Thursday, May 12, 2016

El Mayo Zambada's Security Chief, son of El Ondeado, Arrested in Durango

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

Subject Matter: Ines Enrique Torres Acosta
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Patricia Davila
Ines Enrique Torres Acosta, chief of security for Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, one of the chiefs of the Sinaloa Cartel, was detained on Saturday 7th of April in the outskirts of the town of Durnago, Durango.

The Commissioner for National Security, Renato Sales Heredia, informs that Federal forces achieved the capture of the capo, who is one of the 122 established priority objectives of the Government of the Republic at the start of this administration.

Torres Acosta, 31 years old and originally from Los Llanos, Municipality of Cosala, Sinaloa, is allegedly responsible for coordination of the production, collection, transportation and commercialization of marijuana, crystal meth, cocaine and heroin into the United States, where he faces charges for the trafficking of important cargoes of these drugs.

According to the Commissioner, Federal forces were the ones who achieved the capture of the capo ranked 100 on the list of 122 priority objectives of the Government of Enrique Pena Nieto.

All of this was possible thanks to the Cabinet and field work, with which they managed to identify Torres Acosta, and collected data that permitted the establishment of an operation, that located the trafficker in the outskirts of the city of Durango.

After identifying the zone where Torres Acosta moved around, and confirming his presence, they determined that the conditions were correct to proceed with his detention, minimizing risks to persons alien to the operation, and implemented a series of actions leading to the capture of the capo without a shot being fired.

In regards of his criminal antecedents, Torres Acosta has expedited arrest warrants current from both SEIDO and the PGR.

Torres Acosta is the son of Manuel Torres Felix "El Ondeado", who died in a confrontation with elements of the Mexican army on October of 2012 and nephew of Javier Torres Felix "El JT", detained in 2004, and cousin of Misael Torres Urrea, detained by Sedena and Federal Police in October of 2014. This last person also formed part of the list of the 122 priority objectives.

The investigators have revealed that Ines Torres Acosta was a cell boss, this cell, its alleged, constitutes the first circle of security of El Mayo Zambada and his family.

The detained was put at the disposition of the PGR.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. Is there a link to the list of the 122 priority objectives? Thanks in advance!

    1. Don Mayo's chief of security ranked 100 of 122? Not seeing the correlation....unless Mexico's favoring CDS - oh wait; PRI y CDS are one in the same! Makes sense now

  2. Why is it that the Gov can catch nephews sons cousin etc...n not the guys??

    1. Because "the guys" have deals with the Gov n everyone else are just pawns.

    2. Because mayo is hidding really good, doesn't want to get busted like chapo

  3. I think you mean, Saturday MAY 7th.

  4. Hopefully Mayo falls next so Sinaloa cartel can kiss everybody's ass that its harmed with it's stupid greed and ambition!

  5. The Mexican government haven't published it, to my knowledge. if anyone does have a link please post it up.

    1. I saw a link with the 122 targets at either the Insight Crime website or the Diario de Juarez. But the list is outdated with El Viceroy (to name one person only), still on the list among others.

    2. Making it up as they go,

      When they finish 122 a new 122 list starts.

      A que gobierno tan culero.

    3. Shit I may be on the list, I had a beer once with one guy that looks like a bad guy and there are always suspicious characters wherever I go to drink, i'm sure Obamanos is reading this comment too, aye, gotta gatta go hide, bye!!!

    4. I heard el morronis de la palma navolato sinaloa is number 69 is that true? Atte : el morronis de la palma navolato sinaloa ajuua.

    5. 3:27 and you are the 6 or the 9?

  6. isnt "El General de Sinaloa" another son of el Ondeado? and thats why he never shows his face on his albums?

    1. Yes he is , el ondeado has i think 5 male sons

    2. 12:26 there are plans to have them all mini-ondeados todos pandos en el bote...

    3. What sbout the son that arturo Villarreal (61) killed or was that a nephew along with more family members

    4. What about "EL AGUILA" nephew of nacho coronel?
      Is he working for la mencha?

  7. They are going to gather intelligence from this guy since he's into the 1st circle close to El Mayo.Maybe El Mayo will be next if US wants him bad enough which I think the Mexican gov has little choice on if they want that Merida Initiative cash.Sounds like Sinaloa is going down down down!

  8. Wow. All the Ines I've met have been chicks. Childhood teasing must have factored into his homicidal nature later in life.

    1. That's my middle name with a Z.[Inez}.

  9. El chapo is done, sinaloa is going down

    1. If i had a penny...

  10. Dread Pirate RobertsMay 12, 2016 at 7:47 AM

    > Ismael “El Mayo”
    > Zambada (Cártel de Sinaloa)
    > Juan José Esparragoza “El Azul” (Sinaloa)
    > Dámaso López Núñez (Cártel de Sinaloa)
    > Dámaso López Serrano (Sinaloa)
    > José Antonio Cueto López (Cártel de Sinaloa)
    > Fausto Isidro Meza
    > Flores “El Chapito” (Beltrán Leyva)
    > Francisco Javier
    > Hernández García “El Panchito” (Beltrán/Sinaloa)
    > Juan Pablo Ledezma (Cártel de Juárez)
    > Juan Pablo Guijarro Fragosa, “El Mónico” o “El H1” (Cártel de Juárez)
    > Homero Cárdenas Guillén (Cártel del Golfo)
    > Mahiley Barahona Nadales (Zetas)
    > Ignacio Rentería “El Nacho” (La Familia Michoacana)
    > Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (CJNG)
    List was published by Reporte Indigo on Jan 2016
    Saludos Chivis et al.

    1. La Secretaria de Marina-Armada de México confirmó este sábado la captura de Ignacio Andrade Rentería El Cenizo, jefe de Los Caballeros Templarios, en la zona limítrofe con el estado de Michoacán y Guerrero.

    2. Link not working, trying various ways to open.

  11. ññaaah! I'd rather see the list of 122 mexican narco-politicians that should be on a most wanted list, and to make your life easy, reduce that list to 10% for now, 12 names, please, in the times of saddam hussein we had a list of 40 cards, with photos and names, 12 should do for the mexicans, no narco-capo arrests are needed, just the names and their dirty deeds of mexican dirty politicians, their buddies and their enablers...

    1. Haha good 1 no doubt!

  12. The west coast in real trouble, go on pls

    1. 8:39 ay si, cabronas "se les va a quiebrarr la muñeca de tanto apuntar con los dedos..."
      --pinchis pendejas, y se quejan de los cantantes y los sopranos.

  13. They probably caught him by chance.. All that operation shit is probably just to make themselves look good. Some pictures of him arrested with soldiers grabbing him by the balls would be nice. Just so anybody can see how tough they really are.

  14. Muchos no sabian que el hijo del senor manuel torrez andaba por ay dando batalla , asi como el ay mas torrez por sinaloa i ke la segurida del mayo depende de varios ay les dejo el dato
    -pistolero de manuel torrez-

    1. No seas mamom guey! Quieres apantallar diciendo que al Mayo lo cuidan muchos. Ya se sabe que no nomas un baboso lo proteje pero entre tanto baboso tiene que haber un lider o dos y este wuey podra ser uno de ellos. Haci que no hagas tanta pinche novela como si fuera para tanto este pedo de el narco de Sinaloa!

    2. A cuáles son las consecuencias de los gatilleros que fallaron en no ver protegido al señor Acosta ? - El Sol Perdido

    3. Mejor dicho: IDIOTA de la lacra manuel torrez!

  15. Is this the same son of his who was also a corrido singer known as El General Torres?? A few years back I remember his son singing and releasing a few songs on their families behalf.

    1. El General es hijo del Señor JT

    2. No that one is el general de sinaloa , hes a fat fuck with long hair , this one is el kike "24"

  16. if im not mistaken kiki (M24) took over after misael (M2) got captured right ?

  17. i didnt even know he had this son. thought the only son he had got killed

  18. They want mayo.. and I ain't talking about mayonnaise lol

  19. El general de Sinaloa va andar aguitado

  20. No there isnt any list. The government "captures" these people at random then proclaims them part of that list to show work so they can recieve their USA aid. Another way they use that list is to proclaim to the criminal underworld who their protected plaza boss is in whatever area they were "caught" in. If we dont hear about this guy again thats who runs Durango.


  21. "There's more of them???" god damn the torres family is the wayans bros of narcos

    1. And just like them even their biggest stars are fucking idiots :D

  22. Everyone saying CDS going down yet they still trafficking the most product into the U.S. they have hundreds of Lieutenants/captains thousands foot soldiers and thousands more waiting in line to fill a position. The reason why I mock the naysayers is CDS is made mostly of families from Sinaloa just like the BLO, CAF and Juarez Organizations too. Has anyone noticed since Chapos first arrest everyone on the West coast is laying low besides BC Sur and Jalisco. These guys finally realized the corridos were the bullseye from the government. I wouldn't be surprised to hear a new mega Sinaloa organization made up of all the beefing families now that the top heads are either dead, in jail or too old form with all the resources, connections and $$$$ these dudes have.

    1. Ao what if CDS in or is not going down? Most of us CDS haters are jist happy CDS finally lost the help of both the U.S. and Mexican governments seems like and people can finally see tjst without that help they aren't doing shit in Mexico. Many other cartels are recuperating from fighting with CDS and are also begenning to move tons of drugs into the U.S. again. Stop nuthugging!

    2. @515 pm you are so fuckingballs DEEP in loser denial check the california NTF narcotics task force report for 2015 CJNG pushing the most dope thru the biggest border

    3. Not true. CDS has monopolized the cocaine trade wether you like it or not ... Zetas and golfas have left the drug trade alone and have focused in petty crimes ... Cjng has stuck to meth, Juarez to heroin and some coke and afo to meth and coke... CDs has they're hands in everything !

  23. His cousin joel torres just got killed saturday and other Torres

    1. Holy shit,they finally got this kid ?
      If its the same one this kid has survived 3 previous attacks on his life,some serious where he was capped and survived.Does anyone have any idea why they went so hard after this guy ?

  24. Mayo better move to new hideout that this dude doesnt know about cuz theyre gunna torture him for all he knows. I think el mayo is smart enough to assume this guy will talk so he will more then likely move

  25. Well, you know chapo doesn't want to go down all by himself. He's doing what he does best, snitching...

  26. The gringos want him :)

    Page four of this indictment Torres family are known to rat quick under custody, reason JT isn't with the gringos anymore. Reason why Mayo decided to have Manuel killed and not taken alive

  27. Kiki is under indictment in San Diego, from Operation Narco Polo, which basically names the hierarchy of the Zambada branch of Sinaloa.....It's likely he will get extradited.

  28. Seems like Mayo has more protection than Chapo

    1. Looks like rafael caro quintero who "does not sing in english" has been singing in spanish to the chilango cartel of atracomulco, since epn got "where he wanted", RCQ luck changed, and all the other capos luck took a bad turn all over the land.

    2. Enough with this bullshit about the chilango cartel... There is no such thing the next thing coming out if your idiot mouth is that trump is illuminati and is a reptilian under human skin.

  29. El Chapo snitched.

  30. Los Torres son unos mugrosos.

  31. Do you remember the first thing El Chapo did during his first real arrest as he left the country. He had many years to plan things differently waiting to see the writing on the wall. El Mayo would take over and nobody knows El Chapo but himself as he is long gone with years of planning his exit. The one you are focusing upon is nothing more than an illusion as money can buy just about anything or anybody.


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