
A New Political Moment: Reactions to a Trump Victory From the Radical Left

The election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States left many across the left, even veterans of many years, shocked and stunned. Expecting the triumph of the deeply unpopular, status quo neo-liberal candidate Hillary Clinton, the result came in with an electoral college victory for the reviled, narcissistic, right-wing candidate Donald Trump […]

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The Danger of Trump: A Debate

In advance of tonight’s Clinton versus Trump presidential debate Black Rose/Rosa Negra presents a debate our own on how we see this political moment. We also want to know your thoughts and encourage you to leave them in the comments here or on our facebook page. The Danger of Trump? The question is: Does the possibility […]

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Fuck Trump Reportback

(Photo by David Martin) Trump announced his plans to speak in Richmond about a week out from his June 10th event, giving the left in the city very little time to respond. Setting a promising precedent, organizers from divergent left traditions came together across ideology to plan an emergency response to this white supremacist event. […]

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