

Fragile on the fringe: One Nation unlikely to become a genuine right-wing alternative

As the West Australian upper house count limps along, One Nation's share of the vote has passed the Greens. Predictions suggest it will now get two Legislative Council seats and the narrative around its result may change from shame to ... well, if not pride then at least less shame.

Yet the result makes it clear it won't be as simple as One Nation riding a wave of populist dissent to a permanent place on the political landscape. The pitfalls have claimed a number of previous contenders, including the original iteration of One Nation.

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The One Nation leader is copping it from all sides after the WA election and her party's poor result.

Its biggest challenge will be to convert disgruntled right-wing ex-Liberal voters into One Nation supporters. One Nation may have polled about 4.3 per cent nationally at the last federal election but not many of those voters are long-time One Nation supporters. One Nation barely broke 0.5 per cent in either 2013 or 2010.

Those disgruntled voters have instead floated between a number of parties, rarely staying in one place for long – the Palmer United Party one prominent example, polling nearly 5 per cent nationally in 2013 and just 0.2 per cent in 2016.

Not only are protest voters fickle, they also don't like protest parties working constructively with government. One Nation may need to negotiate preference and policy deals with the major parties to satisfy their base, but doing so risks losing the bulk of its voters.

Even the Greens – themselves a successful example of converting a protest vote into an enduring political force – have faced difficulties with their supporters for doing deals with the Liberal government.


Indeed, One Nation's likely goal is to replicate the position of the Greens on the opposite wing. A right-wing alternative to the Liberals, which may hold the balance of power in the Senate.

However, One Nation will find this much harder than the Greens did for a number of reasons. First is One Nation's lack of appeal to economic rationalists. The political compass has two axes: social and economic. One of the Greens' successes is that they managed to secure the votes of both the economic hard left (think Lee Rhiannon) and the social/environmental hard left.

One Nation's protectionist, anti-trade rhetoric means free-marketeers will give One Nation a wide berth.

The second challenge in replicating the Greens' relative success is the lack of grassroots organisations on the right. The Greens drew heavily on the environmental movement for their initial momentum. Australia lacks the active evangelical communities that provide grassroots support for the US right. The Liberals have had decades to organise a base; One Nation will need to create one from scratch.

The difficulty in doing this is evident in the troubles One Nation had in selecting candidates. To run candidates nationally, the party was forced to rely on inexperienced candidates and those who defected from major parties, with all the teething difficulties and baggage that brings.

The lack of organisation also causes problems for the administration of the party – as a number of minor parties that have been catapulted to national success have found.

Not only are protest voters fickle, they also don't like protest parties working constructively with government.

Even if it manages to get over this initial hump, this will not be the end of the challenges. Two of the biggest issues One Nation faces will arise if it continues its early success.

The most obvious is that a populist national agenda will occasionally conflict with a populist state agenda. No better example arises than the GST distribution. Pauline Hanson's support for rebalancing GST revenue to Western Australia would undoubtedly be a popular position in that state – but not so much in Queensland, which could lose out. The major parties might like to learn that lesson, too: sometimes, you are better off standing for a principle than a poll result.

The last, and perhaps most significant, challenge is Hanson herself. The mere fact it is called Pauline Hanson's One Nation says much. Not only does Hanson have a tendency to get into trouble by straying off topic – such as her absurd anti-vaccination comments – but she has her own political baggage.

Beyond this, Hanson can't be everywhere forever. The party will eventually need to stand apart from Hanson if it wants to succeed. It will be even harder for One Nation than it was for the Greens moving on from Bob Brown. Brown may have been the Greens' heart and soul, but Hanson is the identity of One Nation. However many upper house reps One Nation gets in Western Australian, it has a lot further to go if it wants political legitimacy.

Simon Cowan is research manager at the Centre for Independent Studies.