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Employers, union officials now face $4.5 million fines or 10 years jail for corrupt payments to unions

Employers and union officials will face up to ten years' jail and companies will be fined as much as $4.5 million if they give or receive secret payments designed to corrupt a union official under new laws the Turnbull government will introduce.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Australians were "horrified" that unions could trade away workers' entitlements in return for improper payments from companies.

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Union payment crackdown

Corrupt payments to unions by employers will now land them two years jail as a raft of measures are handed down by the government that seek to address concerns raised by the royal commission.

The government would take up recommendations of the Heydon royal commission into unions by making it a criminal offence for improper payments or benefits to pass between employers and unions.

Companies would face penalties of up to $4.5 million and individuals fined $900,000 or jailed up to ten years if they make or receive, solicit or offer payments or benefits intended to corrupt a union official.

Penalties for payments or benefits other than legitimate ones including union membership fees would be two years in jail and up to $90,000 for an individual and $450,000 for a company. Mr Turnbull said the new laws would apply to everyone.

"We are going to ensure that the law compels unions and employers at the time an enterprise agreement is put to members of a union for their approval, that any payments to the union are fully disclosed, any legitimate payment is fully disclosed. Secret payments are utterly unacceptable," Mr Turnbull told journalists.


"Trade unions have a solemn, legal, moral fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their members. We have seen ... through the Hayden royal commission and subsequently the way unions have let their members down and big unions have traded their rights away in return for payments from employers.

"Now, the law applies to all Australians and it applies to unions."

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said the new laws would encourage greater transparency in the workplace.

"Employees should be aware and should have full knowledge of any payments that are made between their employer and a union," she said.

"This is a real test for [Opposition Leader] Bill Shorten because Bill Shorten says he believes in the worker. And yet, time and time again, by his actions, he confirms for the Australian people he is only interested in big unions being able to do deals with big businesses."

Mr Shorten has faced criticism for the Australian Workers Union, which he once led, receiving payments from a company in exchange for trading away the penalty rates of workers.

We have seen through there Hayden royal commission and subsequently have unions have let their members down.

Malcolm Turnbull

Opposition spokesman for Employment Brendan O'Connor said the Fair Work Commission has made decisions on enterprise agreements based on the test which determines if union members are better off over all under a proposed enterprise agreement compared to the relevant award.

"If it is true there are some issues around enterprise agreements then Malcolm Turnbull, if he's got a problem with it, he can talk to Labor and we can assess whether in fact the Better Off Overall Test should change," Mr O'Connor told journalists.

"Let's remember it was Malcolm Turnbull who when last a Minister in the Howard Government spoke and moved and voted in favour of a Bill that removed that test that applies to fairness.

"Enterprise bargaining negotiations have been going on in this country for 20 or so years, and there's always been compensation when those negotiations happen."

The Australian Industry Group said new laws are needed to address inappropriate revenue flows to unions and union officials.

"It is important that any 'corrupting benefit' laws are carefully drafted to avoid capturing various day to day 'benefits' that an employer may provide to a union delegate or official," Ai Group chief executive, Innes Willox, said.

"For example, an employer may provide leave for an employee who is a shop floor union delegate to attend an agreed training course provided by a trade union, or an employer may provide sandwiches at a full-day enterprise bargaining meeting held on the employer's premises.

"It is important that these incidental payments and benefits that arise from day to day interactions between employers and union officials are not captured by the new laws."
Mr Willox said payments that should be caught by any new laws included the distribution of surpluses to unions from industry funds and the payment of inappropriate commissions to unions from insurance companies offering substandard income protection insurance at inflated prices.