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Why Georgia Love won't watch Matty J as The Bachelor

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It's never easy seeing your ex move on with another, but when that ex is Matty Johnson looking for love with at least 22 potential suitors on national television, what do you do?

Well, if you're last year's Bachelorette, Georgia Love, you avoid The Bachelor.

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Georgia Love picks Lee Elliott in The Bachelorette, leaving runner-up contestant Matty Johnson devastated.

Despite her doing the dumping, she told Fairfax Media this week it will be hard to watch the marketing manager, 29, woo the woman he has said he wants "to spend the rest of [his] life with".

"It will be like watching an ex dating a whole bunch of people, which no one really wants to see," Love said at the announcement of her new ambassador role for beauty brand Palmer's at Nour, Surry Hills.

The journalist, 27, doesn't plan to contact Johnson ahead of his journey, but added: "I care for him very much and I genuinely want him to be happy, so I am very excited for him."

Having gone through the same experience last year, finding love with Lee Elliott, 35, Love knows what it's like to be in the driving seat, so had some advice for her runner-up.


"Be really, really true to himself. Don't get swept up in the whole thing. Really stop at the end of every day and think about how you would be feeling in the real world after that date you have just been on. Not because it was beautiful and romantic and there were roses and champagne," Love said.

"He is a very honest, truthful and true to himself person, so I hope he continues that on The Bachelor."

Love, who is head-over-heels about Elliott, said she is "very fed up" of ongoing tabloid reports about them in "splitsville".

"We don't live together. He's gone back to full-time work. I'm up in Sydney for work. We don't see each other every day and when we do, we don't post a photo together every time. It's this bizarre thing when we are not posting photos every second day, people think we have broken up, but we are not," she said.

Leaving Tasmania where she worked as a newsreader at WIN last year to star on the Network Ten reality show, Love is content at home in Melbourne for now, but wouldn't rule out a relocation to Sydney, where she is a regular face on Studio 10.

"Before, I wound up with great jobs, but alone because I always moved away for work, so if I had to move again, it wouldn't be just my decision," she said.

At the Palmer's event this week, Love showed her support for pancreatic cancer with a lilac Pancare pin. She became ambassador for the charity shortly after her mother Belinda Love, 60, passed away in late October last year, after a six-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

"It's obviously far too late to help my mum, but I don't want anyone else to have to go through what I and my family have been going through, so I'm going to do anything I can to help that," Love said.

There's not a day that goes by Love doesn't think about her.

"I'm still incredibly upset about my mum every single day. I don't think I will ever get over that, but I don't know when it will start to get easier because it certainly hasn't yet," she said.

"I think it really hits very hard sometimes, and then I think, it's not like I just have not seen her in a while, it's that I am not going to again."

Immersing herself in work, she "jumped at" the ambassador role with Palmer's as it's a brand she has "loved forever," using the cocoa butter "for as long as [she] can remember".

"I love it and Lee cannot get enough of its gorgeous smell," she laughed.