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Why Indigenous Australia will reject a minimalist referendum question

If the politicians have cooked up a "done deal" for mere minimalism on constitutional recognition, Aboriginal people will say no. Substantive reform, or nothing at all. That was the clear message relayed at the Victorian dialogue in Melbourne this weekend. It is a message we, as convenors of the gathering, support 100 per cent.

We facilitated the Melbourne First Nations regional dialogue, the seventh in the series of 12 being run by the Referendum Council. Following on from dialogues in Hobart, Broome, Dubbo, Darwin and Sydney, it was a robust, passionate and ultimately inspiring discussion.

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Despite their differing views, Indigenous MP Linda Burney and conservative commentator Andrew Bolt have teamed up for an ABC documentary. Courtesy ABC.

The dialogue was understandably emotional. There are few opportunities for Aboriginal people to get together to reflect on our past and discuss our aspirations. At times it was heated. We discussed our history: our hard fought wins and our shared losses. We talked about our hopes and dreams, about the risks and dangers, about our sovereignty and possibilities for self-determination. What would diminish it? And what might enhance it?

We talked about current challenges: the ongoing rate of youth suicide, the injustice of incarceration, the continuing loss of our language and culture. And we asked how constitutional recognition could help address these things – because if this reform does nothing to help our day-to-day struggles, it should not be pursued.

These are not easy conversations. Our mob grapples with our own demons as much as with the demons of history. These are dialogues with the past, and with each other, but they are necessary to enable the formation of our shared pacts for the future.

And though we disagree on many things, we have unity on one: we all want real change and we are all prepared to fight for it. We are also prepared to say no if we have to.


Aboriginal people will not accept a feel-good, symbolic stamp on a fundamentally unfair system. The system needs to be improved. We need to change the way we do business in Aboriginal affairs. Constitutional recognition must mean real reform. It must create a genuine paradigm shift, or Aboriginal people will reject it.

As convenors, we were proud to hear our people speak with such strength this weekend, but we weren't surprised. Victorian Aboriginal people carry a long history of activism and struggle for Aboriginal rights.

In our south-east corner of the continent the injustice of colonial expansion, which dispossessed our ancestors from their lands, is still deeply felt. It was in this south-east corner that Batman made his "treaty" with the Kulin people in 1835 – a sham deal perhaps for vast areas of land, but either way, the colonial government were quick to declare the agreement invalid. Now in 2017, Victorians are talking treaties again. Perhaps this time the talks will be more fruitful. We hope they will.

It was in this corner of the continent that the great activist William Cooper in 1937 petitioned King George V calling for Aboriginal representation in federal parliament. Pastor Sir Doug Nicholls echoed the call in 1949 with a letter to prime minister Ben Chifley. Our ancestors wanted a political voice – a say in decisions made about us.

To the politicians we say this: We have not fought this long and come this far to accept a pre done deal on minimalist constitutional recognition. Our ancestors did not petition kings and prime ministers for substantive reform just so we could accept some token acknowledgment, or feel-good symbolism that changes nothing. At the Melbourne dialogue there was healthy debate about sovereignty and treaties, but one basic fact was clear: our people want real change, not minimalism.

A minimalist model – removing section 25, sanitising the Race Power and adding some symbolic words – will do nothing. Governments will still be able to make racist laws even if the word "race" is removed, and section 25 is already dead letter. Our people have had our fill of fine words and pretend change. We need real, practical reform.

What reforms would be substantive and meaningful?

A voice to Parliament, an Aboriginal body embedded in the constitution so it is guaranteed, emerged as a strong priority in the discussions. This body could consult on laws and policies about our people, to help hold government to account. It could work under and incorporate the principles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which could be articulated in statement of acknowledgement or a legislated declaration. The body could help drive reforms to enable agreement-making, so that a truth and reconciliation process can be pursued. As delegates pointed out: we can't have reconciliation without having some truth.

After Aboriginal people have our dialogue, we then need a genuine and respectful dialogue with politicians and the rest of the country. This is a journey for all Australians. This is about creating a fairer and more inclusive nation. Aboriginal people are now having our say on the form we want constitutional recognition to take. As the dialogues play out, we ask the Australian people and the nation's leaders to take notice and to heed our voices. We are willing to do the hard work. We ask Australians to open your hearts and minds to having this dialogue with us, in good faith.

But if it is true that the politicians have already done a deal for mere minimalism, then Aboriginal people are ready to make a stand and say no. Any done deal on minimalism is a deal breaker. It is a deal breaker that will kill this referendum.

Jeremy Clark and Jill Gallagher were to co-convenors of the Referendum Council's First Nation's Regional Dialogue in Melbourne.

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