This Thursday – OCAP Speaking Series #10: Out in the Cold


Audio from event now uploaded, click here to listen!

Free Event with a meal, childcare, wheelchair access and tokens

CRC at 40 Oaks

40 Oak Street, Toronto, Ontario M5A2C6

Join us for our monthly free speaking series on topics central to organizing around poor people’s issues! A new topic is presented every month and all events are open to the public.

Come on out, invite your friends and please share widely!

This month’s topic is: Out in the Cold: The Crisis in Toronto’s Shelter System

As the dangerous level of overcrowding in Toronto’s homeless shelters worsens, the City is moving in to close one of the largest shelters in the downtown in an effort to clear the area for upscale redevelopment. What happens next depends on us.

Join us to find out!

Speaker: Cathy Crowe, Street Nurse & long-time organizer around issues of homelessness, along with an OCAP Member

Come for the meal at 6pm and stay for what promises to be a a very informative and engaging session!