Accept your offer to study

Find out the process for receiving your offer, getting an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE), paying your fees and organising your student visa to study in Australia as an international student.

If you're a permanent resident of Australia, find out how you accept your offer from VTAC.

Understanding your offer

Once your application has been sent to VU, you will receive an email confirming we have received it.

Most applications are processed within two to three weeks. However, some applications, including research and those involving credit for prior learning, may take six to eight weeks to process.

Letter of offer

If you receive a letter of offer, this means you have met the entry requirements and have been offered a place to study with us.

If you have applied for credit transfer and have been successful, this information will be included in your letter of offer, as well as the revised course duration and the amount of credit you have received. The actual details of your credits will be determined at the time of your enrolment.

Conditional offer

If you have received a conditional letter of offer, this means you have been granted a place to study at VU if you meet the conditions stated in your letter of offer.

You must meet these conditions, and provide evidence to VU that you have done so, before you can accept your offer. If you are unable to provide this information, we cannot process your acceptance form, and your student visa will be declined.

Accepting your offer

If you are successful with your application to VU, you will receive an international student offer and acceptance form.

If you receive an international student offer with conditions, you must meet the conditions identified. You'll then receive an offer without conditions. Then you can accept your place at Victoria University. Once you receive your full offer (without conditions), follow these steps to accept your place at Victoria University:

  1. Sign and submit your international student offer and acceptance form to VU.
  2. Make the initial fee deposit payment stated in your international student offer and acceptance form.
  3. Include an extra A$50 to cover the bank fees charged for processing telegraphic transfer payments (TT, wire remittance).

Applications for advanced standing (credit for past study)

Applications for Advanced Standing (AS) are required at least ten 10 business days earlier than a standard application. This will ensure that your AS is processed in a timely manner and can be included in your Letter of Offer.

If you submit a new application too late, your AS application will still be assessed, but you may not receive confirmation of the amount of credit granted in your Letter of Offer or before you enrol.

Your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE)

After successfully accepting your place at VU, you will receive an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE).

This is an official document that confirms your place with us. You will need it when you apply for your student visa, your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and for other administrative processes.

Your eCoE will contain information regarding your:

  • total course fee
  • course start date
  • total course duration.

This information will include any successful credit transfers, with the course duration amended accordingly. If you have deferred your course starting date, you will require a revised letter of offer that you must accept. The new semester commencement date will be indicated on your updated eCoE.

All students under the age of 18 must have a guardian before they will be issued with an eCoE. Your guardian must be an Australian resident over the age of 21. You can read more about visa applications for students under 18 years of age.

Understanding your tuition fees & deposit

A letter of offer includes details on:

  • the total deposit fee
  • the semester tuition fee (which is the same as the deposit fee)
  • the course duration.

You will need to pay the deposit fee and submit your Student Acceptance Form. Students are also required to pay their semester tuition fee before the start of each semester.

Your letter of offer contains the estimated total course fee. This amount will be adjusted from the standard tuition fee to reflect any changes a credit transfer may have on your course duration. If your credit transfer application is approved and accepted after you enrol, only your eCoE will be updated to reflect this change.

Victoria University reserves the right to annually adjust course tuition fees to take into account increases in University and program delivery costs. Changes to tuition fees will be applied at the beginning of each calendar year.

In the event of a variation between the fees on the offer letter and the approved University schedule of fees, the approved schedule will prevail. Course tuition fees are invoiced each semester, based on the enrolled load for that particular semester.

Payment methods

Payments made from offshore locations can be made through:

  • bank transfer
  • telegraphic transfer (TT, wire).

Payments made within Australia can be processed through:

We recommend payments within Australia be made through a direct bank transfer or bank cheque. There is a daily cash withdrawal limit on EFTPOS transactions, which may prevent you from paying your total semester tuition fee.

Organising your student visa

Once we have confirmed your acceptance, you will need to arrange a student visa. The only exemption to this requirement is if you hold a visa which allows you to enter Australia without any restrictions on study.

Arrange overseas student health cover

As a condition of your visa, you will need to arrange health insurance for the duration of your study.

Attending orientation & enrolment

You are now on your way to studying at VU. VU provides you with many resources to help you prepare for your arrival into Australia and at VU.