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Jura email newsletter archive

The best way to stay in touch with Jura is to subscribe to our monthly email newsletter. We send out about one email per month letting you know about talks, films, sales and other events at Jura. Below is an archive of the newsletters we've sent out.

15/09/2013 - How to Make Trouble and Influence People
18/08/2013 - Against War and the 'War on Drugs'
12/07/2013 - We steal secrets
19/06/2013 - Crisis and Struggle in Spain today - film, talk and exhibition
19/05/2013 - Wendy Bacon talks anarcha-feminism
26/04/2013 - May Day!
16/03/2013 - We are not in the least afraid of ruins - we are going to inherit the earth
20/02/2013 - In Defence of Freedom
05/12/2012 - 35 years of Anarchism in Sydney
31/05/2012 - Films, festivals, rallies, gigs, publications & forums. The perfect leftist medicine!
21/04/2012 - Forums, Conferences and Struggles
24/01/2012 - Invasion/Sovereignty Day 2012
16/12/2011 - Occupy the Summer
27/10/2011 - Occupy Sydney
05/10/2011 - The Gnome Rebellion
31/08/2011 - A truly dangerous gnome
27/07/2011 - Don't forget your revolution
22/05/2011 - Smash the State, we're going solar on 1 June
13/04/2011 - Hot solar power; Chile solidarity
23/03/2011 - Build community solar power, not prisons
04/02/2011 - Capitalism and its discontents
21/12/2010 - The Lives Of Mount Druitt Youth