Macquarie University bequeathed Alex Malley to CPA Australia members

CPA Australia CEO, the ubiquitous Alex Malley.
CPA Australia CEO, the ubiquitous Alex Malley. Louise Kennerley

On his members' time and money, Alex Malley has sold himself as the suspended schoolboy who became a disruptive CEO. We now learn he's really the suspended schoolboy who became a tarnished teacher. Hey, we'll pay him this: he sure has lived a big life! 

CPA's communications have gone from dismissive to diversionary to downright shrill in recent weeks, as members begin to vent their pent-up frustration, complaining that the organisation has become a lucrative fiefdom for Malley and his Praetorian Guard. 

Hurled in our general direction from Southbank headquarters, and Malley's recently engaged media litigator, are accusations of vendetta, professional jealousy and conflict of interest.

We're bitter because Malley's (member-funded) Sunday morning TV career is blossoming like Henry Winkler's front garden in Santa Barbara, while ours withered like Derryn Hinch's first liver. We're on a rampage because we once asked Malley for a job (what kind of job, we wonder; a subeditor for In The Black?) and he presumably knocked us back.

CPA Australia president Tyrone Carlin now also sits on the Urological Society's Board. How does he even have time to be ...
CPA Australia president Tyrone Carlin now also sits on the Urological Society's Board. How does he even have time to be Sydney University's deputy vice-chancellor? Michele Mossop

The latest line being run is that we're shills for CPA competitor Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (who knew?) because they have advertised in this newspaper. But so has CPA! Nobody's ever known us to go easy on an advertiser.

All of these absurd narratives are designed to distract from what is bleeding obvious to so, so many: Malley's use of CPA's membership fees is inappropriate, as is the board's enablement of it, as is the dubious governance of the entire organisation. 

How was an accounting lecturer asked by his university to show himself the door over allegations of financial impropriety elected the president of a professional standards body for accountants 16 months later? And then its chief executive two years after that? His Macquarie colleague Richard Petty was (and is) a CPA director and from 2010 until 2015, chairman of the board's all-powerful nominations and remuneration committee. 

CPA's remuneration of management and directors is obscene. Worse still, Malley and the Praetorian Guard draw second salaries/fees for their oversight of CPA Australia Advice. Why should anyone be paid for work related to a fully owned subsidiary, let alone one that loses money? CPA Australia lent CPA Australia Advice $5.6 million last year just to keep the lights on.

After his Macquarie departure, Malley briefly ran the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand. He remained a director until November 2015. Another of Malley's Macquarie confrères, Tyrone Carlin, joined the CPA Australia board in 2011 and is now president. Carlin joined the Urological Society's board in February 2016. What's that about?! 

Under Malley, CPA has grown annual revenue to $180.1 million (from $135.5 million in 2009) and its operating surplus to $7.5 million (from $3.5 million). No doubt, it's in great financial shape. But that's not Malley's job; CPA is a not-for-profit. Its mandate is to provide membership services. Surplus funds, surely, ought to be returned to its ultimate principals through reduced fees or free training, not turgid talk shows.