

As Missing Richard Simmons wraps, his reps speak out on 'harmful' podcast

Richard Simmons isn't missing.

That's the conclusion the smash-hit Missing Richard Simmons podcast came to after six episodes, the final of which dropped this Tuesday.

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Missing Richard Simmons theories

Dan Taberski goes over some theories discussed in his chart topping iTunes' podcast Missing Richard Simmons. Vision: Today Show, Channel Nine.

But though the podcast may not have unearthed anything salacious, it has directed the public's attention to the fitness superstar, who abruptly retreated from public life in 2014.

During the podcast's run, the LAPD made a wellness check on Simmons' home, and reported that the the 68-year-old star was "fine."

Simmons' representatives have been increasingly public with statements reporting the same, and denying rumours that he is overweight or transitioning his gender.

"I said to him the other day, 'There are people that think you are a very overweight, depressed woman.' And he laughed. He just laughed," his manager, Michael Catalano, told People in a cover story about Simmons.


He also noted that the rumours he is transgender are "absolutely untrue, hurtful, and very, very damaging to Richard personally. He's very aware of what's happening, you know, but it's tough."

In a separate interview with the Associated Press, Catalano hammered on how damaging the podcast, hosted by former friend of Simmons' Dan Taberski, has been, calling it "harmful".

"(Simmons) didn't need this intrusion to validate his contribution to people," Catalano said. "He knows the reception (the podcast) is having. He knows how people are responding to it. But it's also hurtful. It's humiliating, you know? It's damaging. It just is."

"Anywhere he goes now there's going to be - more than there was before - pointing and speculation," Catalano added.

"Has he transitioned into a woman? Is that him behind that beard? I don't envy that. I don't envy that for someone, who at this time, has chosen to retreat. He has the right! I just don't think because you are on the public stage for 40 years that you have to continue to remain there until your last breath."

Simmons' publicist Tommy Estey and his brother, Lenny Simmons, also reported to People that Simmons is "fine", and simply wants a more private life.

"He's not sick. There's nothing medically wrong with him at all. These things about him transitioning to a woman are ridiculous," Lenny Simmons told the magazine.

"My wife Cathy and I were out there for Christmas and spent five days with him and I can assure you, he's not transitioning into anything but himself."​

Estey said as much to USA Today earlier this month when the LAPD checked in on Simmons.

"Yes, he's fine, as I have been saying for the last six weeks and the last six months," Estey said in an email.

"I'm not aware of who asked for the Wellness Check but it wasn't I nor anyone else in Richard's camp, as we all know he is fine."

Catalano also made an appearance on the final episode of Missing Richard Simmons to try to clear things up, which Taberski said in the episode was a change from his earlier attitude toward the podcast.

"I can't say that Richard is better because of the podcast," Catalano told Taberski in the interview.

In the episode, Taberski admitted that he threw out the original ending for the podcast when he was able to interview Catalano - who made it clear that Simmons would not appear on the show. He also stressed that Simmons wants his privacy and asked fans to give that to him.

"He's earned it, this is his story," Catalano said. "He has, certainly, the right to write the ending."

As of Thursday morning, Missing Richard Simmons remains the fourth most popular podcast on iTunes.

USA Today