Chile: Pacification And Revolt Concerning ‘International Women’s Day’- An Anarchic Reflection

From Insurrection New Worldwide:

When we realize the authoritarian and patriarchal nature of present-day society, we understand genders as impositions through which individuals are forced to play certain roles within the network of domination.

Certainly, this society continues to impose on those who are born as ‘women’ an inferior position to those born as ‘men’. This is why every March 8, when the ‘International Women’s Day’ is commemorated, many people, mostly women, take to the streets to express their discontent at this situation of inequality.

The most well-known historical commemoration of March 8 are the events that occurred on that day in 1908, when 146 women workers at a cotton factory in New York were burned to death in a fire caused by the bosses after the workers refused to end their sit-in protest against low wages and the infamous work conditions that they were suffering under.

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FTP Zine – Eighth Issue Published Online



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Welcome to the eighth issue of FTP zine, our biannual report on anti-colonial, anti-state resistance, compiled within occupied Cadigal territory.

Like previous issues we have chosen to highlight acts of resistance to the Australian state and its control of this territory, such as attacks on its police, its prisons, its monuments and its schools.

The entirety of the content in this publication was found as public information online, and later compiled for this zine. Nothing here is the original content of those who may be responsible for this project.

The contents include communiques, media releases, photos, posters and leaflets which have been found on radical blogs. The remaining content has been culled from the websites of corporate newspapers and TV stations. Many texts have been condensed for reasons of space.

We make no claims to the intentions behind the unclaimed actions. We have simply chosen to highlight acts which open possibilities for a more libertarian, less polluted future. Actions which, if generalised, have the potential to fundamentally disrupt the Australian state an its ability to govern.

The actions and opinions expressed in this zine do not necessarily reflect the perspectives or attitudes of any other individual or group mentioned in this publication.

This report is only partial as most acts of resistance are not reported in the mainstream press, and most people who stand up to state authority don’t write self-aggrandising communiques of their actions.

This magazine is in no way a for-profit publication. We encourage the printing, sharing, translating, and widespread distribution of this magazine by anyone with resources to do so.

– January 2017

(via FTP Zine)

Montreal Counter-information is now a publication!

Below you will find some information regarding Montreal Counter-Information’s new publication:

From Montreal Counter-Info:

[For reading]
[For printing, 11”x17”]
[Poster center-fold, 11”x17” (optional)]

The first issue collects content from the last two years. Future issues will be released every several months, to keep the material timely. For those with free access to colour printers, we’ve included a center-fold of 24 posters that can be attached with an elastic.

You can get copies at La Deferle and L’Insoumise. If you’d like more copies for distribution, please get in touch! If you live outside Montreal and don’t have access to free printing, we’re down to print some for you if you can pay for shipping (and if you can’t afford shipping, still get in touch and we’ll try to figure something out).

Can’t stop, won’t stop
Montreal Counter-info

Kill The Cop In Your Head

From Montreal Counter-Info:

Hatred for the police? You feel it too? They piss you off, ticket you, harass you, arrest you, bring you to the station, baton you, pepper-spray you, or tear-gas you, beat you, surveil you, follow you, blackmail you, handcuff you, throw you in a cage, make you lose an eye, terrorize you?

They feel important strutting around in their uniform, putting their nose in everyone’s business. They represent the authority of the State. They hold the monopoly of legitimate violence. You must respect law and order, under the threat of having your life stolen from you and being thrown in a cage. They are the guard dogs of power.

Cops piss you off. But beyond sticking their nose in your business, they exist to maintain the system as it is, and to prevent people from revolting. No matter what they say, that’s their principal function. You often hear the classic argument that “police are nice, but like everything there are some bad apples that tarnish their reputation”. They justify their usefulness by ceaselessly displaying their feats of arresting a pedophile or pimp. Of course, these sorts of interventions are made a part of police tasks because we have been historically robbed of our capacities to manage conflicts in an autonomous way, but in reality, power doesn’t give a fuck about your well-being. The more a neighbourhood is gentrified, the more new citizens and businesses require a clean and secure neighbourhood. The police aren’t going to go beat a landlord making illegal rent-hikes – they reserve this treatment for the crackhead on the corner. “The police in service of the rich and the fascists”, the good old slogan reminds us.

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Don’t Compete, Resist!

The economic and political systems we are born into and forced to live under – government (the State) and capitalism – continues to function not because it is effective or efficient, or because it is a just and equal system, but because of the various tools at its disposal which it uses to keep us in various states of fear, confusion, insecurity, anxiety, isolation and competition.

Without choice or knowledge of other ways to organise life, as these possibilities are always slandered and painted as unrealistic, the vast majority of us become indoctrinated into life under State and capital at the earliest possible moment, and from then on become increasingly infected with its isolated, individualised outlook through a combination of both fear and competition. This is reinforced over and over again, for example in the misrepresented statement “survival of the fittest” as one where a human has to compete against a human for survival, rather than work together to ensure survival against the difficulties we all are posed with.

And so it continues: in countless ways we are divided and driven to compete with one another, whether through school, the job market, housing etc. We are all driven to compete in obvious and not so obvious ways.

By and large, we are all encouraged to compete with everybody else, whether to get “better” marks, “better” jobs, “better” pay. We are encouraged to disregard the fact that we are actually more or less social by nature; that we are equal and free, and should be able to freely work and live together and not be pitted against one another for survival; that a selection of people do not have the right to secure all the resources of survival for themselves while forcing others to work in order to be able to pay for those same resources; that a selection of people are not more equipped to control your life, than you are to control your own.

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Left v Right… Nope, Freedom!

Everywhere and always, the possibility of combative autonomous self-organisation scares those in power, and those waiting to take power.

Whether it be the governments of Liberal or Labor; Greens or One Nation, the aim is always the same, even though the approach taken may differ slightly.

Ultimately the goal is to demonise collective acts of resistance and refusal by everyday people, allowing the government of the day to uphold the legitimacy of the State and attack those that fall -or begin to fall- outside of their control.

To achieve this, the pillars of government and the media make use of all the power and authority at their disposal to set about demonising not just ideas, groups or organisations, but moreover tactics – this is the real goal of the apparatuses of control. Because when it is possible to make evil and wrong the choice to resist, it means that the State can do anything.

So when the poor and workers begin to recognise all the tools at their disposal; just when people all across the world start to take seriously blockading, rioting, occupying and a diverse range of tactics of counter-attack and self-defence, there is predictably by the State, either of the Left or the Right; by the media and the union leaders; by the pacifiers and progressives, condemnation of these tactics.

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The Problem of “Peaceful Protesters”

From It’s Going Down:

“I’m not a protester. I’m violent.”
-Masked Rebel in Ferguson

Along with voting, in today’s society protesting peacefully is often held up as one of the only ways that everyday working-class and poor people can change the world. This is a myth we are raised with, and since the time that we are very young, we are taught that peaceful protest helped bring about massive changes in this country and remains the only way in which people can correctly pressure the government into addressing problems and grievances. This myth has gone on to become a framework that not only criminalizes and normalizes repression, but also helps to generalize the policing and shaming of various tactics of resistance in social struggles. If we are to create a movement that can not only push back against broad attacks but create a new way of living, this false notion of “peaceful protesters” is going to have to be completely destroyed.

A History of Violence

When someone says that non-violence has been the only way that human beings have changed the world, they’re fucking lying.

Across the world and across history, oppressed, marginalized, poor, and working-class people have used a variety of tactics to further their goals and fight back, and this includes things that could be considered violent. Overall, this means that when people refuse their roles within society and instead force the system into a state of crisis, that’s when we can create a situation in which we can forward our own agenda. This often means that people refuse to do the things that allows the system to reproduce itself. In the case of workers, people strike. In the case of renters, they go on rent strike. For the poor, they refuse to be passive: they riot. In the case of all, they defend themselves against the violence of State repression and the police: they fight back. 

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anarchism

From crimethinc:

What about human nature? Don’t we need laws and police and other authoritarian institutions to protect us from people with ill intent?

If human beings are not good enough to do without authority, why should they be trusted with it?

Or, if human nature is changeable, why should we seek to make people obedient rather than responsible, servile rather than independent, craven rather than courageous?

Or, if the idea is that some people will always need to be ruled, how can we be sure that it will be the right ones ruling, since the best people are the most hesitant to hold power and the worst people are the most eager for it?

The existence of government and other hierarchies does not protect us; it enables those of ill intent to do more damage than they could otherwise. The question itself is ahistorical: hierarchies were not invented by egalitarian societies seeking to protect themselves against evildoers. Rather, hierarchies are the result of evildoers seizing power and formalizing it. (Where did you think kings came from?) Any generalization we could make about “human nature” in the resulting conditions is sure to be skewed.

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