Quick guide to courses & careers

Not sure what kind of work you want to do in the future? No problem. Answer the following questions and discover your possible dream job – as well as the VCE subjects and uni courses you’ll need to get it.

Are you good with numbers?

Rani Pathak

Dream job: accountant, business analyst, human resource adviser, market analyst

Possible courses: accounting, financial planning, human resource management, international trade

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: accounting, business management, economics, any mathematics

Rani Pathak landed her dream job in logistics and cost planning at Toyota. 

Like working with your hands?

Dylan Di Martino

Dream job: bricklayer, builder, plumber, carpenter, make-up artist, hairdresser

Possible courses: bricklaying, building and construction, plumbing, carpentry, specialist make-up, hairdressing

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: automotive, building and construction, electrical industry, engineering, furnishing, hospitality, interactive digital media

Plumbing apprentice Dylan Di Martino represented Australia at the International WorldSkills championships.

Love to write?

Benjamin Laut

Dream job: scriptwriter, journalist, writer, editor, marketing/public relations co-ordinator, radio/television producer

Possible courses: screen media, professional and creative writing, marketing communication, creative industries

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: literature, drama, theatre studies, media, business management

Benjamin Laut co-founded an award-winning film production company.

Are you creative & artistic?

Quinn Daly

Dream job: artist, festival director, music producer, graphic designer, poet

Possible courses: creative industries, music, interactive media, professional and creative writing

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: visual communication design, art, studio arts, music, media, product design and technology, literature, theatre studies

Quinn Daly travelled to Scotland for an art residency at famous artist studios.

Interested in health?

Paul Hermann

Dream job: osteopath, nurse, paramedic, dietitian, forensic scientist, wellness consultant

Possible courses: osteopathy, nursing, paramedicine, nutrition and food sciences, biomedical sciences, health science

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: biology, chemistry, physics, health and human development, biology, physical education, any mathematics

Paul Hermann runs two successful osteopathy clinics.

Like helping people?

Meghann Clark

Dream job: community services, lawyer, international aid worker, social worker, youth worker

Possible courses: psychology/laws, laws and legal services, community development, social work, youth work

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: psychology, global politics, Australian politics, legal studies

Meghann Clark’s law degree has taken her all over the world.

Want to design our suburbs & cities?

Emma Buis

Dream job: draftsperson, engineer, industrial engineer, surveying technician, engineering technician

Possible courses: architectural and building engineering, civil engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, sports engineering

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: product design and technology, systems engineering, physics, chemistry, any mathematics

Emma Buis loves her job in architectural engineering.

Are you great with computers?

Andrew Hinton

Dream job: applications developer, programmer, systems analyst, technical and user support, software engineer

Possible courses: computer science, network and systems computing, information technology, digital media and technology, electrical and electronic engineering

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: software development, product design and technology, informatics, and mathematics

Andrew Hinton found his dream job in IT at Telstra.

Do you love sport?

Bianca and Rosemarie Michetti

Dream job: exercise physiologist, fitness instructor, PE teacher, program development co-ordinator, remedial/Sports massage therapist, sports coach

Possible courses: exercise science and human movement, fitness, physical education, sport and recreation management, remedial massage/myotherapy, sport coaching

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: physical education, health and human development

Sisters Bianca and Rosemarie Michetti are exercise science stars.

Want to help people learn?

Sarah Mullucks

Dream job: childcare supervisor, primary or secondary school teacher, training manager or assessor, teacher aide

Possible courses: early childhood education and care, education, training and assessment, education support

Relevant VCE subjects to consider: any mathematics

Sarah Mullucks won an award for her work as a primary school teacher.