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London attacker was 52-year old British man with a criminal history, previously investigated by MI5

Every Monday to Friday I'll be delivering a personally-curated newsletter. Call it the double espresso of news – the morning news kickstart for busy people who want to know what they need to know before they get going.

1. London

Police have identified the London attacker as a 52-year old British man who was born in Kent - Khalid Masood. 

Masood was previously investigated by MI5 and had a criminal conviction but the Prime Minister Theresa May says there was no prior intelligence about his murderous intent. [My report/Fairfax]

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London shaken but defiant after terror attack

Despite a deadly attack in the heart of Britain's capital, life must go on for defiant Londoners who refuse to be "cowed by terrorism".

Home Secretary Amber Rudd says there was no failure of intelligence but the reality that there can be no "24 hour cover." [Laura Kuenssberg/BBC]

The three killed by Massood have now all been identified and their stories are heartbreaking.

Tributes were laid at Scotland Yard for the slain police officer Keith Palmer. 

The two others were American Kurt Cochran who was in London celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife, and a woman, Asha Frade.


43-year old Frade was on her way to collect her two daughters, aged 8 and 11 from school when she was hit by the rented Hyundai driven by Massood. [Nick Miller/Fairfax]

May has been on a private visit to see victims in a hospital. [Toby Meyjes/Metro] Her handling of the crisis has been flawless, writes Lewis Goodall. [Sky News Britain]

2. Belgium 

There has been a security scare in Belgium with police detaining a man who appeared to try and drive his car down a pedestrian-only street. [Reuters]

Antwerp police have deployed more officers to the streets. [Lars Andersen/The Brussels Times

3. Le Pen seizes on attack

French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, applaudes after she delivers a speech in front of invited guests in Paris, Monday, March 13, 2017. The first French presidential ballot will take place on April 23 and the two top candidates go into a runoff on May 7. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. Photo: Michel Euler

Masood was British-born from the home county of Kent, often called the "Garden of England."

But the far-right Front National leader Marine Le Pen, who is in the midst of French presidential campaign, said the attack demonstrated the need for tighter border controls. [Reuters]

Her rival, the independent centrist Emmanuel Macron wants a defence cooperation with the UK and Germany and increased intelligence sharing. [Mark Deen/Bloomberg]

4. Aus Politics

A new study has backed a "shared equity" scheme (where the private sector or government takes on a stake in a mortgage) as a way of lowering house prices. [Eryk Bagshaw and James Massola/Fairfax]

Business group Australian Industry Group wants the federal and Victorian government to consider an "emergency intervention" to keep the coal-fired Hazelwood power station open. [Adam Morton and Josh Gordon/Fairfax]

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday. Photo: Andrew Meares

But the PM has rejected the idea. [Sarah Martin/The Australian]

A separate group is urging the government to stick to its pledge to lower the company tax rate - a policy the Coalition can't get through the current parliament. [Philip Coorey/The Financial Review]

Malcolm Turnbull's "energy crisis" talk has only made the situation "as frightening as it gets," says former Climate Change Authority advisor Danny Price. [Peter Hannam/Fairfax]

5. US politics

Trump's healthcare replacement plan still looks likely to fail, despite eleventh hour attempts to make concessions that will make the bill more palatable to GOP conservatives. These possible concessions include plans to "sweep aside requirements that health insurance plans cover items like mental health care and maternity care", which are likely to fail in the Senate anyway. [Politico]

Democrats have indicated they're going to filibuster Trump's Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch. [NYT]

And the congressional investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia is turning into a huge mess, with the Republican chair of the investigating committee being forced to apologise today for not sharing information with his fellow committee members before taking it to the media and the White House. [CNN]

6. Israeli arrest

A 19-year old US-Israeli citizen has been arrested in Israel with police alleging he is responsible for a making a wave of bomb threats against Jewish centres in the US, Australian and New Zealand. [Reuters]

Sorry there was no Double Shot on Wednesday but as those of you who follow me on Twitter and Facebook know I was caught up in the events at Westminster. Have a great weekend and stay safe.

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