

Your Questions: should I bring my UK savings to Australia?

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​I am a pool tiler and I came here 42 years ago. It was a good time because there was plenty of work, new suburbs were growing, with new swimming pools. After many, many years I bought a rental property. I worked seven years after 65, but my rental property slowly cut my pension, which I don't have any more. I had a house overseas and sold it but my friend says I should leave the money in the UK. What is the risk of sending the money directly from overseas to Australia? T.M.

There should be no risk providing you go through a responsible and well established firm. You can use your bank but will probably find a lower cost from one of the foreign currency firms.

One example is Travelex, which has existed for over 40 years and claims to be the world's largest retail foreign exchange specialist, established in 26 countries. Their office nearest to you is at Kings Way Street, Glen Waverley (inside HSBC Bank), phone 9981 7673. Take along your Australian and overseas account details plus your driver's licence or passport as identification. Another forex specialist is OFX (previously Ozforex), which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, has offices in Sydney and London, and elsewhere, and can be contacted on (02) 8667 8090, although business is mostly conducted over the internet.

As an Australian resident, you are taxed on all worldwide assets, including any capital gains achieved when overseas assets are sold. However, capital gains tax is only charged if your overseas property was bought after September 19, 1985. If you owned that property when you came to Australia in 1975, it remains exempt from capital gains tax and the only cost should be the cost of transferring the money here. If you bought it after 1985, you need to talk to an accountant. There are penalties if you don't declare a capital gain to the Tax Office.

I don't see why you should leave the money in the UK. Bring it here and enjoy the benefits it gives you.

I am a 63-year-old disability support pensioner and become eligible for the age pension in early November 2018. I live alone and am planning to sell my house in country NSW, hoping to net about $235,000. I understand from Centrelink that income on interest is deemed to be 3 per cent and the taper rate sets in at $164 a fortnight and after that 50c in the dollar is lost up until $241 per fortnight, after which anything above that amount loses dollar for dollar. I have been told that a self-managed fund administered by a reputable stockbroker will return greater dividends than retail funds. Assuming I were to receive $235,000 and I were to invest $135,000 deemed at 3 per cent interest income, it would stay under Centrelink's taper threshold. I would probably put maybe $7000 in an easily accessible account.


Can the remaining $93,000 be parked with funds classed by Centrelink as an asset, not income? Also, because it is not always easy to obtain reliable advice from Centrelink, can you advise me what one of the statements on the Centrelink form means, where it says "some assets are deemed to earn income while there are special rules for other types of income"? If on the other hand, I was able to find an affordable house to buy instead of investing my money, is it true what I have been told that Centrelink have a "grace" period of a year while I look for a house to buy during which time they waive deducting interest income over the taper thresholds? M.F.

Confusion reigns! If you sell your home with the intention of buying another then the money is ignored by the assets test for 12 months, but is subject to the income test.

The income test adds up the sum of all your "financial assets" eg, cash, term deposits, shares, managed funds, and, once over age pension age (which is currently 65½) also counts superannuation. It then estimates, ie. "deems", that the first $49,200 (for singles) earns 1.75 per cent and anything above that earns 3.0 per cent. If you receive a salary, or rent from an investment property, then this is simply counted as income ie. an investment property is not subject to deeming, which explains the incomprehensible clause.

Once your income exceeds $164 a fortnight ($4264 a year), the test reduces the full pension of $888.30 by 50c a fortnight. Only a UK retirement pension received by someone living less than 10 years in Australia reduces the age pension dollar for dollar, along with some Italian pension supplements, to the best of my knowledge.

From March 20, when the single pension rises to $888.30 a fortnight ($1339.20 for couples), the income test cuts it off for income above $1940 a fortnight ($50,546 a year). Different figures apply if you've been on a "transitional" pension since 2009.

Under the assets test, the pension reduces by $3 a fortnight for every additional $1000 above $250,000 for home owners, or $450,000 for non-home owners, and cuts out after March 20 at $546,250 and $746,250 respectively. The test ignores superannuation savings until age pension age.

You don't mention why you want to sell. Given the choice of investing the proceeds from selling your home into a super fund, any super fund, or buying another home. I strongly suggest you look to buy a home, otherwise the cost of rent will reduce your income for the rest of your life. Don't invest in a share portfolio if you've never done it before, the volatility can be frightening.

Have you considered buying into a retirement village to save having to later buy and sell yet again?

On his retirement from the NSW government, my brother took a full lump sum State Superannuation pension payout, and after the economic downturn, his income fell substantially, allowing both he and his wife to qualify for a part age pension. Now, both in their mid-80s, and my brother terminally ill, should his spouse settle for the near two-thirds super lump sum payout on her husband's passing, or would a fortnightly super pension be a safer option? She enjoys good health, they own their home and have no debts. R.A.

I've often argued that a generous, government-guaranteed, CPI-linked, lifetime superannuation pension, like the old State Super Scheme, is a gift from God. Tell her to take the pension option and relax, without having to worry about further losses.

If you have a question for George Cochrane, send it to Personal Investment, PO Box 3001, Tamarama, NSW, 2026. Help lines: Financial Ombudsman, 1300 780 808; pensions, 13 23 00.