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The environment: Fracking ban a small step in right direction

Congratulations to the Victorian Parliament for finally passing the legislation to ban fracking in the state. Fracking is bad for our health, and an increasing number of reports from the United States show that there are adverse impacts on the health of nearby residents. Importantly, the burning of fossil fuels causes climate change. The increasing frequency of heatwaves, bushfires, floods and severe storms are costing Australians dearly in terms of health and social disruption.

It is clear that we need to transition away from fossil fuels. The federal government's love of projects such as the proposed Adani coal mine is a travesty for the environment and negates any realistic attempt to reduce global emissions.

Australia is being left behind in a global trend to stop burning fossil fuels to improve air quality and to mitigate our changing climate. China invested $US103billion in renewables in 2015, one-third of the world total. Yet in Australia, more than 5000 jobs in renewable energy have been lost since 2011 under the government's policies. The banning of fracking in Victoria is a small step in the right direction. Let us hope the federal government takes note of how dearly Australians value their health, environment and future.

Dr Liz Bashford, Doctors for the Environment Australia, Geelong

A woeful state of affairs

The state of the environment: woeful. The response from Josh Frydenberg, the federal Environment and Energy Minister: woeful. Where are the initiatives and leadership to urgently reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide to 350 parts per million to give at least some chance of saving the Great Barrier Reef (and coral reefs worldwide)?

This government is hell-bent on burning as much coal and gas as possible before voters realise the extent of the damage we are doing to ourselves and other species.


Brewis Atkinson, Tyabb

Coalition going around in circles

The Coalition government uses a circular argument to undermine the necessary shift to sustainable energy supply: The problem with renewable energy is that there is no plan for the transition; we refuse to initiate or participate in the  development of a transition plan; therefore there is no plan; therefore renewable supply is unworkable.

Hopefully, like small children spinning in the playground, this strategy will make them dizzy and they will fall over ... soon.

Richard Jamonts, Williamstown

Gas largesse to multinationals a disgrace

There is an elephant in the room. We have the world's largest gas reserves and we are giving them away to four foreign-owned multinationals. Currently, we are exporting huge quantities of natural gas at bargain-basement prices (about half the cost that local users are paying), and the producers are contributing minimal revenue to government because of the huge concessions they have been given.

The best way to provide "baseload" back-up to renewables is natural gas. It is much cleaner than coal and, in addition, gas turbines can be switched on and off at the drop of a hat, making them an ideal backup for renewables.

We expect our government to regulate the use of our natural resources wisely. Meanwhile, the federal government wants Victoria to endanger water tables and farmland by fracking for gas. What is happening is a national disgrace.

Tim Mahar, Fitzroy North


Aunty, a public service

ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie is reported to have suggested that Four Corners "be kinder to business" (The Age, 9/3). This fits with the federal government overruling an independent selection panel to appoint the chairwoman of the Minerals Council, Vanessa Guthrie, to the ABC board (The Age, 28/2),  and with Malcolm Turnbull's avowed aim of having more businesspeople on it. The board should be composed of people with a commitment to public broadcasting and experience or extensive knowledge of media. The ABC is not a "business"; it is a highly valued public service whose aims are to inform, educate and entertain Australians.

Gael Barrett, Balwyn North

Stripped to the bone?

The grand restructure of the ABC, including the loss of 200 jobs (The Age, 8/3), looks like a five-year plan to remove its creativity and investigative abilities. It is that old-school management strategy of dressing up the pig and parading it around.

Tom Vanderzee, Coburg

The 'right' of the ABC

Now that the Liberal appointees to run the ABC are purging management, quite possibly new recruits will be the "right" people. I wonder what that will mean for the type and quality of coverage of the next election. But they would not do that, would they?

John Patrick, Wangaratta

Yes, an advantage

Ross Gittins (Comment, 8/3) says removing or reducing the stamp duty that first home buyers pay will not make it easier for them because they will all get the same help, thus negating any advantage. But at least it will decrease the likelihood of them missing out on a property to investors who must factor in the significant extra cost of that stamp duty. This is a welcome initiative by the Victorian government.

Tim Nolan, Brighton

No, wily investors win

So first home buyers will no longer have to pay stamp duty on properties worth up to $600,000. Watch for the spike in investors paying $600,001 for properties that  are worth anything over $560,000. They know full well that they will knock out the first home buyer competition and make up the difference later in tax concessions.

Jennifer Morris, Parkville

Appalling behaviour

Elizabeth Knight (BusinessDay, 9/3) rightly points out that the wooden-spoon performance at the parliamentary inquiry into banking should go to the Commonwealth Bank's chief executive, Ian Narev. Panel member Matt Thistlethwaite said it "beggars belief" and was "obnoxious" that the so-called independent review into CommInsure did not interview customers who had complained and/or were denied claims. Mr Narev is so immersed in the profit-driven culture that he cannot see his inadequate responses make him look like a self-serving, corporate fundamentalist who should not be in charge of a piggy bank.

Reinhard Beissbarth, Beechworth

Disease left its mark

Pauline Hanson, I was left with life-long asthma due to a severe bout of whooping cough in 1937. There was no vaccination for that disease then. This is why it is so necessary. A vaccination could have saved me from endless weeks away from school, wheezing and choking with asthma. Fortunately I grew out of it. But guess what? It has come back to bite me, 80years later.

Margot Sherwood, Malvern East

The great GP rip-off

Some GPs also charge excessive fees (Letters, 8 and 9/3). I fractured a bone in my foot. The doctor in the hospital's emergency department fitted a moon boot and crutches, which I paid for. To claim back some of this money, my private health insurer requires that a doctor sign a document stating that I require these appliances. 

While I was seeking treatment for my foot as a bulk-billed patient, my local GP refused to sign the document unless I made another appointment and paid the $72 fee. The practice manager said the GP was a contractor and could make up his own payment schedule. I hobbled to another bulk-billing practice and had a treatment plan and the signed document within 30minutes.

Joanne Dietrich, Oak Park

The missing leaks

WikiLeaks seems happy to attack democratic or semi-democratic governments (World, 9/3) but steers clear of authoritarian regimes, such as China, Russia, Belorussia, North Korea and a range of oligarchies and kleptocracies. When was the last time WikiLeaks made a contribution to disrupting the genocidal behaviour against Muslims in Myanmar or against women and children by Islamic State or the Syrian government?

Peter Topping,North Melbourne

Cleaning up politics

Maybe political parties should engage the services of reputable employment agencies to vet prospective candidates before endorsing them ("What shall we do with the toxic workers?", 8/3). 

The art of prestidigitation has morphed into a "mindful sleight of memory matter" – oops, I have forgotten to inform my boss about the extra "Cash" investments, the odd living-away-from- home "Don's caravan" allowance, and so forth. The more you dig, the more you will find.

Well done, Linda Blair, for this informative article. So, Dan, Malcolm and all, are you feeling stressed and unloved? Are the polls slipping? Fix the rot before it is too late. Your average electors are  not dumb and can see through the rorts. Whilst you're at it, nail the banks as well.

Paul Reynolds, Wangaratta

Shame, Don, shame

Don Nardella, you have defiled the labour movement and abused your humanity by deceiving your Melton electorate. Please leave the ALP and Parliament and return the funds to which you were not entitled.

Tony Lack, Frankston

Living up to our names

Bill Rogers notes that "Cash" is a good name for a pollie (Letters, 9/3). He might like to consider that in the early 2000s, the then ruling National Party in New Zealand simultaneously had three cabinet members with surnames that  were just as apt: Brash, Rich and Power.

Gregory Sawyer, Altona

Tell me it's a joke

At lunch this week with seven women friends, I asked how many supported introducing traffic "walk lights" with supposedly female symbols. None. We wear slacks and some of us have short hair, just like the figure in the traffic lights. We had not realised we were being discriminated against by the lights. I have even seen men in kilts crossing at these signals. There are better things that the money could be used for, such as supporting the homeless. Or was it actually April 1 when the change was announced?

Mary Hoffmann, Richmond

The future is rail

The observation that Melbourne is the centre of economic growth (The Age, 8/3) does not assist planning for Victoria's future. We need long-term planning alternatives before total traffic gridlock occurs. The solution is to promote employment and lifestyle opportunities in regional centres by having fast, reliable rail connections.

This would enable people to choose between living and working in the regions or Melbourne, or living in Melbourne and working in the regions. Such options work well for London and other important centres of employment, all built around dependable rail networks. We need to ensure there is space for additional rail tracks and infrastructure, such as car parks, to allow for rapid transit, increased rail patronage and regional growth. 

Graeme Macmillan, The Rail Futures Institute

We need more trams

On Wednesday, my wife and I took a  No.59 tram from the Flinders Street terminus at 8.40pm. The tram coming in was chockers and it took ages to unload. When we boarded, there was hardly room to stand and some people had to get off to allow the doors to close.

As we departed, the next tram came arrived, also chockers. And our tram remained full of "standees" through to our stop at Moonee Ponds. It is high time to increase the frequency of evening trams. Twenty-minute intervals are absurd in a modern city. Based on the current visible patronage, the Victorian government should move immediately to double the frequency to 10-minute intervals.

Charles Sowerwine, Moonee Ponds

No reason for joy

This week I heard on the radio that the Australian stockmarket had rallied with the news that President Donald Trump might repeal Obamacare in the United States. What a tragic world we live in, where affluent people think it a good thing that many millions of poorer classes of people may go without healthcare.

Bill Proctor, Launching Place

A Sam-less world?

An article about Craig Hutchison and Channel Nine's The Footy Show (Sport, 9/3) spread across two pages – without one mention of Sam. What has the world come to?

Eddie Wilgar, Yarraville




When asked about Michaelia Cash, Turnbull said: "The public holds us to very high standards." Incorrect.

James Meehan, Malvern East

Pauline, if you admire Putin, you must adore Kim Jung-un.

Carl Areskog, Tarneit

So the CIA, a spy agency, is spying on people. How shocking.

David Zemdegs, Armadale

Nardella must need the money. He's losing respect and a good name, and has a lonely life ahead. 

Rex Condon, Ashwood

"The Trump Diet" (7/3) didn't mention psychedelic mushrooms.

John Green, Beaumaris

The sand that climate change-deniers are burying their heads is getting hotter.

Marie Nash, Balwyn

Maybe the deniers need an app to know if climate change is dangerous or not.

Barbara Fraser, Burwood

Victorian Liberal MPs will buy campaign software used by the Republicans. It comes with the Trump virus.

Alan Inchley, Frankston

Politicians are careless with the truth and ethical behaviour. No wonder we're careless about them.

Gary Mills, Ivanhoe

If increasing housing supply doesn't help, how about reducing demand? What happened to zero population growth?

Andrew Remington, Travancore


Why not a green tick and a red cross for traffic signals?

Stephen Baldwin, Frankston

I'd prefer Elle McPherson in a bikini. That would encourage this 84-year-old to cross in a sprightly manner.

Jarker Gorander, Sandringham

Maybe green lights in pants and red lights in skirts? Yes, we've gone mad.

Anne Frank, Hawthorn East

Why this bias in favour of Scotsmen?

Richard Lyon, Elwood