

'We're spending our life savings on a family trip of a lifetime'

In less than a week's time our family of five is setting off on a big adventure.

We're taking our two older children out of school, and we're heading to Europe. My husband is Scottish and we've always wanted the children to experience that half of their cultural heritage, and while we're over there we're also planning to visit Paris, London and Amsterdam.

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Having children delayed for a house

Parents are putting off having children to get into the housing market according to Scott Morrison who has also offered an insight into his plans for negative gearing in the budget.

This trip may sound wonderful, indulgent even, but is it also financially negligent?

By the end of the six-week trip we would have spent tens of thousands of dollars. Would this money have been better invested in some way for the children? Or perhaps put towards a deposit for a house? After all, we are renters.

But the notion of buying a house seems more and more out of reach, with the prices of property in our neighbourhood edging towards $2 million and upwards. The reality is the amount of money we'll spend on the trip won't make much of a dent in a deposit to buy a house in Sydney these days.

We also believe the experiences will make us happier in the long run.


We've decided that if we are able to make this trip at this point in our lives, we may as well do it. The children are still young and while we don't own our own place we have the financial capacity to undertake such a trip – even though it may leave us with almost no savings.

This of course is a risky strategy.

The opportunity cost

We asked financial planner Catherine Robson, the principal of Affinity Private and a regular Money columnist, what she thought.

"Financially you're always going to be better off to invest that money rather than spending that money," Robson says.

"However, opportunity cost is measured in a range of ways. Financial opportunity cost is one. The other is weighing up the opportunity cost of doing things at the relevant part of your life when you have the flexibility, interest and openness to do them."

We're hoping to spend much less than this, but say you were talking about $30,000. What would happen if you invested it rather than spent it?

"By putting your money into a relatively low-risk investment that earns you 5 per cent you will be better off by about $11,800 after 11 years," Robson says.

"If you consider this after inflation your yield is $31,224, which basically means you are about $1200 better off."

With a higher risk investment that yields about 8.7 per cent (5.7 per cent above assumed inflation) the pay-offs are of course much greater.

Experiences have their own rewards

Still, Robson believes spending money on experiences is highly worthwhile.

"Experiences last longer," she says. "They give you a chance to get out of your ordinary life. And yes, some experiences can be challenging, but the lasting effect of the experience endures for a lifetime, and you won't necessarily remember it in a negative way."

Pursuing the experiences you want may mean having to give up certain luxuries in life, such as cutting down on buying cups of coffee from cafes, or relying on public transport rather than driving.

"It's about asking what could we rationalise in the rest of our lives so our spending is in line with being able to save for the experience we want to make," Robson says.

Other travelling families

Melissa Schembri and her husband Pedr Francis took extraordinary steps so they could take time out to travel around Australia with their daughter Chloe.

"We sold everything. We sold our house, sold our furniture, sold our cars and instead bought a caravan and a four-wheel drive," Schembri says.

"We were too busy paying off the mortgage. We were living for the weekend and our one holiday a year. And then one day we thought, we are never going to get there."

They felt if they continued to wait, their dreams of travelling and experiencing a different kind of life would always remain out of reach, so they decided to make a change. It seems to have been one of the best decisions they made.

"We are so enriched by our experience and when you are enriched and feeling good the money will come," Schembri says. "Yes, it's good to have a big house. But nothing is certain. Sometimes property goes up, sometimes it goes down. Same for shares. We all have different desires and for us our desire was to travel."

For people like Sharon Gourlay, who runs the family travel blog "Where's Sharon?", travelling with her children means they value experiences over things.

"I never want my kids to value possessions over living life and the things that are important, like family," Gourlay says. Travelling she feels "helps mould the children into global citizens with a greater understanding of the world".

The longer perspective

Of course, whether you choose to travel or save all your money is a personal choice. Robson points out it's also not a black and white decision.

"It's not one or the other. Maybe this year you're choosing to do something special with your family, maybe next year you save $30,000 in investing in your future and decide down the track that some of the holidays you take are from those earnings," she says.

This is probably true for most people. Some years you choose to invest in experiences, and other years you can choose to save and invest your earnings. It's all about finding a balance. 

At the end of the day experiences don't have to be outlandish or involve foreign travel, they can just involve taking time out together as a family. This year we are going to Europe, but it is very likely that as a consequence we'll be taking trips closer to home for the coming years and replenishing our savings.