Daily Life


Five foam rolling mistakes to avoid

Don't make yourself sorer after a tough workout by overusing your foam roller. Learn how to properly use the tool instead, and reap the benefits of toned muscles.

We consulted with Dr. Daniel Giordano, the co-founder and Director of Bespoke Treatments Physical Therapy to get the five mistakes that you're most likely making when foam rolling. To help you get it right, check out his tips for proper foam rolling technique.

Giordano is also the co-founder of Rove, and is using the Rove Portable Foam Roller when doing these exercises.

You're foam rolling the wrong area

Why it's bad: "Foam rolling directly on the injured area can create more inflammation, which can create more tension," Giordano says. "Also, where you feel the pain is not always the source of the injury. It is usually coming from somewhere else. For example, if you are a runner and you feel tight in your hips, you may often feel as if there is a 'knot' in your butt (gluteus). This 'knot' or tightness in the muscle region can be causing pain in your back or even pain in your knees."

What to do instead: "Foam roll above and below the site of pain," he adds.


You don't foam roll because it hurts

Why it's bad: "If the direct pressure is too much or too painful, you should shift the roller in order to decrease the amount of pressure on the roller," Giordano says.

What to do instead: "Start with partial pressure, then adjust your body and slowly work in your full body weight. Once you get the correct amount of pressure, slowly roll your body over the desired area. Slowly work into putting your full body weight on the roller," he says.

You're foam rolling your lower back

Why it's bad: "Foam rolling directly on your lower back can cause pressure on your lumbar spine, which can cause the surrounding muscles to go into spasm," Giordano says.

What to do instead: "Foam roll above and below the site of pain. Roll above the lower back. Stop at your rib cage," Giordano adds.

You're arching your lower back

Why it's bad: "Arching your lower back or hyperextending your lumbar spine may cause your spine to lock and the surrounding muscles to go into spasm," Giordano says.

What to do instead: "Correct your form. Get your pelvis in a neutral position as if you are in a plank. Then roll your quadriceps while maintaining a neutral spine," he adds.

You're actually doing it wrong

Why it's bad: "Most people tend to just roll up and down on the knot or adhesion," Giordano says. "Fascia is a densely woven covering of connective tissue. It is a continuous network that holds our body together. These restrictions can form in a tangled bundle running every which direction."

What to do instead: "Move in multiple directions. When you feel restrictions, pause, roll up and down, and side to side in order to aid in the muscle and tissue restriction releasing. This self-massage or release will help with restoring proper blood flow and re-alignment of the muscle and tissue being worked on," he says.
