Good Weekend

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Modern Guru: the joy of oversharing at the supermarket checkout

Q: When a staff member at the supermarket asks the customary, "Did you get up to much today?", how much should I tell them? C.D., MT ELIZA, VIC

A: Checkout staff only ask this because they're genuinely curious and compassionate people who desperately want to connect with each and every customer on a deeply human level. So you must give them what they crave, in as much detail as you can muster.

A sample answer may go something like: "Glad you asked! I've been dying to tell somebody! Well, I woke at 7.03 this morning, then made sweet, sweet love to my spouse. Or should that be life partner? Romantic companion? Truth is, I don't know what term to use – I've been toying with Significant Domestic Monogamite, but not sure it's really me. "Anyway, once the lovin' was complete, hopped in the shower. 

Spent 18 seconds soaping my face, 25 seconds on the torso, about a minute and a half on the lower bits, using a loofah to get into those hard-to-reach corners. Now for brekkie! Made toast and coffee but the toast came out slightly burnt because some bozo fiddled with the toaster browning-knob. It was fine set on three! Stupid Significant Domestic Monogamite!

"What else did I get up to? Some work, some play, some contemplation of the torturous monotony of daily existence. Then got in the car and took Queen Street for 1½ kilometres, turned left and continued on State Route 22 for another 529 metres, arrived at the supermarket, parked in the car park, walked in, and as you can see I've bought taco shells, coffee, scourer-sponges – not scourer-scrubs, important difference – blueberries, hummus, tom yum soup paste…"

List all your stuff, pay up, then leave. Checkout staff really appreciate this – it nourishes their souls. And now that they know what you've been up to, they will never ask again.