
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)

VU researcher

We provide a range of support services and information systems to assist the VU researcher in meeting research reporting obligations. 

For more information is see the Research reporting & data collection section.

Excellence in Research for Australia(ERA) is the major research quality assessment exercise for Australian universities. ERA identifies the research strengths of individual universities and the university sector using a combination of indicators and expert review by committees.

Victoria University's performance in the 2015 ERA assessment was impressive, with many of our research focus areas achieving a ranking of world-standard and above.

ERA results

Exercise research in the laboratory

Researchers in the sports science labs.

World-class research in world-class facilities.

In 2015, Victoria University received the following ratings in the ERA program:

The highest rating of 5 (well above world standard) in:

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FoR 0906)
  • Human Movement and Sports Science (FoR 1106)
  • Nursing (FoR 1110).

A rating of 4 (above world standard) in:

  • Mathematical Sciences (FoR 01)
  • Applied Mathematics (FoR 0102)
  • Engineering (FoR 09)
  • Mechanical Engineering (FoR 0913).

A rating of 3 (world standard) in:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (FoR 0801)
  • Distributed Computing (FoR 0805)
  • Information Systems (FoR 0806)
  • Education (FoR 13)
  • Specialist Studies in Education (FoR 1303)
  • Tourism (FoR 1506)
  • Language Communication and Culture (FoR 20)
  • Cultural Studies (FoR 2002).


For further information about research being undertaken at VU, view our research focus areas or find out more about projects in our Colleges, Institutes and research centres.

"Our researchers should be extremely proud of their achievements as this national evaluation confirms that researchers at Victoria University compete with the world's best in a range of disciplines".

Professor Peter Dawkins, Vice-Chancellor and President, Victoria University


News: VU research tops world standards (December 2015).

ERA data collection

All universities submit information to the Australian Research Council about research activities, including details about publications and research outputs, awards, grants, income from industry and commercialisation of research and applied measures such as patents.

The bulk of the ERA submission uses data collated in previous HERDC collections. Data collection is managed by the Office for Research.

The next ERA collection is expected to occur in 2018.

Contact us

For further information visit the ERA website, VU's research publications & reports, or contact VU's ERA liaison:

Alex Skevofylakas
Manager, Research Performance Reporting
Office for Research
Phone: +61 3 9919 5742