Stages of Labour


Scared sad depressed pregnant woman

Women who fear childbirth labour for longer

Women who are afraid of childbirth spend longer in labour than those who aren’t – and also have a higher chance of needing an emergency caesarean, according to new research.

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Study: women are labouring for longer than their grandmothers did.

Women labouring longer than they did 50 years ago

A US study has found that women are spending longer in labour than they did 50 years ago, a trend that may be caused by increasing maternal age, weight and changing delivery room practices.

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"Improving access to quality medical services is important. We also need to increase access to family-planning methods."

While I laboured, 639 women died

In Australia, a woman dying during labour is a newsworthy event. In other parts of the world, it's just another part of the pregnancy process. So what can we do to help stop the deaths of these women?

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Assisted delivery

About 11% of births in Australia are assisted deliveries (also referred to as instrumental or operative vaginal deliveries) which require an obstetrician or midwife to use instruments and methods that help a baby to be born.

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Labour position thumb

Best positions for labour

Once labour is underway, the positions the mother decides to take will certainly have an effect on comfort level!

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Birth pain relief options

Pain relief options in labour

There are various types of pain relief available to women during labour, although there are several factors that will influence what types can be administered.

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When should I go to hospital?

There are several signs that labour may have begun but knowing when is the right time to go to the hospital can still be difficult to tell ... perhaps you should familiarise yourself with the signs.

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