Addressing the reactive culture in the public service

Many public sector organisations are grappling with complex policy changes.
Many public sector organisations are grappling with complex policy changes. Rohan Thomson
by Hugh Arnold

The increasingly 24/7 requirements on public sector leaders inevitably create a reactive culture in government organisations, says a KPMG specialist in Australian government administration.

"Many of the public sector organisations we work with are attempting to grapple with very long-term, complex public policy challenges, and yet the culture driven by the 24/7 cycle tends to force them into more reactive and less strategic ways of being," Jane Gunn, partner, People and Change, KPMG, says.

"As a result, a sort of myth of productivity that 'we've cleared our inbox and therefore we've done our job' can creep in."

Fellow KPMG partner Kathy Hilyard believes the issue of the increasingly complex, ambiguous and "wicked" challenges facing government and public servants now requires more of a culture of collaboration across traditional boundaries and less of a hierarchical, siloed approach.

"There are leadership and change challenges across the sector and within the individual organisations. How do we get organisations and individuals to embrace the collaborative effort and structurally support it as well as culturally support it?

"The structures are still hierarchical with their silos; the culture and capability for collaborative work is challenging given those kind of structural barriers – which means new skills and mindsets are needed.

"Now, we're talking about a knowledge-based kind of working world where networks are really how you get things done."

Jane Gunn has spent a lot of time recently taking a close look at, and working with, the Defence public sector, which has only confirmed some of the key issues in introducing a more collaborative culture.

"We've recently done a study in Defence specifically about what are the barriers stopping Defence from, and what are the enablers for Defence, collaborating with industry.

"Interestingly, when the question was asked 'what's stopping us? What are the barriers to more collaborative business models?' 48 per cent of people said, 'Culture' and 26 per cent of the people said, 'Leadership'.

Issues of a more structural nature such as funding and budget were down at around 12 per cent.

"So, there's a strong recognition that this different way of operating – and I'm just using a specific example of collaboration – this different way of operating that's needed because of the pressures of change are going to be challenges of leadership and challenges of culture.

"Recognition is there across the public sector, that there needs to be a different way to lead when that is what's required; and one that rewards people who are open and adaptive and prepared to not see change as something that happens once, but is actually something that we constantly work at and learn about – to engage our people with meaning, in that they need to actually be able to effect a different way of working."