Monday, May 2, 2016

3 Sides war for La Paz

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana BCS Report

Subject Matter: Fight for the plaza of La Paz, BCS
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

In the last crime map elaborated by authorities both Federal and Military, they confirmed the presence of  cells from the Cartels of Sinaloa, Beltran Leyva Organization in a de facto alliance with Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and Los Zetas, and the Arellano Felix Organization, who are all fighting for control of the narco trafficking plaza of La Paz, Comondu and Mulege.

Reporter: Zeta Investigations

Nothing slows the bloody war between criminal cells of the cartels of Sinaloa, Beltran Leyva in a de facto alliance with Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and Los Zetas, and the Cartel Arellano Felix, neither the meetings of the Group for Coordination, nor public safety summits, or triumphal speeches made of the merit or the operations carried out the length and breadth of the State of Baja California Sur.

These criminal organizations, with the backing and protection of Police Chiefs, live in an intestinal fight for control of the narco trafficking plaza, according to declarations made by Melissa Margarita Calderon Ojeda "La China" to SEIDO.

In all the number of violent crimes and intentional homicides has risen to 35 in the first seven months of the administration of Governor Carlos Mendoza Davis, at the last recount.

The spiral of violence has particularly been centered on the city of La Paz, but day by day, it has extended, since 28th of September 2015 to 22nd of April 2016, to Comondu and Mulege, which, provoked the Government of the United States on Friday the 15th of April, for the second consecutive year, to emit an alert to persons travelling to and those that planned to travel to the State.

"The State Department of the Government of the United States advises United States citizens of risk of travel to certain places in Mexico, due to security threats from the organized crime groups in the country. United States citizens have been victims of violent crimes, like homicide, kidnapping, car theft, and robbery on the part of organized criminal groups in various States of the country", read the alert.

On the official website of the State Department of the Government of the United States expound that " this travel advice substitutes the travel alert given out on 19th of January of 2016, in order to actualize the security information, the assessor of public restrictions to personal travel", list the dangerous States for travel:

* Baja California
* Baja California Sur
* Sonora
* Chihuahua
* Coahuila
* Nuevo Leon
* Tamaulipas
* Sinaloa
* Jalisco
* Queretaro
* Mexico City
* Oaxaca
* Guerrero
* Yucatan
* Quintana Roo

(Otis: that will be a serious problem for holiday makers, at least Quintana Roo and BCS, also surprised that Veracruz is not on the list.)

In the case of BCS, according to the Department of Interior in Mexico, Baja California Sur registered a peak of homicides at the end of October of 2015. Many of those homicides had occurred in La Paz, where they have produced an augmentation of acts of public violence between these rival criminal organizations.

The alert was down played by the Secretary for Tourism, Genaro Ruiz Hernandez,  who said he had expressed his disagreement before the Consul of the United States in Tijuana, William A. Ostick in respect of this alert.

From his point of view, Baja California Sur is a quiet region, secure and free to travel to each one of its five Municipalities.

The Crime Map

Notwithstanding the vitriolic argument about the travel alert, in the last crime map elaborated by both Federal and Military authorities, confirm the presence of criminal cells of three drug trafficking Cartels. The most visible chiefs are:

*Jose Guadalupe Rivera Lopez "El Javier" or "El Javy", and the brothers Damian and Eduardo Vilaavicencio Arce, of the Sinaloa Cartel. The former operates in San Jose del Cabo, and the latter in Vizcaino and Guerrero Negro.

*Luis Antonio Montoya Beltran "Don Carlos" or "El Montoya", representing the de facto alliance between the Beltran Leyvas, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and Los Zetas.

*Julio Cordero Duarte "El Julion" on the part of the Cartel Arellano Felix.

In parallel, according to a member of the Group for Coordination of Public Security, they have information on the presence of a group of criminal cells of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion, headed by a subject with the nickname "El Noly", though this data has not been corroborated.

The Director of the State Ministerial Police, Bibiano Rigoberto Burgoing Garcia, alleged to be linked to the Sinaloa Cartel, during a week when the violence levels have been intensifying, was authorized to take vacation by the PGJE prosecutor Palemon Alamilla Villeda, who in the middle of a gun battle, suspiciously disappeared from the public scene.

The attacks

The first attack was registered around 8pm on Friday the 15th of April, when an armed commando chased and attacked with gunfire 3 men in a white Volkswagen Jetta.

The three occupants had been travelling along Calle Independencia, between Jaime Bravo and Jalisco, in the well populated Francisco Villa en La Paz Colonia, and according to preliminary investigations of the PGJE, the sicarios chased their victims aboard a rented automobile, and when they closed with the vehicle, one of them opened fire on the three occupants.

Of the three occupants, two of them ran, the driver and a rear passenger, the front passenger was killed in his seat, the sicarios jumped over the vehicle and chased the two fleeing men, leaving 20 spent 9mm cartridge cases.

According to the PGJE, the victims were identified as Sergio Sanchez Estrada and Jose Alfredo Castro Escobedo, the first was wounded the second died at the time.

According to an investigating agent of the PGJE, the deceased turned out to be an alleged sicario recently recruited by the Sinaloa Cartel, of who, four days earlier, that is to say the 11th of April, was detained in possession of 58 cartridges of 9mm ammunition, when driving on board a green Chevrolet Avalanche.

He was put at the disposition of agents of the Federal Public Ministry of the PGR.

However, as happens in these cases, an Agent of the Federal Public Ministry of the PGR, suspiciously authorized his release, and four days after he was executed.

The second armed attack, was to happen two days after, on the night of the 17th of April: the narco trafficker Samuel Beltran Garcia "El Sammy" or "El Teco" had gone into an Oxxo convenience store with his wife in the Paraiso del Sol Colonia, in the south of La Paz.

The sicarios were travelling on board a white rented automobile, and as observed, attacked the victim, killing him in the main doorway of the establishment.

In the middle of this bloody war, during a reconnaissance of the Serrana zone of Comondu, the Mexican Army reported the discovery of eight plantations of marijuana at a point known as Las Minitas.

Elements of the 17th Regiment of Motorized Cavalry moved into this zone after reports of armed people and location of the plantation, of which there 37,000 plants, in a total of 5760 square meters, which were later cut down and incinerated.

Another Security Alert

Because of the problems of insecurity that have presented themselves recently in Baja California Sur, in particular La Paz, the State Department of the United States gave out a new alert for visitors to the various municipalities of the State; mentioning two of the principal tourist destinations of the State, La Paz and Cabo San Lucas in Los Cabos, stressing that the capital had maintained the violence provoked by criminal groups headed by cells of organized crime.

They refer as well that, since October of 2015, La Paz had been counted in the highest indices of violence, for the American Union to recommend that visitors take maximum care. The Mayor of La Paz, Armando Martinez Vega, lamented the new alert given out on Friday the 15th of April.

"It is a complicated issue, we have made the effort to give a personalized attention to Cruise Ship lines that have been coming, with good relations, we have been with the Ambassadors, the Consuls, attending to them directly, and are abiding with their suggestions".

"But lamentably this is out of our hands, we are planning a strategy with the Governor, and today La Paz is waking up", mentioned the Municipal President, he then recognized that unfortunately this weekend there were two violent acts that continue to affect the security of the city, he remains confident in the arrival of the Police Mando Unico, that in his perception, will give respite to the citizens in questions of security, as the current strategy had failed at the moment to keep the peace.

Martinez has respect for the Group for Coordination of the State that is presided over by the Governor Carlos Mendoza Davis, " with the agreement that was signed to bring in the Mando Unico, we have been following the strategy advised to us, we have been reinforcing each sector, we are moving forward, unfortunately its a complicated topic but as Municipal Government we will be following strategies that the State Government advises us to.

Already there is one sector, sector 2, that operates under this Federal disposition. However, these are not the only problems they are presented, recently armed attacks have soared, which concerns the citizenry.

On the morning of Monday the 18th of April they registered an assault on a person who was about to deposit $200,000 in a bank, those responsible fled on a motorcycle. Talking about the subject of the theft, according to official data issued by the PGJE, in almost 15 days of the month of April, they reported 31 vehicle robberies in La Paz, in the same time frame, in January there were 43, in February 82, and in March 51 reports of the same crime, that adds to 207 from the start of the year until 15th of April which gives an average of two vehicles robbed per day.

"We have been doubling our efforts with what we have, today we are aiming to support SUBSEMUN which is now FORTASEG, which cannot full deploy, last year half were deployed by default, today were are asking for a full deployments, to have better units, better equipment and join the State strategy", said the Mayor of La Paz.

In a similar manner, Lorena Hinojosa Olivas, President of the Camara Nacional de la Industria de Restaurantes y Alimentos Condimentados of La Paz, lamented what these alerts represented, already they are principally affecting the economy.

"Its lamentable that they issued these alerts, above all because its our principal market, North American tourism is our principal market, speaking of divisions, that they do not desire any of these alerts, we understand, that in the case of the United States authorities, they have obligations to issue alerts to their citizens, but we here in Baja California Sur will enjoy our moment of tranquility in inverted commas".

He remembers those facts have reached some businessman, especially in Los Cabos, who have asked him to turn a deaf ear towards the current situation in the capital, since events have decreased in large proportion, but to date still continues, they have suggested that we need to act before it becomes unstoppable.

"We don't want, for any reason, to be a State like many in Mexico, where the criminal organizations charge piso de cobro to businessman and we are talking mainly of the restaurant sector, extortion's, kidnappings, which are already well known here in the southern part of our State, this is a focus of attention, when they should be saying La Paz is in permanent peace, but there are crime hot spots and they have to be attended to, warned the restauranteurs representative.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. Mayo Zambada team working with Beltran Leyvas and Zetas ?

    El Senor Chapo and El LIC wont approve!

  2. Hold on. Did you just state that el Mayo, Los Beltran, and Los Z are working together inn La Paz BCS ?? Can someone elaborate...

  3. Why does it say de facto mayo,beltran,zetas,caf you would think if sinaloa split lots of places they control would be really bad or is it just the cell of la paz that separated?

  4. Veracruz is just the cementary, cementary of all Mexico, no crime there just Clandestine Graves!!

    1. Cemetery, cemetery of all Mexico.

  5. Thank you so much Otis. Baja CA and BCS is often overlooked other than TJ and it has been HOT for several years.

    1. Yeep, the US would love for the BCS STATES to secede and join texas, soo much real estate there, and so many beaches and litoral, drug traffickers would be able to really find their own beeach there, all they need is to populate it with americans with money...

  6. Gotta question the accuracy of that state map and why Veracruz isn't listed at all, while Queretaro and Yucatan ARE on the list, yet it says "No advisory is in effect" when you click on those two states.(April 16 State Dept release)

  7. Thanks again Otis.
    My many amigos are horrified by what is going on in Baja /BCS. Many are now raising their beautiful families with the Evangelical communities to help keep their families tight knit. The ravages are seen in every town if you are familiar with them , as I am . Many rural landowners live in fear of losing ranchos that have been in their families for generations either for trafficing routes or unwanted develpments . Also the tourist and ecotourist operators are hard hit. Meanwhile Mexico goes on promoting tourism with mega " All Inclusive " resorts AKA giant money laundering machines and the guests are completely in the dark. Baja is Mexico's Alaska and many Mainlanders vacation there as well. Those of us who work to save the resources are seeing them disappear ever faster. Mexico has never been what it seems at first glance but those of us who speak /read spanish and hang with the locals know whats going on, more drugs , more crime, more death.

    1. I would agree with your reference to BCS as like Alaska[without the cold of course].It's like the last frontier of Mexico and wild and remote outback.Stunning.Like no where else in the world even the vegetation.

  8. I don't understand, yes, Mexico has 18,500 murders per year, you can add say 10% (1850) non reported disappearances (yes there you can put the 43) will come to 20,350 murders per year.

    When you compare to America (US), we have about 18,000 murders per year, but then you have to add 33,500 gun "accidents", plus the 47,000 by overdose (legal and illegal drugs) you come to a total of 98,500 every year surpassing Mexico's by percentage of population by far. Yet there are no "warnings" on traveling, going to school or certain areas within the US, WHY???, as long as we don't take responsability the reality won't be changed.

    This looks like pure marketing where the brand is our country, it seems like smoking, we weren't told cigarretes were deadly dangerous until 50 years later ... when will the news warn us about our own country? Where are the US cartel news?

    Because we have the largest addict population, and they get their dugs here, not in Mexico.

    I mean, yes there are 1 million US citizens living in Mexico, yet only 103 were reported killed, it is less likely to die there than to die here (violently), but we all scream "don't go, don't go!", are we dumb or what?

    1. seems like you dont want to face the fact that the leaders in mexico are corrupt and will sell your family out to die without a second thought. nothing will change until the common people rise up and take their country back. stop blaming the usa for your problems because we dont have to fear narcos stealing, killing and raping

    2. God bless your little heart 2:54. I was going to talk shit about your comment but I realized you actually meant well by expressing your frustration. Ultimately overdoses, accidents and suicides in the US don't count towards homicides. Our State Department is just doing their job in educating the public about the dangers. Will most citizens listen? No. Will they be more cautious? Yes. There is nothing wrong with what the State Department is doing. What is wrong is the Mexican Department of Tourism saying the exact opposite knowing the truth. It's anyone's choice to go to Mexico or come to the US. It is what is no more no less. I know several Mexican citizens who tell me that they will never return to Mexico until the violence subsides then there has to be something wrong. But I wouldn't bet my life on whether Mexico is more dangerous than the US or vice versa. I do know I have the 2nd amendment right to bear arms in the US and I use that right on a daily basis.

    3. Hey 1.59, I am US citizen and not blaming nothing on any particular country, just trying to open your eyes.

      Yes 2.19, I might be naive and yes frustrated, deeply. You got it clear, but the US national tourism office also promotes our country aboard and locally (Say ads about visiting Chicago). Yes, common knowledge makes the regular citizen believe in the news, promoting Mexico as dangerous and America as safe, yet it is not helping us, regular citizens getting all the shit.

    4. Bro, Acapulco has a murder rate 4 times higher than Chiraq USA. Let me put this in a simple equation for you to understand....Acapulco = 4 × Chiraq or Chiraq Chiraq Chiraq Chiraq. Don't get me wrong Chicago is a war zone but nothing compared to Acapulco, Tijuana, Juarez and Culiacan.

    5. Corrupt mayor daley, a pendejo without pair, tried to ban weapons in chicago, at least weapons dealers, but republican lawmakers federal level helped by local state legislators got in the way, because of convincing 2nd ammendment arguments, no matter how full of shit...
      It would be no surprise if all the democrap side got bought and paid for playing possum with the facts on the ground.

    6. Narcos and murderers or drug pushers or addicts have not been selling pemex, mining power generation, commercial enterprises, tourism resorts, the mexican environment, politics and ecology to the powerful and moneyed, leave them alone...

    7. 3.48, that is the point, when you add gun "accidents" and drug abuse the death rate of Acapulco is similar to "Chiraq" as you put it. This consideration is simply to understand we are not in such a great situation as to criticize another country, we look savages to europeans...

      5.15, nee, the NRA is fully corrupt, lobbying everyone and concealing the truth, but Chicago has been violent with or without weapons ban, that is not the point, what shall really interest us is our problems and seeing the truth about OUR violence problems and number of deaths, that is why we read BB, we don't believe that much in CNN, fox or similar, we want BETTER information, not just yelow journalism.

      7.40 well, yes, Narcos are just businessmen who turned violent when the government started hunting them, it has been a stupid war, Calderon made a big mistake, he had the opportunity to make them legal, made them pay taxes instead of spending a fortune in starting a stupid war.

    8. Ok 4:02 I understand and what you are saying but I don't see it as the US State Dept criticizing another country. I see it as travel at your own risk because we can't do a lot to help you once you cross the border. Plus in my opinion those same European countries that look at us as savage are the reason the US is so diverse. These same countries with their oppressive governments paved the way for what the US has become. With all the different races, bloodlines and ethnic groups residing in the country there will be a lot explosive issues. We are also the reason many of those same countries still have "their" country. You make valid points and I do agree in some degree but differ on a few issues.

    9. 4;02-Make the cartel pay taxes?Why would they do that when it can go into their own pockets for personal use;mansions,foreign vacation,etc. and as far as gun violence US and Mexico have too much gun violence that goes right off the charts,even more so then any country in Europe by far.US Mexico Iraq and Afghanistan have to be the 4 worst countries in the world for gun violence and guns are totally glorified status symbols.What's surprising is why US is at top of that list.They are a 1ST WORLD COUNTRY.I would only expect that in the developing or 3rd world country.

  9. What interested me about this article is the BLO/Mayo/Zeta de facto alliance vs Sinaloa vs CAF. Mayo from one faction of Sinaloa joining the BLO and Los Zetas against another Sinaloa faction.
    This is a good example of how, regardless of disputes and supposed allegiances, capos will make and break deals with their dreaded enemies, if it serves their financial interests. If this information has come from La China, she is making a deal for a lighter sentence, I have little reason to doubt the veracity of what she has said.

    1. No kidding,
      Mayo is not even blood line to BLO.
      Maybe Mayo just wants to learn more about them so he can inform his people.
      I'm also sure that "the federacion" is dead. Sinaloa will always have drug capos but probably not a federation .

      Juntos todos Los putos

    2. Very interesting

    3. It dosent mean mayo is a beltran now, they have a alliance together✌

  10. Here the bigger question is , who is the bigger power in control, the mexican government?? Apparently not...if they can't control nothing. at the very least provide safety & security for business and civilians.. If that is not the case allow the civilian population to armed them self..have new elections for a government that would provide the basics civil liberties... in america I don't mind paying taxes because I know that I have, running water, some what paved roads and electric services among the most important "safety "

  11. That Mayo Beltran Leyva Zetas alliance while a loose one which im sure only the jefe grandes Would be involved has it been confirmed by any other credible sources?? If it is true, it would make sense how Chapo knew about the BCS beef between Mayo and Mini Lics' people and he must have given Damasos the green light way before his second escape. what I don't get is what is in it for the zetas and BLO to help Mayo..

  12. Absolutely gripping, Otis, as always.. Bravissimo!

    I always knew there were _at_least_ 3 groups fighting for La Paz (how it sounds weird to say that..) and one of them was definitely BLO.

    If BLO was as cunning as they are known to be, they probably helped instigate the quarrels between the other Sinaloans and conserved resources as the rivals fought it out.

    I also believe that "La China" is stirring things up by dropping Mayo's name as an ally of BLO/Z. Should this be true, there is a dynasty (or more) currently in jeopardy.... but I'm not buying it.

    She's probably just dropping big names and exaggerated stories for a substantial drop in her sentence, as well as other privileges.

  13. CAF is no factor in Baja Sur. Look how easy the access was to whack Pancho Arellano in Cabos back in 2013.

  14. Ah excuse me Mr. assessor of public restrictions to personal travel, but I say the whole damn country should be avoided. These critters are everywhere, and if not them some groups looking to rob or extort just like the cartels. Face it Mexico is overcome by this crap. Those maps shown by BB doesn't have a space shown as organized crime free. So what if the murders aren't as excessive? Why go there and add to the count? So they warn the citizens but tell the tourists everything is fine?

    1. Well Mexico is a large country, but you obviously are driven by fear, hide in your cave. I visit Mexico every Winter for several months and find it safer than my usual residence, I was robbed in Houston, attacked in Miami and my hotel room was completely emptied in San Francisco, yet never I have had any issue in Mexico ( I go to Chapala area in Jalisco, there are thousands of expats there from all over the world ).

    2. Well, you got what you deserve for going and messing around SF and Miami, next time check the lift's rap sheet before picking them up and bring them home with you, ya' momma must have told you a few times, you would not be complainin' none, viejillo mañoso...

    3. :53 I wrote the original comment. No I am not living in fear, I am living with common sense. Also you mentioned Texas, one of the most undesirable states in the US. I am happy you had your escapades in Mexico crime free. It is called Russian roulette. Yes mexico is a big country and so are its criminal organizations. Just because a person won't visit a place where beheading are happening like slicing meat at the local deli, doesn't indicate fear. It indicates common sense. Why spend my money in a country to learn it only helped finance that crap? If you are so comfortable aroun all this then book a trip to visit near ISIS. I don't call spending time around terrorists a vacation. Too smart for that.

  15. The government has all the perras jumping like grasshoppers into each other's arms, I suspect the new "gobernador" has "plans", I mean, apps to install and use, and is installing them a chanquilazos.
    Mysteriously, all his henchmen police and military can't do mo'...

  16. It was only a mater of time that zambadas joined beltranes/zetas to go against a much deadlier CJNG.. CDS is oviosly split and is in disagreement. CDS golden days are long gone... too much snitching was their down fall. To all you CDS fans that don't want to accept it, I got one question. If cds was so solid, why did they join their enemies Beltranes/zetas l, looks like desperate move to survive but that old man's days are numbered... but I gotta admit, it was a smart move from zambadas to join Beltranes. They got alot more plazas and foot soldiers than zambadas.

    1. Just because you read it online you think its true?

    2. Tony Montana put it best, keep your Godfather closer to whack him better, but he was told to take it easy, fast guys don't last long, so get close to el mayo, learn sompim' get rid of him, before it gets to you...would el mayo be tan pendejo?
      Right now there is the time to pick another cutesy assey candidate for presidente, I wonder how genghis chong would look with a pompadour a la epn, "pardoning el mayo" from the presidential hawk balcony...
      I doubt he would win, but "chonito" quiere. And if you have a problem with that, well, YOU have a problem, not chonito el chinito, star of the mexican fumanchu dinasty, Chonito I, he has many sponsors they see money there, not the "cat claws"

    3. Ha!! CJNG is in heat and the US government is horny as a mofo. It won't be too long before CJNG gets f**ked just like the rest.

    4. Wow what a,load of shit this guy above just posted.

    5. Yeah it's 'cause some people is hitting that pipe at the same time they putting comments in here.

  17. Otis likewise same as 2:22.All of Baja is my favourite playground in Mexico,has been for many years.I know those states like the back of my hand so good to get info from there as it sounds like it's drastically changed the last year and a bit.

  18. Mayo & CHAPO isidro are compadres but decided to take the side of his long time friend and compadre el CHAPO guzmans side in 2008 it sounds right to go to the Beltran leyva side and zetas to take out cjng the other half of the Sinaloa switched side to cjng and some are Los damaso which fight against cjng and caf

  19. EL TEMO /THE TEMOMay 2, 2016 at 9:08 PM

    It's a trip how they'll settle their differences 4 the MIGHTY FEDERAL RESERVED NOTES....then let the backstabbing begin :)

    1. 9:08 ...a balazos Temo, a balazos, stabbing people on the back is like 19th century...
      --Balazos wherever, as long as they hit the mark good.

  20. You guys DONT SEE WHATS HAPPENING... CJNG is runni g the show now... As soon as that lil turf war is over... Wich by the way will kill off alot of Zetas...BLO...CAF...AND CDS. As soon as that happends. CJNG us gona wipe the table of whatever is left. Then they will be ABSOLUTE WITH POWER... It aint Ricket science... Its Buiz.. Economics

    1. Oh, I see 12:09 like The Three Little Piggies, building houses with grifa brick did not work, cocaine, heroin, meth, did not work, bricks made out of money, did not work...
      They should have.made their house from well spent bullets on their politician master puppeteers and their police instead of giving them mordidas.

    2. The Beltranes will never go away they will still be around after everyone is caught or dead their people have to much respect and loyalty.

  21. I'm sure there's BLO cells in BCS, I just can't recall any recent captures of sicarios or cell leaders in that part of the state to suggest a strong presence.

    1. It seems BLO focus is on dominating certain stratigic areas of the country vs running any state. Seems smart let the "dominante" cartel in the state take the heat while they operate quietly in the background. Kinda school

    2. The new califa governor needs scandal to justify his request for Mando Unico Police, so mando unico is making trouble there for them, the BC government is going to start spreading rumors about seeing el Mon and Pancho Rafail on tijuas to enhance the public "saikosys" and ram their all new 100% governor's police into office, coahuila, tamaulipas, veracruz, morelos... all doing the same same same

    3. Is there a cartel that happenz to be in all thoze states??

  22. Chino antrax is serving a 15 year prison term ... Saludos

    1. That all el chino got? Damn, how much fine?
      I am 75, and ready to start my criminal career, call me "el Chapopote"

  23. cholo ivan was chapo isidros enemy so it makes sense now that he got caught with chapo. mayos deal for the alliance maybe?

    1. Chapo isidro is affraid of el cholo ivan, he made sure to never go around him, el chapo isidro es un tapon de alberca...

    2. Negative that's why Chapo Flores always send his boys packing and Cholo Ivan was crying to the wuashos that it was Isidros people heating La Plaza In SIN

  24. Holy shit. So many experts on here.

  25. ive said it before in past stories years ago for all you haters ... the Z are the mofos you want on your team . they are not the originals but somehow they bring hell into any situation ... so much so that cjng was advertizing themselves as the matazetas years ago .. if you do a little research on them you will see that they are everywhere yes even in Sinaloa .. they were m1s enemy back in the days in culiacan . they had their hand in michoacan before la familia . just cause your local radio station doesnt play their corridos dont mean they are out .

    1. 6:01 los setas get to be "crowned queenz" because you say so

    2. Actually the zetas created el cartel del milenio and the familia cartel came from them so technically speaking the zetas created la familia

    3. You sir are wrong the zetas grew out of the cdg the cdg and the zetas helped the carlos Rosales organization run the milenio cartel out of michoacan.the zetas became their own cartel and split from the cdg around 2011.the carlos Rosales organization became la familia michoacana.the millenio cartel merged with cds under the nacho coronel wing.

    4. Zetas are hitmen first and drug dealing comes in at a distant second. They are sought for enforcement and reenforcements. Most of the time they kill their intended target and they do it better than any other group. They don't have the drug connections and drug financing that the older cartels have so they have to stick with what they know best. If Mayo is using the Z/BLO to take out the CDS cells blocking his expansion then he is doing so cause he knows they will get the job done. End of story.

  26. Guys the Mayo, Zetas, BLO alliance can be true listen to this narco rap song its about the CDN they mention el M Grande thats Mayo Zambada.

    Check on Youtube as "El señor H"

    1. El señor H is a fine art dealer and real estate agent with exquisite and refined tastes, why are you mingling him with narco rap "songs", just because they are like that?

  27. These are ppl of money certain ppl get removed different alliances form mayo sees his sons coming out soon and his days ending why not make it best for his kids for when they get out


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