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Trainspotting Live: The things that splatter

"I'm sick of getting sent dry cleaning bills," says Gavin Ross.

The Scottish actor is part of an ensemble of young actors touring Australia this month with Trainspotting Live, a piece of immersive theatre based on Irvine Welsh's book, which inspired the hit mid-1990s film.

He plays Renton​, Ewan McGregor's character in the film, and spends much of the play diving into and flinging around a sheet covered in some rather realistic-looking faecal matter. Theatregoers are warned not to wear white, lest they cop a spray.

Watching a recent Adelaide performance, in a basement space under the city's train station, I seemed to be among the few audience members who managed to escape unmarked.

Ross and his fellow members of their company, In Your Face – which he says is more like a touring rock band – revel in stirring up the crowd, to wildly varying reactions.

"One of my favourites happened here in Adelaide our first week," says Ross. "A guy was physically retching. It was so loud and so funny, I almost thought he was hamming it up, but he was actually really sick.


"He was behind the sofa so he had a great view of the horrible bedsheet. I think he was really repulsed."

The Adelaide audience is pretty tame compared to Scotland, where some performances have even seen boozed-up patrons square up to the actors on stage.

"We've had people in Edinburgh try to fight us, when you get in their face and they've had too many drinks."

That fits with the grittier, darker mood of the stage show. It's closer in tone to Welsh's original text than the Danny Boyle film, which is enjoying a nostalgic resurgence as its sequel, T2, hits cinemas.

Ross and his troupe perform in equally gritty spaces, including an abandoned rave site. In Melbourne it will grace the ramshackle space that is Fortyfivedownstairs and in Brisbane at the Powerhouse​.

"In Edinburgh we were in an underground car park," he says. "It's that kind of show. It wouldn't really work in a proscenium arch. It has to be grungy and in your face."

It's almost like drugs really. It's all very good at first, everyone's having fun and a bit giddy, and then it's not so fun.

Gavin Ross

The actors, who are all in their mid-20s, have all grown up with Welsh's story as a kind of Scottish folklore, for Ross through his parents.

"It really is, it's kind of ingrained in you from a very young age," he says. "For me the very first experience of Trainspotting was the soundtrack.

"Then I read the book and then I saw the film. A completely backwards way."

The play, one of In Your Face's first productions, was adapted from Welsh's book by Harry Gibson and directed by expatriate Australian Adam Spreadbury-Maher through London's Kings Head Theatre.

It has spent four years touring solidly, to widespread acclaim.

In Your Face was started by Greg Esplin​ with Ross and other former college friends from Edinburgh.

"Greg, who plays Tommy, he's the artistic director ... We all went to college together. Greg started the company with the idea of immersive theatre, sort of like it being our thing.

"Doing Trainspotting of all things, it's very humbling."

Even more humbling was the imprimatur of Welsh, who has seen the show several times and tweeted in support of it. Two of the cast also represented Trainspotting Live at the recent Edinburgh premiere of T2.

"Irvine Welsh has seen it twice now. He first saw it in 2014 when it was a completely different show than it is now. He saw it again at Edinburgh Festival last year and took us out for drinks. He's been so supportive. They say you should never meet your heroes but that's wrong."

One major change from the film is the absence of much-loved character Spud. In the play, the infamous bed sheet scene is played by Ross as Renton, but was derived from a character in the book called Davey Mitchell.

Instead the focus is more on Tom (Esplin), the drug-averting friend of Renton, Sickboy​ and Begbie who gets drawn into their heroin-fuelled world.

"It's sad in the book and it's sad in the film. It's the harsh reality about the dangers of addiction and what it's like to hit your rock bottom and whether you can rebuild or whether it consumes you," says Ross.

"It's very confronting, but it's impactful … It's almost like drugs really. It's all very good at first, everyone's having fun and a bit giddy, and then it's not so fun."

Trainspotting Live is at Fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, from March 23 to April 13 and Brisbane Powerhouse, April 19 to 22.