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Halls Creek 256km Radar/Lightning

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Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar

About Weatherzone Radar

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Radar Details

Halls Creek Weather Watch and Windfinding Radar
Western Australia
18.2300°S  127.6630°E  422m AMSL

LocationHalls Creek Meteorological Office Radar TypeWF 100 C Band Typical Availability2100-0001; 0130-0700; 0900-1300; 1430-1900

Not yet available.

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Weather News

Northern NSW bearing brunt of ex-Cyclone Debbie as Queensland faces massive clean-up effort

06:30 EDT

Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from towns in northern New South Wales and inland of Queensland's Gold Coast as "unprecedented" flooding from ex -Tropical Cyclone Debbie continues.

NSW flooding: Lismore residents ordered to evacuate as town faces 'unprecedented' conditions

06:29 EDT

Emergency services are facing 'unprecedented' flood levels on the New South Wales north coast, and sirens have sounded in Lismore, warning residents they must leave immediately.

Cyclone Debbie: Brisbane drenched as system moves through south-east Queensland

06:22 EDT

Brisbane received a major drenching from ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie, with schools and businesses closed as the storm unleashed its fury on south-east Queensland.