

Take charge to outsmart the property spruikers

Last week's column on the dangers of dealing with Australia's burgeoning industry of property spruikers drew an unprecedented number of emails. Unfortunately, many of them told of the horrendous costs of being conned.

One reader told me about her mother, who ended up paying more than $760,000 for a property that is now worth about $350,000.

There were many emails asking questions along the lines of, "how can I tell if XYZ Limited is above board?" There is no easy answer because property spruikers come under a variety of names, and usually change them when they get some bad publicity. But there are clues.

The first sign of a con is a cold call, where you will be told alluring tales about the benefits of property investment and invited to have a consultant call to tell you more. That's a dead giveaway.

The next clue is to look at their website. If there is no office address, and no details about the owners of the business – run a mile.

Another indication is when they are offering to build a property for you in an area that's well away from where you live.


Other emails asked me to advise the inquirer if an area they were thinking of purchasing in was a good location. There is no simple answer to that though, because there can be good buys in bad locations, and bad buys in good locations.

The most important thing to understand if you are considering buying investment property, is that this is a serious undertaking, often with more than half a million dollars at stake. It could devastate you financially if it goes bad.

Obviously, this is going to be one of the most important decisions you will make in your life, so above all you should make the time and effort to research the market so you will know a bargain when you find it.

You cannot leave your future to anybody else but yourself. This is why it is important to take control of the process and select the property after due research, not just because some slick salesperson talked you into it.

One person who has spent a lifetime in the residential property area, and who has written various books on the subject, is Margaret Lomas of Destiny Financial Services. Margaret, Neil Jenman and myself have spent years trying to educate people on the best ways to make money in property but it's a hard battle against the spruikers, who are making more than 50,000 cold calls a week.

Today, I am publishing Margaret Lomas' 10 tips for buying property. Note them well – they may save you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  1. Don't start looking for a home or investment property until you become educated about how to buy and where to buy.
  2. Research what an area can offer you now and in the future in terms of service provision and infrastructure.
  3. If you are going to live in the property, make sure you view at least 12-15 possible homes before you even consider making an offer.
  4. For investors, never take advice about where and what to buy from a person who has a property to sell you – it cannot be independent advice.
  5. When working out how much you can afford to borrow, factor in an interest rate rise of at least 3 per cent. If that stretches you, you cannot afford it.
  6. Be aware that often an area next to a sought-after area will be much cheaper and usually, within a few years, will become just as sought-after.
  7. When buying, think about the time you will need to sell. What possible impediments might there be to a future buyer? There could be issues you might be happy to put up with, but those same issues could limit your selling ability at a later date.
  8. Never start the offer process until you learn how to negotiate. You will make your first amount of money on what you save going in if you are a good negotiator. 
  9. Always have at least three properties that you would be happy to buy. That way, you won't get emotional about one and potentially pay more than it is worth just because you want it so much.
  10. Refer to tip one. Almost every bad property deal I have ever seen was due to a lack of education on the part of the buyer. Educated investors and property buyers don't get caught in bad deals.

Here's to successful and educated property investing.

Noel Whittaker is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. His advice is general in nature and readers should seek their own professional advice before making any financial decisions. Email: