

C.K. Stead: Books that Changed Me


Karl Stead is an award-winning novelist, literary critic, poet, essayist and emeritus professor of English of the University of Auckland. He is the New Zealand Poet Laureate, has won the Prime Minister's Award for Literature, and is a Member of the Order of New Zealand. His new book, The Name of the Door Is Not Mine (Allen & Unwin), is a collection of short stories new and old. 

Rupert Brooke

This collection, first read at the age of 14, taught me the rudiments of poetic form, and how poems could be personal, romantic, "adolescent" (I would say now – not then) – and not too demanding on author or reader. That started me writing poetry. It was only a short step and two or three years before I had graduated to John Donne's witty logic, and Gerard Manley Hopkins' opulent density of language. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald

I was 18 when I read The Great Gatsby and was fired by its romantic quality and the way its clear, sharp prose went close to poetry without interrupting narrative flow or impeding narrative complexities. Characters are brilliantly delineated; and there is something eternally human about Gatsby's yearning for Daisy's "green light" across the water. But it is one of those rare books which reach beyond character and action and become signifiers of an age, the 1920s. 


Alberto Moravia

In my early 20s I discovered this novel, selected probably for its salacious title, but which taught me something quite new, how meta-fiction – the novel which, while telling its story, discusses itself and how it came about – can be compelling and intellectually satisfying. It also demonstrated (as did all of Moravia's fiction) how "I see" in the sense of apprehend, and in the sense of comprehend, can merge – a very Italian quality.

Gunter Grass

I discovered Dog Years when I was on the brink of writing my novel All Visitors Ashore. It gave me such shot in the arm, my novel is infused with a Grassian forward rush, verbal play, sentence-momentum – and yet grasping the realities of time-and-place. A reviewer wrote "Auckland as never before in poetry or prose" – true, I would like to think, and yet it owes, if not everything, then so much to the German master.