Law firms unite to shake up appearance: cultural diversity pledge

The lawyers driving cultural diversity. Standing (from left): Katrina Groshinski (Minter Ellison), Robert Cutler ...
The lawyers driving cultural diversity. Standing (from left): Katrina Groshinski (Minter Ellison), Robert Cutler (Clayton Utz), Michael Greene (Henry Davis York), Sue Gilchrist (Herbert Smith Freehills), Jennie Mansfield (Ashurst), Richard Spurio (Allens), Nicholas Turner (DLA Piper), Katrina Rathie (King & Wood Mallesons), Felicity Rourke (Norton Rose Fulbright), Kate Jordan (Clayton Utz), Mary Lyras (Minter Ellison), Richard Gough (Baker McKenzie) Seated (from left): Fiona Crosbie (Allens), Chris Freeland (Baker McKenzie), Tim Soutphommosane, Heidi Roberts (Corrs Chambers Westgarth). Supplied

The nation's leading law firms have put aside rivalry in a bid to boost cultural diversity, after statistics revealed striking homogeneity in the profession particularly at leadership levels.

Leading partners at 11 law firms signed a cultural diversity commitment on Wednesday, pledging to gather data and share ideas on how to increase diversity in leadership roles in a move they say is both morally right and ultimately good for business.

"What we're doing is saying, 'we collectively need to do something; we've found an error in ourselves and we don't like what we see'," said Baker McKenzie national managing partner, Australia, Chris Freeland.

Mr Freeland said the initiative was not simply some ideological, politically correct move – it made good business sense.

"There's a lot of research that proves that more diversity can drive more innovation and ideas but also productivity."

Mr Freeland said the mix of lawyers, particularly at senior levels in large law firms, did not reflect the various ethnic and Indigenous backgrounds of clients, law schools or the community at large.

"The biggest law firms collectively saying, in a non-competitive way, 'this is an issue in the profession and we're doing our bit to improve' – that's a really powerful signal to law graduates, to associates. It gives them a lot of hope," he said.

"It sends a signal into the other law firms, [and] there are flow-on implications outside of the firms too."

Harnessing all talent

Coinciding with Cultural Diversity Week, the law firm leaders were joined by Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane for their first closed-door ideas session on the issue.

Dr Soutphommasane said the move was both morally right and made good business sense by harnessing "all of the talent we have in society", echoing opening comments made by Allens chairman Fiona Crosbie.

"It does transcend competition. There's a real opportunity for legal professionals to lead on cultural diversity," he said.

Collating data to provide evidence beyond anecdotal experience made a difference, he said.

"The challenge for all of us who are interested in diversity and inclusion is to connect leadership with data and policies on bias and professional development," Dr Soutphommasane said.

The more "sophisticated conversations" he has had on the topic were with members of the legal profession, perhaps a reflection of the diverse talent coming through the ranks, he said.

The commitment includes conducting surveys to gather data on cultural diversity at each level, tracking results at partner and senior leadership levels, reviewing position descriptions and key competencies for senior leadership roles to ensure they "incorporate the key traits of an inclusive leader", and sharing experiences. Programs might include unconscious bias training and leadership development.

Leaders 'unrepresentative'

King & Wood Mallesons partner Katrina Rathie, the first Australian-Chinese partner appointed to the legacy Mallesons Stephen Jaques firm, has spent the past two years on a "fact finding mission".

"I was quite stunned to find law is the least diverse profession both in America and in Australia," she said.

In Australia, the last census showed almost 10 per cent of the population had an Asian background. Yet only 3.1 per cent of law firm partners were Asian-Australian, according to the Asian Australian Lawyers Association, and only 1.6 per cent of barristers and 0.8 per cent of the judiciary. Six large firms and 44 medium firms had no Asian-Australian partners at the time of the survey in 2015.

"Research shows people are looking for role models, to say 'if she can do it, so can I'," Ms Rathie said.

Ms Rathie has spoken on the topic at a number of panels in the past year, to discuss ways of overcoming any barriers, real or perceived, to progression.

Among those present for the signing at the Sydney office of Allens on Wednesday were Clayton Utz chief executive partner Robert Cutler, Henry Davis York managing partner Michael Greene and Allens managing partner Richard Spurio.

The signatories are members of a managing partners' diversity forum, which has met regularly since May 2015 for candid discussions on diversity initiatives. The group's first focus was gender diversity, motivated after the Law Council of Australia released disturbing statistics on the high rate of attrition of women in the profession. Half of women lawyers experienced discrimination or intimidation, and a third were considering moving jobs within five years.

Progress has been noticeable since. In the latest The Australian Financial Review partnership survey, two-thirds of the 128 new partners appointed at the nation's leading law firms were women.

The signatory firms are Allens, Henry Davis York, Ashurst, Herbert Smith Freehills, Baker McKenzie, King & Wood Mallesons, Clayton Utz, Minter Ellison, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Norton Rose Fulbright and DLA Piper.

The group will refer to the Australian Human Rights Commission report on improving cultural diversity within Australian leadership, Leading for Change, for guidance.

Norton Rose Fulbright managing partner in Australia Wayne Spanner said the firm had several initiatives in place including global bespoke unconscious bias and inclusive leadership programs. It partnered with Diversity Council Australia to produce the Leading in the Asian Century report towards the end of 2015, something Mr Spanner said was a "crucial part of our national conversation about Asia capabilities, a conversation that is only set to continue as the links between Australia and the region continue to grow".

"Having a linguistically and culturally diverse workforce in Australia is incredibly important to us," he said. 

Long way to go

Baker's Mr Freeland said the managing partner forum's focus on gender diversity to date did not preclude it from broadening its efforts to encompass other diversity initiatives.

He said his own firm recently conducted a diversity survey in Australia, expecting it would perform well given the firm's broader global coverage across almost 50 countries.

"But when we got the data, actually, we were not as diverse as we thought we were. Here in Australia we've got a long way to go. I'm sure we're the same as others."