Investor crackdown could hit small states: Treasurers

WA Treasurer Ben Wyatt.
WA Treasurer Ben Wyatt. WAtoday

The new Western Australian Labor government has warned an impending crackdown by regulators on investor loans designed to take the heat out of the Sydney and Melbourne markets will further damage the already slowing housing market in Perth.

WA Treasurer Ben Wyatt and his counterparts from Tasmania and the Northern Territory expressed concern at the impact on their markets of what federal Treasurer Scott Morrison described as "big stick, sledgehammer type changes" designed to improve housing affordability. 

Following a meeting of state and federal Treasurers in Canberra on Friday where housing affordability was discussed, Mr Morrison suggested the smaller states were worried about federal Labor's policy of curbing negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions for investors.

"What may impact in Sydney in one way can impact exactly the reverse in Perth, and certainly the WA Treasurer was keen to make those points as was the Tasmanian Treasurer and indeed the Northern Territory Treasurer," he said.

"So, the use of big stick, sledge hammer type changes, one must be very cautious of that because it can have quite negative impacts in markets."

Pressed further, Mr Morrison said "a sledgehammer measure is what the Labor Party put to the last election".

"Those approaches clearly weren't supported in WA, in other states and territories, they understand there is no national housing market and what you do in one place can have a very negative impact somewhere else."

Federal Labor support

But Mr Wyatt told AFR Weekend that he supported federal Labor's policies on negative gearing and CGT, and in the Treasurers meeting he expressed concerns about the government nudging the regulators to have another look at curbing investor loans.

"My concern was in respect of APRA [ Australian Prudential Regulation Authority]. If they restrict requirements around lending based around the NSW market, I'd be anxious about that,' he said. "I have always supported federal Labor's policy."

The developments came as the banks continued to get ahead of the investor crackdown. Property investors with interest-only loans from Commonwealth Bank of Australia were hit with a second interest rate rise in six weeks, while ANZ and Westpac also increased their rates on investor loans.

As they did so, Mr Morrison was telling the state Treasurers his view that the macroprudential measures were losing their effect.

"I have been concerned, over the last couple of months, that the macro-credential measures that were put in place a few years ago – which have been very successful in meeting their objectives – in the last couple of months, we've seen the impact of that wear off, and it is now for the Council Of Financial Regulators to determine what the next step is," Mr Morrison said.

The federal government is also downplaying expectations of what it can to to influence housing affordability, despite a major package being prepared for the May budget. 

Asked whether housing affordability was a state or federal responsibility, Mr Turnbull said "it is overwhelmingly a state responsibility because the states control planning".