Mum puts 15-minute labour down to 'fit, not fat' pregnancy

Sharny Kieser when 40 weeks pregnant with her fifth child, Hugo.
Sharny Kieser when 40 weeks pregnant with her fifth child, Hugo. Photo: Facebook

A 15-minute labour sounds like the thing dreams are made of. But for this Aussie mum of five, it was a reality.

Her secret? Sticking to a stringent exercise routine and diet while pregnant, she says.

Queenslander Sharny Kieser, 35, experienced extreme morning sickness, a 30kg weight gain, postnatal depression and more than 25 hours of labour with her first four children.

But when the fitness writer and personal trainer became pregnant with her fifth child last year, she decided things were going to change.

"During the [earlier] pregnancies I was feeling worse and worse, and feeling tired. I had nerve pain through my legs and I was constantly feeling the pressure of just everything," Kieser told the Daily Mail.

Working out vs not working out while pregnant has been a huge difference for me and truly changed my life and my...

Posted by Sharny & Julius on  Sunday, 5 July 2015

"After the previous four pregnancies I was overweight and I had this 'enough is enough' moment. I looked at myself in the mirror and was like 'oh my God, who has eaten Sharny'.

"I felt like this fat old woman and that's how I saw myself … it was all in my head, but I just felt miserable."

Embarking on what she terms a "fit pregnancy" rather than a "fat pregnancy", Kieser stayed active for the full nine months, lifting weights and running, and eating well with plenty of salads, steamed vegetables, smoothies and juices.

"With my other babies, I think I stopped exercising because I was scared that I'd hurt the baby or myself or miscarriage, so I just stopped completely," she said.

"By the time I'd fallen pregnant with my fifth baby I realised I'd be fine, so I just went for it to see what I was capable of."

Only a week off 6 months already!! Time flys when your being kissed. Kiddies want to kiss "our baby in mummy's belly" every minute of every day. Very cute!

Posted by Sharny & Julius on  Friday, 28 February 2014

She suffered no morning sickness, only gained 10kg, and delivered Hugo in a birthing pool after a brief 15-minute labour.

The success of her new approach left her feeling confident she could do it again - and she is now 14 weeks pregnant with her sixth child.

"I changed things completely last time, and [am doing] the same things this time. I haven't had morning sickness at all, and that to me is not coincidental; it's because I've changed my behaviour and my eating."

Her change in attitude is about more than just body image, Kieser says.

"There's so much more to it: your energy levels, no aches and pains and general happiness. It's honestly the most amazing thing I've ever experienced and for this one it will be the same … I'm just going to be me for my kids, my marriage and my husband because I lost myself along the way during the first four pregnancies."
