Equity & diversity

Victoria University is committed to equal opportunity, social justice, cultural diversity and social inclusion in education and employment.

We recognise the value of diversity in the educational and workplace setting and we aim to create an inclusive work and study environment free from discrimination and harassment.

We continually work to develop and refine our equity, diversity and social inclusion agenda with governments and other stakeholders.

In 'Equity & diversity':

Networks for staff & students

VU Ally Network

The VU Ally network supports staff and students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) and gender diverse staff.

Please email joanna.regan@vu.edu.au to find out more about the VU Ally network.

VU Pride student-run group

VU Pride is a student-run group that aims aim to create a socially inclusive environment to generate unity among all students. Find out more about the VU Pride on our Clubs & societies page, or email VictoriaUniversityPride@gmail.com.

External organisations providing LGBTQI support

There are also various external organisations who you can contact for support, including:

Australian Human Rights Commission

The Australian Human Rights Commissions resolves complaints of discrimination or breaches of human rights under federal laws

Beyond Blue

Works to address issues associated with depression, anxiety disorders and related mental disorders, and to reduce associated stigma. beyond blue

Black Rainbow

Social network for Indigenous people who identify as LGBTI, sistergirl or brotherboy. Also advocates for better mental health and suicide prevention BlackRainbow Australia


Assists LGBTI people from Christian backgrounds on their journey to reconciling their faith, sexuality and gender identity. Freedom2B

Genderqueer Australia

Specialises in the support of gender questioning and genderqueer people, their family, friends and professionals who they go to for help. Genderqueer Australia


The national youth mental health foundation, dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians. Headspace


Lifeline provides national confidential suicide and personal crisis help.


A mental health and suicide prevention project supporting health organisations to be inclusive of LGBTI people. MindOUT!


Provide mental health, peer mentoring and events to support same-sex attracted and gender-diverse young people from all over Australia. Minus18

Out for Australia

An organisation that seeks to support and mentor aspiring LGBTI professionals as they navigate their way through the early stages of their career. Out for Australia

PFLAG Australia

A non-profit voluntary organisation and support network for parents and families of LGBTI people. PFLAG Australia

Pride in Diversity

Australia’s only national not-for-profit employer support program for all aspects of LGBTI workplace inclusion. Publishers of the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI). Pride in Diversity

Pride in Sport

Sporting inclusion program specifically designed to assist National and State sporting organisations and clubs with the inclusion of LGBTI employees, players, volunteers and spectators. Pride in Sport

QLife Australia

Free LGBTI phone and web counselling, coast to coast. Call 1800 184 527. QLife Australia

Safe Schools Coalition

A national network of organisations working with schools to create safer and more inclusive environments for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families. Safe Schools Coalition

Switchboard Victoria

Switchboard is a community based not for profit organisation that provides a peer based, volunteer run support service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI)people and their friends, families and allies.


Supporting trans children and their families. Transcend

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission

The Victorian Human Rights Commission provides LGBTQI services and information.

Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying Contact Officers

Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying Contact Officers (DHB) are trained and experienced members of staff. They provide impartial information and support to staff and students who may have been subject to or witnessed:

  • discrimination
  • harassment
  • sexual harassment
  • vilification harassment
  • bullying
  • victimisation.

DHB Contact Officers can:

Contact us

To find out more about our Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying Contact Officers please email heather.braden@vu.edu.au.

Respect & Responsibility

Victoria University acknowledges the prevalence and impact of sexual violence on individuals, communities and our society in general. VU has zero tolerance for violence in any form, including violence against women. We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning and working environment for all staff, students and visitors at our campuses.

In 2016, VU launched a three-year Preventing Violence Against Women Ten Point Plan to improve the University’s awareness, prevention and response to sexual violence.

About the Preventing Violence Against Women Ten Point Plan

The ten point plan draws on international best practice in violence against women, and has been developed with input from staff and students at the University, including those who have experienced sexual violence, as well as external experts in the field.

  1. Promote gender equity across the Institution.
  2. Provide individual support to those affected by violence.
  3. Further develop policies, procedures and codes of conduct to ensure that the expectations of both staff and students in responding to and preventing violence against women are clear.
  4. Build staff and student knowledge and skills in issues pertaining to violence against women and its prevention.
  5. Ensure safe campus environments for all students, staff and visitors.
  6. Develop communications material to raise awareness of issues pertaining to violence against women and the role of men in taking action to prevent it.
  7. Develop leadership roles of students and staff in contributing to the prevention of violence against women.
  8. Develop academic leadership to support current and new research and teaching endeavours pertaining to violence against women.
  9. Build partnerships with communities, the public and private sectors to support collaborative action to prevent violence against women.
  10. Monitor, evaluate and report on outcomes achieved.

Read VU's Preventing Violence Against Women Ten Point Plan.

Respect. Now. Always.

VU is part of the campaign – Respect. Now. Always – which highlights the determination of Australia’s universities to ensure that our students and staff are safe from sexual assault and sexual harassment.

It builds on work done by individual universities in Australia over many years to develop policies, reporting procedures and support services.

Contact us

Contact us for more information about equity and diversity at Victoria University.

ASKVU - Find answers and ask questions, contact the student advisory team for advice and counselling or email Respect and Responsibility: respect.responsibility@vu.edu.au.