedding light of concern can be a conflict of interest. In other words, approval of such any story or information Needs approval.
      Big energy companies like other companies resort to such tactics of controlling media stream.
      Many newspapers nowadays are structured like that. Few remain honest and forthright with their reporting. It's a shame.
      To believe freedom of speech exists . Is a truly a falsehood. Suppression in matters of interests has been around since man learned to read and write my friend.

    3. "Many newspapers" for sure. You do know that the New York Times is owned by Carlos Slim...right?
      The so called "legitimate politicians" are corrupt and "respected news sources" and entertainment industry are the propaganda wing of the globalists. They are the real fascists that are killing the "lower classes" (as they like to call us).

    4. @5:58AM Carlos Slim owns 17% of the outstanding stock in the NYT but that doesn't give him power of over the content that it publishes.

    5. There is an interesting story on linking carlos slim to carlos Salinas former president of mexico as a front man for his crimes and allegedly to drug trafficking. Slim apparently acquired tel mex a monopoly in mexico for pennies on the dollar so to speak.

    6. 7:53-In other words a BIG bribe?

    7. @9:39 Canadiana, In another comment you told Buggs you were glad to see him commenting again. You had me looking at all the recent stories and reading all the comments over the last week or so to see if I had missed something that Buggs had posted. The story he posted that you commented on was a good story, but it was posted in 2010.

    8. Yeah must have been mistakenly put up.It was the 1st story that came up on the bing search right after.It was like that for about half hour. then later it was changed to come up with the latest story.It caught my by surprise when said the author was Buggs but I didn't check the date but it was the 1st story that came up as I go back and forth between my email and other news and BB and there weren't any comments posted on the post so I assumed it was a new story.You don't need to post this unless you want

  9. i think these dudes should find another name. the OriginalTunnel Rats in Cuchi, Vietnam, had to go into tunnels that were many times more dangerous than these...and built for small Vietnamese dudes, often with spikes, and poisonous snakes, and even tunnels that had water in them that the tunnel rats had to swim through to hit the other side, never knowing if it was trap to kill/drown them. these guys have it made by comparison. I'm not saying its not dangerous what they do, but to appropriate the name "tunnel rats" from dudes that experienced ten times more danger, seems wrong. seriously, those Vietnamese tunnels rats had it hard.

  10. I remember riding in a police car helping the officers look for some criminals who had robbed me. I told them to go into a certain area of town and they said they never go in there. I said why? They replied it's so dangerous and gang infested we stay out of there to let them all kill each other. That makes our job easier cause when they are all dead we will just go in and pick up the pieces. (Pick up all the assets). Is this the USA strategy with regard to Mexico?

    1. On the US whole neighborhoods get abandoned, after a few too many shootings of course, tax terrorism, lack of services, pharmacies that supply "pain killers by the ton", corrupting of schools in the hood, prostitution, liquor stores, car burglaries, guns, gangs and hos...
      --After a few years, when there is a scientifically determined % percentage of empty lots and buildings, many due to arson or condemnings or foreclosures, then, like magic, the city comes refurbishing the train stations, bus stops, new fire and police stations, more police, and building fevers financed by federal state and municipal government loans for the well off...of ciurse, the taxes increase for the rewards remaining broke ass residents to finish the "gentrification" of the hood...
      --I guess there is crime on the US too, but they take pains to "look respectable"

  11. Both the USA and Mexico are being controlled by much more powerful entities. Look at the big picture. Don't you think there is a reason the USA can't win the "drug war". This is all being orchestrated by others.


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