WA News


Lloyd Rayney 'misled' police about state of his marriage, court told

Lloyd Rayney "misled" police about his marriage and it was one of the reasons he was suspected of murdering his wife, a detective has told the barrister's multimillion-dollar defamation trial.

Detective Sergeant Keith Williams told the WA Supreme Court on Friday that in his statement to police, Mr Rayney made it seem like things were "quite amicable" between him and his estranged wife before her murder in August 2007.

"I've read nothing to suggest that Mr Rayney gave us an accurate account of his relationship with Corryn," Det Sgt Williams testified.

"Just the opposite. He provided information that in my mind made it look like things were quite amicable between them.

"It's definitely misleading to say that there was an optimism (about the relationship)."

Det Sgt Williams said it was "dishonest and misleading" not to declare the extent of the acrimony between the couple as they headed for divorce, which other people had described to police.


"When you look at all of the witness statements and all of the emails, I think they show bitterness is a sliding scale, isn't it?" he said.

"And I think that it shows a boiling over and bitterness."

In his statement, Det Sgt Williams outlined other reasons he was suspicious of Mr Rayney when he was named the prime and only suspect in the Supreme Court registrar's murder a month later.

They included allegations of infidelity, Mr Rayney's gambling and emails from Ms Rayney showing plans to hurt her husband's career.

"Although many people of interest were investigated for other reasons, there was very little in Corryn's life that there was anyone other than Mr Rayney with a motive to kill her," he said.

Mr Rayney was acquitted of murdering the mother of two in 2012 and an appeal was dismissed in 2013.