• Parliament House view from the front
  • Enjoy lunch on the Speaker's Green outside the Speaker's Cafe
  • Aerial view of Parliament House
  • Speaker's Green
  • Aerial view of Parliament House from Darwin Harbour

The Department of the Legislative Assembly website is in the process of being updated. 

A new website is available at https://parliament.nt.gov.au/

Please update your links to point to the new website.

Next Meeting Days - 2 - 4, 9 - 11 May 2017 Budget Introduction

Know your Assembly Dates for 2017
Thursday 25 May – Parliament House, Darwin
Thursday 7 September – Alice Springs, venue tbc
Thursday 9 November – Parliament House, Darwin
for bookings, please contact 8946 1414 or email to ntparliament.edu@nt.gov.au

Opening Parliament to the People

Public Hearing Schedule 5 December 2016

Anti-Corruption, Integrity and Misconduct Commission Inquiry, Final Report - May 2016

Click here for a copy of the Report.

Click the link https://acimcinquiry.nt.gov.au/

Annual Schedule of Members Travel at Government Expense and Annual Schedule Containing Government Payments for each Member for Satellite and Mobile Phones

Click here for a copy of the Report


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