Friday, May 6, 2016

The Purge of old school CAF

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

Subject Matter: Cartel Arellano Felix
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Carlos Ibarra, killed this week in a restaurant in the East zone of Tijuana, was identified as a member of the Cartel Arellano captured by the DEA and related to the operation of a narco tunnel, he had been returning to Tijuana since 2011. The PGJE have no leads in the investigation into his assassination. (Otis: I bet some BB readers have some theories on who did it and why.)

Reporter: Rosario Mosso Castro

When they assassinated him, Carlos Ibarra Castellanos was in the interior of the restaurant Dona Cuca located at number 20638, plaza la Riveriera on Cucapah Boulevard in the Buenos Aires Fraccionamiento in South Tijuana.

The homicide victim was shot three times, one of the bullets hitting the neck of the victim, who was converted to violent homicide number 255 from the start of the year to the 5th of April.

His murder would have been passed over unnoticed in the current wave of blood violence that affects Tijuana, if it had not been for two aspects: one that the body was identified as a member of "Old School" Cartel Arellano Felix; two that he was shot after a "strange" period of calm, with a total of 3 assassinations in a week, when previously there was an average of 13 - 16 bodies every 7 days.

The attack that ended the life of Ibarra Castellano was reported to C4 at 12:11 on Wednesday 27th of April, they reported gunfire and the existence of two victims in the interior of the restaurant. During this call the auxiliary groups declared Ibarra dead at the scene, with injuries in the neck, head and face, his identification was verified at the scene by someone who turned out to be his partner, Hortensia "N", the other man wounded by a bullet to the arm was identified as Gilberto Orozco Rodriguez.

Minutes after the Corporations informed that the shot victim was an "Old School" member of the Cartel Arellano Felix linked to narco tunnels, to corroborate Zeta asked the United States authorities and they confirmed the coincidence of the data.

In April of 2003 Carlos Ibarra Castellanos was in the company of Juan Salas Burgos, in the interior of the Seven Dollar Parking Lot, inside a van parked approximately from the border with "San Ysidro", some were smoking marijuana when they were surprised by a joint operation carried out by elements of the DEA and the ICE.

The agents knew who they what they were looking for. In the vans cargo area and located under a false floor they found more than a ton of marijuana, and when they moved the van, they found the exit of the tunnel, which had an entrance on the Mexican side in a house located in the Federal Colonia of Tijuana.

Carlos Ibarra Castellanos, murdered in the "Dona Cuca" restaurant
At that moment the United States authorities informed that the subterranean passage was used by traffickers from the Cartel Arellano Felix to cross drugs, but the head of the criminal group mentioned is Ismael "El Mayo Zambada".

It was in July of 2004 when a Californian Court declared Ibarra guilty and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison, that he would finish serving in 2013, however, the documents show that he obtained his liberty on the 19th of December of 2011.

After, the subject came to light again in the press in May of 2012, when he had already been released, when some media took reports of alerts to the hot line opened by the DEA against members of the CAF, in them, Maria de la Luz Burgos Escarcega, the first wife of Ibarra Castellanos was on the front page of the DEA "most wanted" for her involvement in trafficking of drugs.

At the moment of his assassination, Ibarra had four residences registered to him, one in Lorna Dorada, another in Guyacura Fraccionamiento, one more in the Buena Vista Colonia and another in the Buenas Aires Fraccionamiento where he was taken down.

Click on image to enlarge
Hortensia "N" the woman who identified his body, was his contact in case of emergencies. After his return to Tijuana the only incident the authorities had had with Ibarra was for drinking and driving. PGJE confirm they had no outstanding arrest warrants or charges pending for him.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. Sinaloa cartel is killing this caf cats left and rigth , when the sinaloa brothers die and got captured , caf when down the hill because los tijuanese dint have the balls and brains to run a cartel like their daddys arellanos de sinaloa , god damit caf is done

    1. i never new the aretes where chinolas bro , im from san diego but my fam bro tijuas and you always hear on both sides people from TJ hating on sinaloa but at same time saying "puro Caf " bunch of idiots hating the hometown of their boss , this fools got no pride if ramon was alive he would of slap the shit out of this tj haters lol

    2. Hating the federation of Sinaloa not the state.

      CAF AFO BLO CDS are all from Sinaloa

      Z CDG are from the Texas Border

      Familia is from Tierra Caliente
      CJNG is from Tierra Caliente

      All of them operate in D.F.

    3. Sinaloa will always be part of tj but the kids have grown and want to claim their own city with their own style

  2. This guy while in prison probably ratted out some of the players of his old cartel which is why he served his sentence and got out early. He never suspected being a target being that most of his old school buddies are gone either dead or in prison also but there are always always people around that are alive from any extinct or almost extinct cartel that know the truth and snitches always get what they deserve. What a dumbfuck!

    1. Fed time is like 80-90% of total the math...

    2. 11:38 Whoa... Slow down with all your fantasy/fiction. You sound like you are trying to write a novela.

    3. Man youre an idiot. 85% dummy. Thats what you serve when youre in prison. With good behavior

  3. I keep on reading how the CDS Is done, about mencho, about the piloto, it is just nonsense and hyperbole, I'm in tj, playas, popotla, Rosarito, CDS still runs tj, people who never go to Mexico, they know a guy who knows a guy who is cousin with......, people that know crap, LA, Phoenix, Atlanta, Chicago, all with Sinaloa product, all tunnels found are CDS, just keep on talking crap, they don't extort or kidnap in culiacan, it never happens, rarely hear stuff like that, they are busy moving work. Not purse snatching or taxing the street taco guy on the corner. Ask the people or Tepic, Torreon, Colima, who de they prefer to run the city.

    1. Well...your ignorance is about the only truth in your...opinion. Grow up,bro.

    2. Muerte al CDS!

      La Baja sigue haciendo Arellano!

    3. @1:17pm. Correct 100% and sound like you live here and know how it really is. Is funny to read theories de los gringos and pochos. CDS is ONLY about owning and controlling only the most important plazas and routas that bring hundreds millions every day. CDS fighting to control droga tiendas, extortion, etc is like Bill Gate or Slim washing windows for pesos and every time jefes de CDS get greedy like Beltrans, Carlito Ibarras that cause unnecessary attention caused by ego and greed CDS will eliminate or give to militar. CDS will continue to pull strings of the "cartel novela" that takes away from the real story that CDS is a world power with wealth beyond what these people can imagine

    4. Agree with you 100% when torreon was run by zetas for a bit it was hell extortiona everywhere now when los antrax cleaned it up everyone is happy now

  4. (Otis: I bet some BB readers have some theories on who did it and why.)

    with few exceptions, i wouldn't put much stock in these idiots! half of them think the Illuminati did it, the othjer half think Amadio Caruil is still alive and he did it, and the remaining think the ghost of Malverde did it as favor to chapo.

    1. Which half do you fall in 2:15?

    2. What half do you fall in 2:15?

    3. 2.15
      Lmao,but your right,Mexicans included,the US did it

    4. I don't fall into either half, or the remaining ones. Good catch on the math. After two halves, there shouldn't be any remaining, so I must be in it. That was a rough Draft of my analysis.

      Here's the final breakdown.

      50% think the illuminati did it, via the CIA
      28% malverde ghost did
      12% Amado carillo faked his death and is coming back to the scene
      5% don't think, they just come here to look at the gory pictures and jalarsela
      4% have good theories
      1% me and a few others shaking our heads at the idiocy and extreme lack of critical thinking skills here

    5. 2:15 falls bocabajo, always. Can't you see it?

    6. That's 1 1/2. Do the math

    7. 7:53 you are such "elite thinker" and sooo discriminating in tate and knowledge, I don't know, I'd like to understand why such a mmh ah, mmmh, pretty polished lady like you, is hanging with us lowly rabble, are you just looking for a good time with the Mandingo?

    8. @ 1:07 it doesn't take an elite thinker to stand head and shoulders above a bunch of idiots. the shit you guys come up with sometimes really is stupid. although i can't say i blame i ya'll 100%. the mexican government did a real number on ya'lls...if you would have told me 3 years ago that chayo was alive and killed somebody, i'd think you are as dumb as if you'd said chapo is really free and doing it....but it turns out, Chayo really was alive....still, there's lots of idiots here

    9. 10:11 mjm, mmmh, I see you are still tying to hang with the despissed, the lowly, the uninformed and the rabble...
      --El chayo's being alive is not the only conspiracy theory that proved right, there is about an encyclopaedia about it.

    10. I didn't say everyone was an idiot, just most of you. go to the chapo transferred to juarez comments section and look at how many idiots are saying its so they can break him out...if thats not stupid, i dont know what is....and i'll say it again, not everyone here is an idiot, just most of you...some of the people posting here have pretty good inside i put up with 99% of the dumb shit to get that 1 % of the information that is interesting...just goes to show you dont have critical thinking skills LOL

    11. 9:04 I hope you mature a little bit some day and stop writing "LOL" WHEREVER YOU GO

  5. you know mexican press is running stories on the continued killings of anyone who is free and might be involved or know what happened to the missing 43

    1. Most anything in "mexican news" is trying to push "the historic truth" about the 43...
      --some "municipal police have confessed"...
      --the imperial couple of iguala (the Abarcas)has been blamed...
      --the guerreros unidos took the 43 from the municipal police...
      --and burned 43 bodies so well that not even the ashes can be found...
      --the mexican government has kicked the independent investigators out, "to help the investigations..."
      It is ok to keep printing stories about the 43, but not historical truths that look and stink like poopđź’© and đź’© poo monuments full of đź’© popĂł straight from the horses asses of the mexican government politicians.
      They have their death squads state by state, but there are no piggies like the Mando Unicos, the accreditables, the private army AutoDefensas sponsored and organized by the federal government to support their favorite drug traffickers and sicarios, and that is the good news, the governors are behaving like regional feudal warlords by PRI DESIGN.

  6. Where you at chapo CAF is running Baja

  7. Is the food at this place any good?

    Gredoso chico blanco

    1. Yeah the tacos de CABEZA y CHORIZO you gonna like them grasoso chico naco

  8. @7:41 you can yelp all the restaurant and taco shop its very helpful

  9. This was the son of "Carlos Ibarra el caqui,un trafficante famoso",who got killed decades back.Jr had taken revenge for his fathers death,and now,apparently his time was due for famous mexican vendettas that come back to haunt you....tucanes made a corrido of his father..look it up


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