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Dutton must learn the meaning of democracy

Twenty of Australia's chief executives have called on the government to legislate for same-sex marriage but Peter Dutton says they should "stick to their knitting".  In other words, those who express a different opinion to him should "shut it". I bet he would be very supportive if the CEOs had denied climate change, opposed the republic or demanded offshore processing for displaced folk who are legally seeking relocation to a safer world. It is time he understood the meaning of democracy.

Mike Reece, Balwyn North

Please, minister, heed your own advice

So, Mr Dutton wants CEOs to leave the same-sex marriage debate to "the judgment of individuals and elected decision-makers". Sadly, the elected decision-makers are failing us dismally. They abrogate their responsibility by: promising a wasteful plebiscite; not guaranteeing a vote in Parliament according to its result; failing to hold the plebiscite; and refusing to allow a conscience vote in Parliament for fear it might result in reform reflecting what we all know is the will of the people. Mr Dutton adds that publicly listed companies should "stick to their knitting and that is delivering the services for their customers and providing a return for their shareholders". I live for the day when our elected decision-makers do that.

Geoff Lynch, Northcote

Dutton and Co are out of touch with society

Multinational companies support diversity within their organisations, including the various religious, ethnic, cultural and sexual identities of their employees. They are enriched for having  such policies. It says a lot about the lack of political spine when the corporate sector has to take the lead on social issues such as marriage equality, which 70per cent of the electorate supports. Peter Dutton's divisive approach aligns him with the Kevin Andrews, Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, Cory Bernardi camp – middle-aged, white, Anglo religious men who are trying to divide our society. Mr Dutton is a relic from the past.

George Salt, East Melbourne

CEOs reflecting views of the community

Peter Dutton thinks that business leaders writing a letter to the government on same-sex marriage is bullying. He further complains: "It is unacceptable that people would use companies and shareholders' money of publicly listed companies to throw their weight around," If the companies are representative of the general public, then their shareholders and customers are overwhelmingly in favour of same-sex marriage. Use of a company pen to sign a letter could, in fact, be seen as a very cost-effective method of public relations.


Philip Shehan, Brunswick

Why can Dutton speak outside his portfolio?

Peter Dutton berated CEOs, claiming it was "unacceptable that people would use companies and the money of publicly listed companies to throw their weight around". He frequently spews forth his anti-equal marriage views and he is the Immigration Minister. It is called free speech, minister, and you are a hypocrite.

Chris Palfreyman, Malvern

Is he critical of churches for speaking out?

According to Peter Dutton, it is not OK for publicly listed companies to take a public opinion on gay marriage, but it is OK for the Liberals to spend millions on a plebiscite that no one wants. And how does he feel about churches using charitable taxpayers' funds to lobby against gay marriage?

Rosie Walker, Warrandyte


Our 'no man's land'

I can relate to the plight of residents living in apartments in The George hotel (Saturday Age, 18/3). For the past year, similar problems have occurred in my block. We have had criminal activity, damage to personal and common property, anti-social behaviour and relentless noise. Throughout it all, the body corporate has been impassive.

To make matters worse, most residents are renters and owners are unaware of what is going on. Real estate agents are only concerned with managing their individual properties, and body corporates prefer to deal with owners. This leaves tenants in a legal "no man's land". It has taken six months to compel the body corporate to get a quote to repair a damaged security door and it is still not fixed, allowing anyone to enter the property. Currently the Residential Tenancy Act is under review. With renters being the majority of residents in apartment buildings, it is time their complaints were accorded legal recognition by body corporates.

Monica Clarke, Port Melbourne

A long-term disaster

Paul Keating, the architect of our $2trillion superannuation scheme, accurately characterises the government's flirtation with allowing super savings to be used for house purchases as "ideological snakiness" (The Age, 20/). The Coalition has never liked Australia's world-class scheme and seems hell bent on getting its hands on the financial windfall in the interests of its corporate allies. The short-term proposal, for mainly young people to expend their super on housing, is not in their long-term interests. It is likely to condemn them to a life of marginality, and even poverty in their retirement years. Thank you, Mr Keating.

David Jewell, Surrey Hills

Result: higher prices

The economics of using your superannuation to assist in purchasing a house is very simple. If a first-home buyer can withdraw, say, $40,000 in super, they will be able to bid this much more for a property. However, this will apply across the board. How on earth will that assist people who are struggling to purchase a house? Furthermore, having less in superannuation at retirement will simply push the burden of supporting the aged on to their children, should they have been able to afford any.

Neale Meagher, Canterbury

A looming 'disaster'

Australia is facing a dangerous "housing profitability" crisis. The normal double-digit returns are under threat from all fronts. Housing demand due to Australia's very high population growth is facing reckless criticism and wayward misfits are daring to question the honest profits from negative gearing.

Finally,  Paul Keating has irresponsibly suggested that superannuation savings are for retirement, rather than their original  purpose, which was to support wealth creation for the rich.

Benedict Clark, Ryanston

Copping it twice

I have already paid stamp duty on my home and now the Parliamentary Budget Office has costed a proposal to kill stamp duty and replace it with land tax (Saturday Age, 18/3). If this goes ahead, will I get my stamp duty back? Will I get a credit of land tax equivalent to the stamp duty that I paid? If I get neither, I will cop it twice.  

Michael Shaw, Melbourne

Double hit for elderly

Tens of thousands of elderly Melburnians who bought homes 25 or more years ago will be the losers if the proposed land tax scheme goes ahead. Many of their homes  are now worth $1million+plus. These people will be liable for an extra $1000+plus per annum, on top of the rising cost of gas, electricity, council rates, food etc. One thousand dollars out of an already decreasing pension will be hard to cover and  may force the elderly to sell their homes and downsize. This will add to the competition with first-home buyers and many of the elderly may have to live further away from their community of many years. I am disgusted that the Council of the Ageing supports this new tax.

Phil Mackenzie, Eaglemont

Maintaining standards

Shame on you, Matt Holden (Comment, 20/3). The deterioration of attention to detail in spelling is almost a reflection of the deterioration in other aspects of life – gangs, terrorism, home invasions, domestic abuse, drugs, wars, land mines, to name a few. Citing Donald Trump's Twitter comments almost single-handedly makes my case.

As a doctor, my attention to detail is paramount. You do not want me to misspell a medication or miss an allergy, do you? I cannot afford to let my staff get a name, birth date, or contact phone number wrong; it could be critical. Likewise an engineer building a bridge or office block, if his/her attention to detail (which is highly likely to be more intricate than spelling Kalgoorlie) is out by a power of 10, we are in trouble. Standards must be held to, particularly when the correct spelling is so easy to obtain. I deplore your comments and I hope the teachers of our country agree with me.

Geoff Williams, Wodonga

The killing continues

It is Sunday morning and I am driving to the Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary. My appreciation of the beauty around me is tempered by the knowledge that I am transporting dying waterfowl, riddled with lead shot. My thoughts drift to the people who are affected by the seasonal shooting of native ducks. The rescuers who find injured wildlife, the volunteers who ferry them to one of our few wildlife vets, the vets who decide whether to treat or euthanase and the shelter carers who rehabilitate the lucky ones that survive. It is only day two of the shooting season. More than 80days remain.

Olwyn Jones, Richmond

The pain of 'wagering'

Before we congratulate the "gambling giants" for supporting a reduction in the number of gambling ads on television (The Age, 17/3), consider the position of Responsible Wagering Australia, the lobby group headed by former Labor MP Stephen Conroy.  Simply changing the word "betting" to "wagering" does not erode the pain and misery that gambling causes to thousands of Australians. We have every right to be cynical about a former politician who seeks to reap rewards with a gambling lobby group. We should also be sceptical about a Tabcorp spokesman's comment that "we have long shared the community's view that there is too much gambling advertising". If this were the case, there would be no ads on television and television executives would not be crying foul that Google and Facebook might increase their revenue.

Brendan Ryan, Highton

Back in the 1950s

What century does crossword compiler DS (Puzzles, 18/3) think we are living in? I was so irate with one clue  – "homemaker", with the answer "housewife" –  that I could not continue with the crossword.

Zaita Oldfield, Kingsville

MPs and local loyalty

I barrack for Port Adelaide. Why? I grew up in Henley Beach and the surrounding area was zoned such that players had to live there to get a game with the club. It was also expected that you would support this club. Surely our politicians should live in the electorate where they were voted in "to get a game".

Barbara Williams, Portland

A moral responsibility

Malcolm Turnbull's reaction to ACTU boss Sally McManus' comment about unjust laws was ignorant. Many major reforms in Australia and around the world have only happened because people were prepared to break unjust or unfair laws. Women would not have the vote, the Vietnam War and conscription might have continued far longer, and no one would have spoken up about the horrors of Manus Island and Nauru. The words of Martin Luther King are still true: "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust law".

Patricia Buoncristiani, Macclesfield

Homes should go solar

Why isn't it compulsory for all new homes to install solar hot water and electricity? As the suburbs continue to expand and the grid groans under existing pressures, this is the only thing that makes sense.

Catherine Greenop, Colac

Let's not follow the US

There is direct relationship between the quality of a democracy and the quality of its education system. A healthy democracy will only thrive if it has responsible and well educated citizens. Right now in Australia, things are looking very dodgy on this front. There is no way we want to "go all the way with the USA".

Lyn Kennedy, Wesburn

But where are we?

A huge bouquet to Adele for filling Etihad Stadium and giving us a concert to remember on the weekend. A massive brickbat to the stadium's management for not realising that many of the attendees were not regular users and did not have a clue where to go once they had exited the stadium. It was pandemonium outside and also dangerous.

Michael Barr, Brighton




What kind of "man" demands that captains of industry do not bully the government, yet wants to deport a 92-year-old war veteran?

Jenny Bone, Surrey Hills

Will Dutton also tell CEOs to stop donating to the Liberal Party?

Brian Henderson, Kallista

Dutton doesn't understand the meaning of democracy.

Geoff Schmidt, Fitzroy North


Australia's energy policy is like a footy match with three teams and no umpire.

James Fowler, Clifton Hill

Wetherill has a plan. Turnbull has a feasibility plan. Entrepreneurs have a "go to market" plan. Just do it.

Shaun Lawrence, Hawthorn

Dan, it only costs $113,000 in the pocket of an MP to lose government.

Roger Gay, Fish Creek

The slaughter of wild ducks is all to do with the support of a few minor party MPs in Victoria's upper house.

Markie Linhart, Daylesford

If a land tax is introduced, how long will it be before it's applied to people who have already paid stamp duty?

George Houlder, Cambrian Hill

Let's get tough with gas companies, just like we did with the banks. The CEOs laugh at the government while profits soar.

John Johnson, Richmond

The Japanese government is reaping more from our LNG than our government. Should we consider it as foreign aid?

Peter Carlin, Frankston South


Re the attack in Paris: if you want to die in the name of Allah, please do it when you are alone.

Jen Gladstones, Heidelberg

Mr Bean is in the White House. 

Lesley Black, Frankston

It's hard to win a Trump when you're not playing with a full deck.

Michael Tuohy, Doncaster