ACT News


Litbits March 25 2017

Noted Writers Festival has announced its First Nations Writer's Residency, in partnership with the National Library of Australia. The residency invites an emerging First Nations writer to spend a week working on a writing project of their choice at the National Library of Australia.The residency will take place from May 1-5 at the National Library of Australia. Applications close on April 10. Writers do not need a publication history to apply.More information about the residency is available at For questions contact

What's on

March 25: Femme to be Masc: Memoir writing and story performance workshop at Tuggeranong Arts Centre is a one-day workshop and performance program exploring masculinities for writers of all identities. Writing workshop 10am-5pm (including rehearsals), Performance 6pm-8pm. Cost: $15pp (supported by TAC's Community Arts and Cultural Development program). Bookings:

March 26:  The 154th Yass Show's Poets' Breakfast is at Yass Showground at 8.30am The inclusive, welcoming and non-competitive format gives all poets the chance to share their work and enjoy the camaraderie of kindred spirits.  Information:

March 26: At A Brush With Poetry, enjoy an eclectic mix of poetic styles and genres at the Black Swan Gallery, Binalong. A mix of traditional and contemporary voices and sometimes music. Free open mike event, donations appreciated. 1.30 for 2pm. Phone: 6227 4377.

March 26: At Muse Canberra at 3pm, in Behind Closed Doors - Mandarins & the APS, former Department of Finance Secretary Jane Halton and ex-Chief of Staff to Greg Combet Allan Behm reveal some of what goes on behind the closed doors of the APS, with Fairfax's Tom McIlroy as interviewer. Tickets $10 includes a drink. Bookings:

March 29: Looking for Rose Paterson: How Family Bush Life Nurtured Banjo the Poet by Jennifer Gall, about the mother and family life of the Australian poet, will be launched at 6pm in the Conference Room, National Library of Australia. Admission is free. Book signing to follow. Bookings:


March 30: Chris Kunz will speak about his historical novel Maharani - The First Australian Princess, based on the true story of Elsie Caroline Thompson, who married an Indian maharaja in 1909, at Asia Bookroom, Lawry Place, Macquarie at 6pm. RSVP Entry by gold coin donation to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation

April 2: At Muse Canberra, join Canberra literary couple, novelist Marion Halligan and poet John Stokes as they reveal how work, creative output, family, politics and friendship coexist for them, with author /editor Irma Gold. Tickets $10 includes a drink.Bookings:

April 4: At 6pm in the Auditorium, China in the World Building. ANU is a free Canberra Times meet the author event in partnership with China Matters Ltd. Bates Gill and Linda Jakobson will be in conversation with Paul Kelly, Editor-at-large at The Australian, on their new publication: China Matters. Getting it Right for Australia. Followed by a reception. Bookings at or 6125 4144.

April 8: Writer and Canberra Times book reviewer Ian McFarlane's new collection of essays, stories and poems, Murunna Point Revisited, will be launched by Dr Tim Metcalf in the Bermagui Library at 10am.

April 23: In Writing While Female at Muse Canberra, some Canberra writers of life explore what it means to write as a woman. Featuring Jessica Friedmann, Lisa Fuller, Zoya Patel and Melinda Smith. Tickets $10 includes a drink.Bookings:

April 30: At Muse Canberra, in Question Time: Katy Gallagher find out if and how Katy Gallagher, the person is different from Senator Katy Gallagher, federal politician. Tickets $10 includes a drink.Bookings:

April 26: Dympha by Judith Armstrong tells the story of the wife of historian Manning Clark. Armstrong will discuss her book in the National Library Conference Room at 6pm. Admission free.

* Contributions to Litbits are welcome. Please email by COB on the Monday prior to publication. Publication is not guaranteed.