Providence, RI: Disrupt MAGA, March 25th

This Saturday, March 25th, at 11 AM, the Rhode Island State House in Providence will be the rallying point for a pro-Trump "Make America...

Enbridge Line 3: The Feeblest Head of the Hydra

I started researching this article while at Standing Rock, after learning that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had approved a $7.5 billion pipeline project...

Pennsylvania Libertarians Invite Fascist Augustus Invictus To Speak on Immigration

“It has been said that I associate with neo-Nazis and skinheads. You’re goddamn right I do. I am a criminal defense lawyer, and I...

Pittsburgh: Rebellion Inside and Outside Allegheny County Jail

Health conditions at the jail are also notoriously bad; eleven people died while incarcerated at ACJ in just 2014 and 2015. On March 18th, prisoners...

Regeneración Radio: We’ve Lost Count of the Damages

The night of Tuesday, March 7, 2017, we entered our cabin after detecting that the radio transmission was not going out. The first thing...

Nashville: Disrupting Trump’s March 15th Rally

On March 15th, the Republican President, Donald J. Trump traveled to Nashville, Tennessee with the express purpose to connect with his base and pay...

A Note on Insumisión

A little more than a year ago, the crew at It’s Going Down approached me about doing a regular, roundup-style post on resistance and...

Call-In Campaign for IWOC Member Stanley Corbett Jr.

Social Media Event Here FW Stanley Corbett Jr. faced severe abuse in Central Prison in Raleigh. In response to the conditions he was put under, IWOC...

Not one inch, Antifa versus anti Muslim bigots in Richardson, Texas

A few weeks ago comrades brought to our attention a facebook event hosted by local gun-loving bigots, the Bureau of Islamic-American Relations. B.A.I.R., who’s...

Real Truth about Fake News: Central Narratives to Rival Heresies

Every day, we’re treated to another barrage of outright falsehoods from the White House: Trump won the election by a landslide, Sweden is the...

Washington DC: Antifa UnMasked: A Day of Learning

Social Media Event Here Antifa is badass But not in a scary way (unless you’re a Nazi) And really, racists should be afraid to be racist You might have...

Denver Antifascists Oppose Right-Wing Turning Point, USA Conference at Grand Hyatt On Saturday, March 18, the right-wing group “Turning Point USA” (TPUSA) held its Mountain Western Regional Conference at the Grand Hyatt Denver. Antifascist activists...

Pittsburgh: Call In Campaign for Striking County Jail Prisoners

On March 18th at 7 AM about 80 prisoners at the Allegheny County Jail in Pittsburgh launched a 24 hour sit-in strike, refusing to...

The other sovereignty – the Innu

Praised on both sides of the white world as a turning point in the way of dealing with indigenous communities, a crucial “modern treaty”...

Final Straw: Janye Waller and Tactics in #NoDAPL Struggle

Listen and Download Here Janye Waller In the first segment we talk to Noelle about the case of Janye Waller. Janye is a young Black revolutionary from...