

Meet the boss: The Catch Group's Nati Harpaz

When Nati Harpaz moved to the chief executive  role at The Catch Group (which runs Catch of the Day and Scoopon, amongst others), his focus was on building the team.

But before he built it, he decided to knock it down.

"I've replaced 70 per cent of management here since I started," says Harpaz of his first few months in the online business, which offers consumers discounts on major brand purchases.

Harpaz makes no apologies for his approach; instead, the former chief executive of Magnolia Jewellery and Octomedia (a B2B publisher) says the action removed people who had deemed themselves "irreplaceable".

"It's better to have no manager than a bad manager," he says.

He's still filling those roles, but says the shift has already helped the $300 million turnover Catch Group make significant changes in a company with 400 staff, an approximate turnover of over $300 million per annum, and 10,000 new members a week (across four online platforms,, Scoopon, Grocery Run and Mumgo).


At Catch of the Day, where most of Harpaz's time is being spent, he says the staffing changes are already paying off: "Catch of the Day had some missed opportunities over the last few years; there was a lack of direction and strategy. Now [change is] underway [we are] seeing amazing numbers and significant growth," he says.

Harpaz's own career has spanned law, technology and entrepreneurship; all experiences which he says help him be a better boss.

"Every business I've been involved in has been driven by technology. Whatever I've studied along the way, I've used: as a high level manager having multiple experiences is very valuable. I've done marketing, legal, operations and worked in small businesses. That ability to move from one area from another allows me to challenge key stakeholders in the business," he says.

He's quite comfortable with where his own strengths lie.

"My value is to clear a lot of the noise and the misunderstanding about what this business is about, and then to align everyone behind that strategic direction," he says.

Doing that, in Harpaz's world, means moving at speed.

"I'm a fast mover. I don't always wait for the perfect strategy or the perfect decision: speed for me is more important," he says.


Name: Nati Harpaz.

Current position: Chief executive officer at The Catch Group.

Responsibilities: Manage the group strategy and execution across Catch of the Day and Scoopon.

Education: Information Technology Engineer, Kidum – IBM, Tel Aviv, 1999; Bachelor of Laws (LLB) College of Management, Tel Aviv, 2002.

Additional training/courses: Certificate of mediation, College of Management, Tel Aviv, 2001; Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence, Case Western Reserve University (USA), 2014.

Professional associations: Lawyer, Supreme Court of NSW.

Strength: First – that I don't call myself a boss. Second – I'm very transparent and present a high level of integrity. I'll always tell people what I'm thinking.

Weakness: Moving too fast sometimes – but I correct fast.

Management style and tips: I believe in leading by example, mixed with a bit of army discipline from my [Israeli] army days. People know I don't compromise on the human element of our business.

Work motto: "Purpose and challenge. Every company needs to make money to survive, but that's not the purpose of being there."