WA News


One Nation wins three WA upper house seats in state election

Pauline Hanson's One Nation has secured three seats in Western Australia's upper house, meeting the party's expectations despite failing to secure a single seat in the lower house.

State leader Colin Tincknell secured a South West seat on election night and a fortnight later, Robin David Scott won a seat in the Mining and Pastoral region while Charles Smith grabbed an East Metropolitan seat.

Mr Smith's win was a surprise as some analysts were expecting the seat to go to Liberal MLC Alyssa Hayden.

He was among several One Nation candidates to speak out against the party's preference deal with the Liberals, which both sides have said damaged them at the polls.

The Greens won four Legislative Council seats, an increase of two since the last election, while the Nationals lost one seat to finish with four positions.

The Liberals were the biggest losers in the upper house as their seat count fell from 17 to nine while Labor picked up three seats to finish with 14.

The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers and Liberal Democrats both won a single seat in the Agriculture and South Metropolitan regions respectively.