


Mike and Heather Moore with their son, Memphis, and Dr Gordon Lee.

From penis amputation to fatherhood

After a botched circumcision as a child, Mike Moore was left without a penis. Years later, and after meeting the right surgeon, he was able to become a dad - naturally.

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Why I love the small age gap between my kids

Six months after our son turned one, we welcomed son number two into our lives. Yes, the small age gap had been planned - and there are things I love and hate about that small gap.

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Family of three ... Nicki and Tony with their adopted son Zander, 11 months.

A mum at last, Nicki's not giving up now

After 14 years of infertility, Nicki and Tony finally became parents when Nicki's sister gave them a child. Less than a year later came a crushing blow - but Nicki's not giving up without a fight.

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The rise of the vasectomy party

Although it could seem like a strange thing to celebrate, more men are choosing to celebrate having vasectomies with a party.

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Why don't we talk about infertility?

When you talk about infertility, you're essentially talking about your sex life, your internal organs, the state of your relationship. But I think we need to talk about it more, not less.

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bonus baby

Having a 'bonus baby'

They're sometimes referred to as ‘the bonus baby’ – the baby that arrives well after you thought you would never have another child. Sometimes they're well thought out, and sometimes they're not.

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hands holding

'So, whose fault is it?'

One of the first things people tend to ask me when they know that we're going through fertility treatment is (in a quiet, almost apologetic voice), "So, um ... whose fault is it?"

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