Birth Options


Decisions about an epidural should be made by the labouring woman.

When to ask for an epidural

When to start epidural pain relief during labour and delivery should be up to the mother, researchers say.

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The facts on inductions

Here's what you need to know about inductions, including the common reasons for having one, how they are done, and the risks.

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male midwife

The lowdown on male midwives

How would you feel about having a male midwife assist your baby's birth? For a growing number of mums, the idea is a reality - and the experts all agree that it's something that should be encouraged.

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baby iv

What you need to know about inductions

One in four women face being induced to bring on labour. There are many reasons for it, and a few ways to make it happen, but it's always best to ask your doctor lots of questions before going ahead with an induction.

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birthing pool

How to use birth pools safely

The recall of hired home-birthing pools after a baby contracted Legionnaires' disease will have some parents-to-be worried, but there are guidelines about how to best - and safely - use a birthing pool.

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