Australian politics, society & culture

Silver lining, meet cloud. Source
The Monthly Today
Silver lining, meet cloud
Mixed results are no longer good enough for Turnbull
Sean Kelly
The welcome challenge of ‘Legion’. Legion/FX

The welcome challenge of ‘Legion’

FX’s new Marvel superhero show is refreshingly cerebral
Harry Windsor

The tragedy of Mark Latham

The great hope of the Labor Party has become what he once despised
Nick Dyrenfurth

To be a Muslim at this time

In the wake of the Westminster attack, the left and right bicker while Muslims are left voiceless
Aicha Marhfour
The Monthly Today

The unions strike back

Could Australia’s rising inequality deal the unions back into the game?
Sean Kelly

100 issues more pressing than 18C

An incomplete list of the things that should probably be capturing the attention of our politicians
Michael Cooney

The soft side of Chinese power

China’s growing media presence in Australia and around the world
Bates Gill and Linda Jakobson

Most Popular

  1. The tragedy of Mark Latham
    The great hope of the Labor Party has become what he once despised
    Nick Dyrenfurth
  2. The Monthly Today
    The personal, the political and the personal-political
    The government repeats its mistakes
    Sean Kelly
    The personal, the political and the personal-political. Source
  3. 100 issues more pressing than 18C
    An incomplete list of the things that should probably be capturing the attention of our politicians
    Michael Cooney


Our ethnic face. Illustration
Our ethnic face
The Australia of Pauline Hanson’s second parliamentary term looks very different to the Australia of her first
George Megalogenis
Alt-wrong. Image of Pauline Hanson
The Monthly Essays
The Australian right is startling for its incoherence
Richard Cooke
Network error. Image of a loading icon
The Monthly Essays
Network error
What will be the cost of a patchwork NBN?
Paddy Manning
The lose–lose battle . Source
The lose–lose battle
Turnbull is being dragged into an 18C crusade he cannot win
Mungo MacCallum


Mice alert. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed
Mice alert
Farmers on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula are preparing for a plague
Michael Dulaney
AFL 2017 in names only. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed
AFL 2017 in names only
The only player analysis you’ll need this footy season
Hugh Robertson
Fish have feelings too. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed
Fish have feelings too
Under-the-sea society is much more complex than we imagine
James Bradley
A cleansing fire. Image of Jessa Crispin
Arts & Letters / Books
A cleansing fire
Jessa Crispin’s ‘Why I Am Not a Feminist’ demands a dismantling of mainstream feminism … and the system itself
Stephanie Bishop


Magic hands. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed

Magic hands

Russian piano superstar Daniil Trifonov teaches a masterclass in Melbourne
Chloe Hooper
‘Fever Dream’ by Samanta Schweblin. Cover of Fever Dream

‘Fever Dream’ by Samanta Schweblin

Trans. Megan McDowell; Oneworld; $19.99
Helen Elliott
A necessary shift. Image of Pichet Klunchun’s Dancing with Death
Arts & Letters / Theatre

A necessary shift

The Asia TOPA festival is unique for its focus on contemporary Asian culture
Alison Croggon
Arts & Letters / Photography

Art walks a tightrope

Bill Henson exhibits recent photographic work at the National Gallery of Victoria
Sebastian Smee
Arts & Letters / Music

Crossing over

On George Michael, race and pop
Anwen Crawford
Arts & Letters / Television

The whole follow-your-dreams thing

There’s some bite to Donald Glover’s languid, lyrical comedy series ‘Atlanta’
Luke Davies
Arts & Letters / Film

Backstage drama

The domestic disquiet of Asghar Farhadi’s ‘The Salesman’ gives way to suspense
Luke Davies
Arts & Letters / Books

Tasmania got gamed

James Boyce’s ‘Losing Streak’ investigates how one family came to rule the state’s poker-machine industry
Amanda Lohrey
Arts & Letters / Books


Cat Marnell’s ‘How To Murder Your Life’ is an addiction memoir with a difference
Jenny Valentish


The Perth Freight Link: Stranger than fiction. © Renee Schipp
The Monthly Essays
The Perth Freight Link: Stranger than fiction
The WA state election could end one of the country’s most controversial infrastructure projects
David Whish-Wilson
Holy shark. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed
Holy shark
Leonie the leopard shark’s switch to asexual reproduction is a world first
Ashley Hay
The Totten hots up. Image of Aurora Australis alongside Totten glacier
The Monthly Essays
The Totten hots up
A major Antarctic glacier is becoming dangerously unstable
Jo Chandler
Back from the dead. Illustration
The Nation Reviewed
Back from the dead
One dedicated bird watcher devoted years to the elusive night parrot
Anthony Ham


The shorter working week can work
It’s time to take the four-day work week seriously
Emma Dawson
The new black. Image of a restaurant
The Monthly Essays
The new black
The overworked, underpaid, cash-in-hand worker is becoming increasingly common
Ann Arnold
Arrested development. Image of James Packer
The Monthly Essays
Arrested development
James Packer has been down, but he’s not out
Richard Cooke
A game theory. James Lovatt
The Monthly Essays
A game theory
Lovatts Crosswords gave its profits to employees. What went wrong?
Richard Cooke