Wednesday, May 25, 2016

El Chapo threatens to sue Netflix/Univision for his life story... he wants his cut

Lucio R. Borderland Beat
One would think Joaquin Guzman Loera, aka “El Chapo”, has bigger fish to fry without worrying what Netflix and Univision are doing, but today his attorney Andres Granados reported to The Associated Press, that if the studios film and air the planned series of Chapo’s life…they will be sued.

It is not that he is opposed to such a project, he just wants his piece of the pie.  He has even offered his services, where for the “right price” he would be willing to assist by providing information that could “make the project better.”

Chapo’s attorney says the networks must pay to use his name and nickname, "If they air this, they are immediately going to be sued.”  His contention is that permission must be obtained from Chapo, because he is not dead.

However, they are “willing to, and it would be a pleasure to, negotiate with them.”

You may recall that Chapo signed exclusive rights to his life story to Kate del Castillo, Chapo’s attorney says, that Castillo would also negotiate with them.

If he is successful in getting paid, it is ironic it will be the first time he has earned legit money not procured through organized crime activities. Albeit, it would be legit money from a project highlighting his illegal activities.

Neither Netflix or Univision has rendered a comment.

Drama has surrounded the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, since his recapture last July.  It was shortly after the arrest that his family and attorneys began a campaign on his behalf of several grievances.  His wife, who until now has rarely been seen, began a PR onslaught which included dozens of interviews, some televised. 

The initial theme was the great concern for Chapo’s health.  That his human rights were being violated at Altiplano Prison, and his treatment, for example, waking him up from sleep every few hours, had led to never before experienced health issues, such as hypertension.

During that press blitz, Chapo’s wife, Emma, said that Chapo had instructed his attorneys to not fight extradition to the United States, because he felt he would be safer there.

Then on May 7th, Chapo was transferred to Cefereso No. 9  prison in Juarez.  Juarez is most likely the last place he would chose to be imprisoned.  Not only is it filled with violent enemies, who would love to see Chapo dead, but Juarez prisons are the worse in human rights violations, with hundreds killed and multiple deadly riots each year. 

Supposedly, he is isolated from other prisoners, but that has not stopped targeted prisoners from getting killed in the past.

His wife said last week, he is tormented and wishes to return to Altiplano.

However, he has of course changed his mind about the extradition, before the transfer, he began fighting it once again.

In other news about the extradition, the United States has quietly dropped murder charges against Chapo, in attempts to expedite the transfer.

That is of course in Chapo’s favor if he cuts a deal.  Also, is the fact that even though he has served time in three prisons, there has never been a conviction against him in Mexico.

Again, a big positive if he plea bargains, in terms of points when determining sentencing.

He will have no priors.


  1. Puro drama con este wuey, kill him already!

    1. Hes a clown not a mafioso anymore.

    2. No shit! But it really him??

    3. It's his clone

    4. Chapo wont see a cent . Hell everybody can freeze up the money after its paid . Maybe even street level junkies could file . Hell I'm thinking about filing . Civil is so much easier than criminal . Everybody knows hes a dealer . Is he willing to show records that prove he didn't ruin my life with drugs .

    5. Que significa todo esto. ???

    6. Quien es el chapo en realidad. ??? Si es buena persona, lo sacamos en menos de 7 años.

    7. That was one wrong, ugly comment, maybe drugs or something. Is it going to have straight facts or both? The story

  2. This motherfucker is supposed 2 be so rich and yet he still wants more money. Damn that's crazy. Hasta cuando llenara el corazón de los que se afanan al dinero. - El Sol Perdido

    1. You're not too bright,are you?...This will be legit money.Probably the first time he has earned any.He doesn't have to hide,launder,or do anything to keep it...

    2. More likely Chapo thinks it's his story to tell and the money secondary. Would be good marketing for Netflix/Univision to take Mr.Guzman upon his offer.

      Canadian girl

    3. When the jealous heal, the rich mafiosos will stop wanting for money, soledá...
      --you of all persons should know that...
      But if there is a law, what is wrong with the rightful and the wrongful trying to abide?
      --Then there is the Unauthorized windows, Kitty Kelly is an american author always into exposing the rich and the beautiful,
      --I hope the bitch can assist, she will want some money too...

    4. 7:29; I think he is more concerned with his legacy at this point.

    5. 8:49 Try 2 at least use your brain before running your mouth. Criminals do not profit from their crimes in the U.S. Much less a foreign criminal. Even if he did make some money from his story I'm more than sure the feds will take it all away. - El Sol Perdido

    6. haha.."You're not too bright,are you?...This will be legit money.Probably the first time he has earned any.He doesn't have to hide,launder,or do anything to keep it..." Maybe, when you learn grammar level english, people might take you seriously.....until then....not so much.

    7. @Canadian girl

      BESITOS (even tho the BB staff wont allow my kisses to go thru)

  3. Could he be going broke after all the lawyer fees and prison escape pay off?

  4. Damn! Aint that fool got enough money already? Its not like hes ready for the foodstamp line and he cant spend much of it in prison! Geez what greed does to some folks!

    1. Well this would be legal money if he won a suit..

  5. If he's never been convicted of anything in Mexico how come he was extradited from Guetemala and spent years in prison then?I hope it's not the same for the Doc.Funny it says in the article Chapo's 1st legit business although it's the story of his illegimate business.Isn't there a thing in US about not profiting from crime[like a book].How is Netflix going to get a hold of Chapo anyway.I'm sure he does not want to reveal too much.

    1. Because he was "wanted" as in Interpol warrant. Remember Chino? in Amsterdam? U.S. had an international warrant out on him.

      I am sure Canada can file an Interpol warrant on a fugitive

      it is not uncommon for people to spend years in Mexican prison without a trial.

    2. Do not forget the part where CARLOS AND JORGE HANK ROHN NIGGAS the arellanuses and their crew killed the bishop at the airport, NOT LA CHAPARRA GUZMAN...
      --There is a right and a wrong way about thingzzz, la chapa already did like 5 or 8 years for a crime he did not commit...
      --in the little town of teotihuacan, where the great mexican pyramids are in the process of being sold to walmart, two guys and a woman have been lynched by a people turned on by accusations of their being "kidnappers"...1 000 police officers ready for the event, armed to the teeth, well empecherados, anti-mutiny experts, could not stop the lynchers from doing the dirty deed...

  6. He get his cut when he becomes a prisoner here in the states.

    1. Good idea if his cut money, should be used towards housing him in the US prison, instead of using tax payers money

    2. 12:30 good idea, make it a traveling circus, Billy the kid's corpse used to make good money, and dillinger's dong until j.Edgar hoover stole it...

  7. Damn Chapo, don't be so damned greedy! You probably have 5 billion stashed away somewhere, fleets of aircraft, businesses out the ying yang. Greedy mo-fo!

  8. He will be safe in the SuperMax.

  9. I read a couple of articles back in January, one in Reforma about him never having a conviction, I could not believe it. You are correct it will work in his favor.

    And correct again he has not made money legitimately, his investments are with drug money. strange, I though he was one of the wealthiest men in the world. what a narcissist, although I am sure it is more about Kate objecting than chapo, granted I may wrong.

  10. ... No Sean Penn.
    Chapo culero que puede hacer en una jaula ?

  11. Good luck with that Chapo! There is a thing called an "unauthorized biography", so any author has the right to write about his life story. If he wishes to have an authorized version published, he had better get startede. Being a public figure does not grant you the right to sue. At lease in the US. His crimes are public knowledge and illegal. He will have a difficult time suing in the US. He better start his own version in Mexico. The US may not allow him to have a book published. The courts are not so willing in the US to allow a criminal to profit from murders and crimes. His royalties if allowed would be taken for restitution from any authorized biography in the US. Law student here. Just stating the facts as they are. All Netflix/Univision has to do is title it as an unauthorized version. Look at all the serial killers who had books written about them and has yet to get a dime or a chance to sue. They cannot sue.

    1. If they write untrue events. that he can prove are false he can sue... but as for him making money off his story. It depends what state. Country or province you're in. The usa has the "son of sam" law. In canada they can choose after a period of time if the criminal can make money off book sales. Or movie deals. Most of the time they take the cash and give it to the victims society. I learnt of this from that grease ball Robert pickton.

    2. Don't get me wrong not trying to one up you. Just trying to open discussion. And get further knowledge on the issue. But chapo could sue for slanderous remarks. And deferment to character,(if proven they are either of those) like I said not one upping you. Just trying to figure out how he can sue them or not.

    3. Defamation of Character...
      Charles Manson didn't kill anybody, but seems to have a good chunk in savings, loyalties and donations from lonely women out for control...

    4. Chapo could sue if someone says he's a murderer.After all he's never been convicted in Mexico or charged in US even though Sinaloa Cartel is responsible for 34,000 murders.Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  12. Good God, how many times do we need to here this. El Chapo or any other narco has no "exclusive rights" to their life story. They're criminals and public figures. Any info about them gained without their cooperation is fair game for movies, books, etc. The only folks with exclusive rights about El Chapo's story are journalists who, through their own work, obtained info not found elsewhere.

  13. El senor no necesita dinero esto es nomas pake los gringos miren que el ni preocupado esta por se extradidito , i como me dijo ivan archivaldo ase dias mi apa esta ay porque quiere plebe
    -pistolero de manuel torrez-

    1. 8:28 that is a motherfacking lie pistolero, nobody is in prison because he "wants to be there", that would be even mas pendejo that getting cogido por pendejo, and I am a pro-chapo follower, but nobody's "pistolero".

    2. Well you tell Ivan Archibaldo I said he's a god damn lier. El Chapo wants to be in prison. Hahahahahaha. Las pendejadas que dicen y asta creen Los sinaloenses.

      El Chapo se va podrer en LA carcel.

    3. Pistolero de Manuel Torres your boss is dead and Ivan Archibaldo is an idiot to say that. Chapo is there because he got arrested, he didn't ran like a little girl and allowed his security team to get kill just to make things more interesting. He played his cards wrong and he lost. Plain and simple. "He is there because he wants to" Sure buddy keep telling yourself that.

  14. So when does NETFLIX air this show?

    1. 8:39 good luck with packing 45 years of drug trafficking and being a biiig cartel boss in a two hour "show for pussies".

    2. Ya your right...all publicity...funny how they idol the man that has killed thousands of people, but Mr. Mirales gets put in prison for trying to stop it.

  15. I think its good . Make Netflix and Univision Shell out. Then put the money yo good use someplace where his organization done so much damage. Come on top the US chapo . Things will go your way here . We Promise ...

  16. I have no respect for this guy but if he escaped again I will. But doubt it, the U.S. is after him badly. He will testify for vicente zambada in Chicago

  17. Smart man. Don't allow anyone to tell your life story without your permission and final approval

  18. He's definitely a businessman isn't he?

  19. He is not aware that some countries (eg USA, Aust, UK,) don't allow convicts to profit from book sales or script sales, interviews? His Mexican lawyer should know that. Not a law student myself but a low level crim and I know that.

    I think he wants to see his name in lights, in the credits or doing it for his legacy, authenticity of the script.

    1. shut up bozo, selling grams of dirt weed at your high school doesnt define you as a criminal.

  20. Pendejos you never get it. Its not the money he is fighting for he just wants to be the one pulling strings like he is used to it. Even in prison things have to be done his way.

    El senor es un estratega. Ponganse las pilas.

  21. Not money he wants..he just wants to burn a few politicians that betrayed him.

  22. Everyone says he greedy for wanting a cut of his story. Regardless of how much money he has, it's still his story. No one here would want someone making money off of you. Just like poor o'l George Jung. I haven't read any where how much he was paid for his story and that movie became just as popular as scareface.
    It's not about the money, it's about him calling the shots...

  23. U all are a bunch of idiots read a book!

  24. He has a right. Netflix do it. It's Chapo.

  25. El mas peligroso no es el chapo si no los politicos que son los verdaderos mafiosos.

    Quien recuerda ""la quina"" cuantos no se hicieron millonarios junto a ese puerco mafioso gran amigo de los altos funcionarios del PRI?



    1. No seas pendejo wuey! El Chapo es igual o mas peligroso que los politicos. Los politicos por ser ratas no necesariamente tienen el poder o deseo de matar! No pongas robar en el mismo lugar que ASESINAR!
      Si este lugar de comentarios fuera en Mexico y o pedieran informacion de gente que habla mal de el Chapo los pinche miembros de su cartel ya se hubieran echado a dos o tres de estos nomas por "lenguas largas" le dicen! Sacerdotes, politicos, hasta musicos han muerto a manos de el CDS simplemente porke dicen algo que no les gusta a estas mierdas! Por eso a este guey no le dicen nada en su tierra de Sinaloa. No es porke ayudaba a absolutamente toda gente-eso es imposible-si no porke la gente de CDS manda a matar a todo guey que hable mal de ellos! Este cartel tiene censurado todo lo que la gente dice en sus areas de control!

    2. 7:36 Rio Doce y otros periodicos de sinaloa podrian hacer un Reporte de los crimenes y amenazas del chapo, 'till then you are one more facking liar.
      --Unlike other ciminals, el chapo was in no hurry to do a good better job to enrich himself in 4 or 5 years, like los setaz,
      --They needed to break the bank and get epn "made"...
      --violent murdering gangsters in mexico come from the army/navy and policia federal, no chapo is going to surrender to cuckasuckas like that, maybe you would...

    3. @11:39. Who are you calling a fucking liar? People in cd Juarez are afraid to testify against Chapo because of fear of repercussions against them. I live in El Paso TX and I have seen this in the local newsppaper. You don't even live in Sinaloa. In Durango where CDS controls 400 plus people where found buried in mass graves between 2009 and 2011 there. People of all walks of life were found there including people that spoke up against the narco lifestyle like the priests and some Sinaloa politicians! Musicians get killed by the dozens for singing against CDS. I received threats myself a few years ago when ever I wrote anonymously on the "Historias del Narco" blog some years ago simply because I wrote about shit that CDS did right across the border from ELP in cd Juarez Mexico that I, could witness first or second hand. Do you need articles from newspapers to believe that still? Just because Rio Doce (what ever that is), was allowed to make one interview does not mean CDS does not have a history of killing or at thw very least threatening people that speak against them! They are probably boiling over in anger as I type just like you for saying the truth.
      Yes marinas and army kill people in Mexico also but so does anyone with power in Mexico like CDS does also.

    4. @11:39. I dare you to say that the marco lifestyle is no good in Sinaloa. You are dreaming if you think you'll make it out alive.

    5. El chapo guzman has never put any polesias under arrest under false pretenses, much less any "politician".
      --Dangerous politicians have el chapo arrested & in prison...

    6. Chapo Guzman is arrested because he sells SHIT-get it SHIT! Nobody forces anybody (for the most part), into taking anything but the fact is Chapo ain't selling candy, water or even food. In order for him to sell this shit he has to KILL other people also trying to sell the same shit. Chapo is not a kind loving person in this game. He always knew what this business was about and this business is illegal.
      Forget that Chapo is a poor guy who only does whats best crap. Tell that to all the people he has killed (or their families), who where also poor and also trying to make it in the game.

    7. Lookihere, boys, el chapo was in no hurry to help el pri and epn get the presidential power shit, he probably knew it was his ass on the line, and even more probably he did not know the extent of the involvement of epn with the setas, cdg, beltranuses arellanuses et al to get el pri back in power, for carlos salinas de gortari. ..

  26. It's crazy how much he is craving attention and publicity. No wonder El Mayo gave him up. All the publicity seeking was probably getting on his nerves and drawing too much heat.

  27. I can already hear the corrido "el chapo vs Netflix ".. EL CLOWN new nickname

    1. 10:33 your corrido will be "El CWLOWN"

  28. Man!!!! I need more popcorn!

  29. This is not El Chapo wanting to negotiate anything as its out of character. I have given you enough clues to read over time. Focus on the second arrest as the answer will be found there; its called research for at least 15 hours.

  30. Why don't they let Chapo sue these corporations. Let him win all this money. Then give it to all those mothers he left without a son/ daughter cuz he sent them to get killed. All the kids he left orphans cuz he sent their parents to be killed. All those widows who where left to take care of their children alone.
    "Chapo is only trying to feed hid family" people cry out!
    So where most of the people he ordered to get killed!
    So fuck Chapo and his followers!

  31. Heh production companies are geniuses at wiggling out of this kind of thing, they'll just change the details enough so it can't be said to be his direct likeness and then stick one of those disclaimers in the credits.

    If they wanted to work with him they would have approached him, but they obviously aren't interested in his testimony. They want something light, watchable and loose with the facts.

    1. Dont forget heads will be rolling if chapo doesnt get his cut and willl be saying bye bye to netflix

    2. Yep . Your right ja ack . and if he don't have his name copy righted or things along that line he is free game . You cant show above board assets when you made all you $$ breaking the low . Hell , relatives of dead junkies could sue . HE WILL CLAIM NO MONEY IN THE USA .

  32. He should be focusing on his escape.

  33. El Chapo came from a rough childhood and never had the opportunity of a formal education. He went into the only business he knew and who am I to judge right from wrong. I don't want to even go there. On the other hand he was a genius at business management; with people; and could see this and that for improvement. The point I am making is this man was far from stupid and given the opportunity in life could have gone into any business direction and would have been extremely successful. He was gifted with a great ability and to believe some of these stories about him is not the case at hand as he was no fool.

  34. Am I late on this. But heard the states are dropping all murder charges. So extradition can happen easier.

    1. Yup. Not much was made of that in the news but it is a big deal.

      Lucio addressed the dropped murder charges in the post above.

  35. For some reason previous post arnt showing up for me. I only have a few new stories to read. So I'm a bit behind.

  36. lol why not? he sees wack-job juries giving people millions for doing something stupid so what the heck!

  37. Wouldn't it be illegal for Univision to make business with chapo because of the kingpin act.

  38. Chapoguod everyone is worried about him making the show while they failed to read that he got his murder charges dropped wow

    1. Hmm I think hell do life most likely. If not hell be handed back to mexico where hell do more time for those murders.

    2. He will have no priors if he cuts a deal

  39. By law the witnesses that he was just organizing drug transfers for the CIA can not testify, will not testify, do not have to testify, have been forgiven by one US president or another.
    --The schools "training the contras in veracruz" have been closed for a while since they were discovered by a manuel buendia, and el kiki camarenas, the mexican sicarios now work for the polesia...
    --I think the case against la chapa is blown and tainted since day one, but the cases against el güero palma, la Reina del pacifico, juan garcia abrego and vicente zambada niebla all that mattered was that their arses had to be incarcerated on the US to prove "something"...

  40. Before this is done Capo will be giving interviews for $20 on his commissary account .


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