28 March 2017

As Yemen war enters third year, Pentagon moves to escalate slaughter

By Bill Van Auken, 28 March 2017

The Trump administration is preparing for a potential direct US ground intervention in support of the Saudi regime’s savage war to further an agenda of confrontation with Iran.

After unexplained delay, UAW claims ratification of Caterpillar deal

By Jerry White, 28 March 2017

Caterpillar workers expressed suspicion that the UAW had rigged the vote to push the deeply unpopular contract past the opposition of rank-and-file workers.

UAW delays release of vote tally after Caterpillar workers oppose sellout deal

“The way I look at it is, the UAW is Caterpillar”
Caterpillar workers in Peoria, Illinois denounce UAW sellout deal

Photo Essay: Outrage in upstate new York over detention of immigrant family

By Evan Goldstein, 28 March 2017

This photo essay documents the three-hour traffic stop in Geneseo, New York that resulted in the Border Patrol arresting a family of mixed citizenship status.

Arrest of family in Geneseo, New York by US Border Patrol draws protest

Federal judge rules against three detained, politically active immigrants in bond hearing

By Kate Randall, 28 March 2017

All three Vermont immigrants are active in the Migrant Justice group and their supporters insist they have been targeted for their political views and activities.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement feuds with California police over sanctuary cities

More on the attack on immigrants »

Notes on police violence
Rare conviction, resignation of officers for police killings in Louisiana and New York City

By Genevieve Leigh, 28 March 2017

The recent conviction and disciplinary actions do not mark a departure from the policy of near complete immunity for killer cops.

Growing debate in Beijing over North Korea

By Ben McGrath, 28 March 2017

Sections of the Chinese ruling elite are growing increasingly frustrated with Pyongyang and the danger it represents to China’s security interests.

Saudi Arabia pivots to China

By Jean Shaoul, 28 March 2017

On the first day of his Beijing visit, Saudi King Salman presided over the signing of deals worth $65 billion.

German state election: Setback for a red-red-green coalition

By Ulrich Rippert, 28 March 2017

The electorate in Saarland have made clear they do not expect any improvement in their situation from a government alliance of the SPD, Left Party and Greens.

London attack perpetrator was monitored by British intelligence six years ago

By Robert Stevens, 28 March 2017

In each terrorist attack in the UK over the last decade and a half it has been soon established that the perpetrators were known to the British state beforehand.

UK: Labour leader Corbyn kowtows yet again to the party’s right wing

Australian government withdraws “omnibus” bill but cuts childcare

By Mike Head, 28 March 2017

Last week’s childcare package manoeuvre represents an intensification of the crisis of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s government.

Australian private health insurance premiums soaring

By Michelle Stevens, 28 March 2017

Many working class people are now being forced to consider dropping their coverage, intensifying the healthcare crisis.

New York transit agency raises fares again

By Alan Whyte, 28 March 2017

For the sixth time since 2007, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority increased fares and tolls by about 4 percent on buses, subways, commuter railroads, bridges and tunnels.

New in Urdu

مورتی سوزوکی ورکرز کے خلاف من گھڑت جعلی کیس میں انہیں رہا کیا جائے!

20مارچ 2017

ان13 مزدوروں کو مجرم قرار دینے کی ذمہ داری سوزوکی کارپوریشن، پولیس اور عدالتی کارندوں جنہیں انڈیا کے دو بڑی جماعتوں کانگرس پارٹی اور ہندو شدت پسند جماعت بھارتیا جنتا پارٹی (بی جے پی) کی آشیر باد حاصل ہے ان کے گٹھ جوڑ سے ان کے خلاف سازش کر کے من گھڑت جعلی مقدمات بنائے گئے ۔

New in Spanish

El Congreso brasileño se prepara para aprobar la reforma de las pensiones de Temer

Por Gabriel Lermos, 28 marzo 2017

Los mercados financieros están celebrando no sólo la reforma de las pensiones por la administración de Temer, sino toda su agenda neoliberal.

Miles de jóvenes y trabajadores brasileños protestan contra la reforma de las pensiones de Temer

Por nuestros reporteros, 28 marzo 2017

Los sindicatos brasileños y la pseudoizquierda intentan canalizar el creciente descontento social con las medidas contra la clase obrera del gobierno de Temer hacia las elecciones de 2018.

Frente a un inminente fracaso en el Congreso republicano, Trump retira su plan para derogar Obamacare

Por Barry Grey, 28 marzo 2017

Trump y los demócratas declararon estar listos para colaborar en un nuevo plan con el cual atacar el acceso a la salud.

El presupuesto de guerra de Trump se basa en reducir el gasto público

Por Patrick Martin, 28 marzo 2017

El presupuesto propone aumentos de 60 mil millones en gastos de guerra y espionaje.

New in French

Divisions croissantes et menaces de guerre planent sur le sommet de l’UE à Rome

Par Alex Lantier, 28 mars 2017

L’Union européenne réagit à la sortie de la Grande-Bretagne en cherchant à se convertir en un bloc militaire agressif rivalisant avec les États-Unis.

Blairistes et libéraux-démocrates organisent une manifestation pro-UE à Londres

Par Robert Stevens, 28 mars 2017

Le camp « rester dans l’UE » de l’élite dirigeante britannique préconise une politique nationaliste autant que la faction « sortir de l’UE ».

Contre le nationalisme britannique et l’Union européenne !
Une réponse socialiste au Brexit

Par Chris Marsden, 28 mars 2017

Le Brexit, Trump et la fracture en cours de l’UE selon des frontières nationales ont tous leur origine dans les contradictions irréconciliables du capitalisme qui a précipité par deux fois au 20ᵉ siècle l’Europe et le monde dans la guerre.

New in German

Das Massaker in Mossul

Von James Cogan, 28. März 2017

Im Februar hatte die Trump-Regierung eine deutliche Verschärfung der brutalen Militäroffensive in der irakischen Stadt Mossul angekündigt. Auf unschuldige Todesopfer sollte dabei keine Rücksicht genommen werden.

F.A.Z. reagiert auf Baberowski-Urteil mit hemmungslosen Lügen

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 28. März 2017

Die F.A.Z. hat die Entscheidung des Kölner Landgerichts, dass Humboldt-Professor Jörg Baberowski rechtsradikal genannt werden darf, mit einem hysterischen Angriff auf die Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei und ihre Jugendorganisation IYSSE beantwortet.

EU-Gipfel in Rom von Streit und Kriegsdrohungen überschattet

Von Alex Lantier, 28. März 2017

Seit dem Austritt Großbritanniens wird die Europäische Union immer mehr zu einem aggressiven Militärblock, der den Vereinigten Staaten entgegentreten soll.

Rechtsruck in Bulgarien

Von Markus Salzmann, 28. März 2017

Die rechts-konservative Partei Gerb von Bojko Borissow hat die vorgezogene Parlamentswahl in Bulgarien gewonnen. Der künftige Regierungschef strebt ein Bündnis mit rechtsextremen Kräften an.

Other Languages


After defeat of Obamacare repeal, Democrats offer a helping hand to Trump administration

28 March 2017

In the wake of Trump’s failure to repeal Obamacare, Democratic Party congressional leaders have offered to work with the White House on health care and tax cuts.

Earlier Perspectives »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
March 27-April 2: Trotsky departs for Petrograd

27 March 2017

Parting for Russia with promises to bring down the Provisional Government and stop the war, Trotsky sets sail via Oslo aboard a Norwegian liner, while Lenin remains stranded in Switzerland, where he is feverishly working to shape Bolshevik policy in Petrograd from afar.

This week in the Russian Revolution
March 20-26: Dual Power in Russia

Online lecture: “The Legacy of 1905 and the Strategy of the Russian Revolution”

Writings of Leon Trotsky on The Russian Revolution

Writings of Trotsky from 1917
War and the Revolution

By Leon Trotsky, 27 March 2017

More from the archives of the Revolution »

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Sri Lankan workers support campaign to free framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 28 March 2017

Socialist Equality Party campaigners distributed the ICFI statement “Free the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers” in Sinhalese and Tamil.

“The 13 workers are political prisoners”
South Asian filmmakers Rahul Roy and Prasanna Vithanage back campaign to free Maruti Suzuki workers

By our reporters, 27 March 2017

Social Media Video: Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

27 March 2017

Share this video and sign the petition!

Join the fight to free the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 25 March 2017

“We should be outraged by what is happening in India.”
US, Canadian autoworkers speak in defense of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

Maruti Suzuki workers lead protest demanding freedom for 13 workers jailed for life

Sham character of Maruti Suzuki workers’ trial further exposed

Campaign for release of Maruti Suzuki workers wins support in India and Sri Lanka

The key facts of the Maruti Suzuki workers’ case

Thirteen sentenced to life imprisonment in India
Free the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers!

International Committee of the Fourth International, 20 March 2017

More on the struggle of Maruti Suzuki auto workers »


“A university should be a place for free speech”
New York University students denounce decision to deny IYSSE club status

By our reporters, 28 March 2017

Following the NYU Student Activities Board’s decision to reject the IYSSE’s appeal for club status on specious grounds, dozens of NYU students spoke out in opposition to political censorship.

New York University Student Activities Board rejects IYSSE appeal on club status: An act of political censorship

Free speech under attack at NYU: IYSSE appeals second rejection of club status

New York University students denounce decision against IYSSE club status

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

No to war! For social equality! Public education is a social right!
Vote Mitch Abrams for EMU student government!

By Mitch Abrams—IYSSE candidate for Eastern Michigan University student government, 28 March 2017

The following statement has been distributed by members of the IYSSE at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti as part of a campaign for elections being held on March 29 and 30.

Candidate for Student Senate, Mitch Abrams, speaks with international students
IYSSE defends immigrant rights at Eastern Michigan University


Get Out: The horror of racism, and racialist politics

By Hiram Lee, 28 March 2017

With Get Out, Jordan Peele has said he wanted to make a film to “combat the lie that America had become post-racial.” The monster at the heart of this horror film is racism itself.

The foul attempt to censor and suppress Dana Schutz’s painting of Emmett Till

By David Walsh, 24 March 2017

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas
Class struggle heats up in Latin America

28 March 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature by contacting the WSWS.

General strike declared in French Guyana

By Kumaran Ira, 27 March 2017

Strike continues at Peru’s largest copper mine in defiance of government

By Cesar Uco and Armando Cruz, 27 March 2017


The massacre in Mosul

By James Cogan, 27 March 2017

Growing divisions, war threats loom over EU summit in Rome

By Alex Lantier, 27 March 2017

Democrats, McCain back independent commission on alleged Trump-Russia ties

By Patrick Martin, 27 March 2017

The freeing of Hosni Mubarak and the lessons of the Egyptian Revolution

By Johannes Stern, 25 March 2017


New discovery sheds light on the deep roots of the Agricultural Revolution

By Philip Guelpa, 27 March 2017


Beryl Hood: 29 November 1938–21 March 2017

By Mike Head, 25 March 2017

A Trotskyist for four decades, Comrade Beryl was a fine and steadfast representative of the most advanced layers of the working class, attracted, above all, to internationalism.

The real legacy of Martin McGuiness: Sectarianism and austerity

24 March 2017

Book Review

ANZAC Heroes: Promoting war to children

By Sam Price and Tom Peters, 24 March 2017

A New Zealand government-funded children’s book glorifies Australian and New Zealand involvement in World War I and II.


Trump turns to American history
The strange political afterlife of Andrew Jackson

By Tom Mackaman, 21 March 2017

The political art of Jackson, which so inspires the Trump administration, consisted of his ability to obscure powerful contradictions behind a veil of nationalism and populist demagogy.

Trump’s anti-immigrant orders and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

By Tom Mackaman, 14 March 2017

There are many parallels—and even a direct connection—between the notorious Fugitive Slave Act and Trump’s executive orders attacking immigrants.

New Greek Translation

Greek translation of “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017”

We are publishing here the Greek translation of the January 3 perspective article “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017” by David North and Joe Kishore.