Ukraine: Anarchists attack a Nazi from Misanthropic Division in Kiev (Video & action report)

A Neo-Nazi activist from Misanthropic Division has been attacked by anarchists. This Nazi activist was also a weapons seller, owned his far-right group in social network and actively encouraged his companions to RaHoWa (Racial Holy War). He has written that he is ready to fight “like a dead man” on his page in social network. Apparently, he has been wrong.


Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Direct Action, Kiev, Ukraine

Ukraine: Anarchists attack Nazis from C14 in Kiev (Video & action report)

Kiev anarchists have attacked C14 building with molotov cocktails. C14 were famous for their anti-anarchist attacks before and during Maydan in Ukraine. For example, C14 threatened to attack anarchists if they created their self defense squad at Maydan, so anarchists have refused this idea.


Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Direct Action, Kiev, Molotov Attack, Ukraine

Belarus: Anarchist action in Minsk against the so-called ‘Social Parasite Law’

“The Officials Are The Main Parasites!” – Anarchists block the street in Minsk

In late February, anarchists blocked and marched on one of the main streets in Belarus. Anti-people measures labeled the ‘Social Parasite Law’* are in fact an incompetent attempt to replenish the squandered state budget and solve economic problems, but it is the state who is the culprit. Ordinary Belarusians who have lost their jobs and have no surplus are being punished by officials for being “lazy and unemployed.”

At the same time, these officials do not do any work of any importance to society. By robbing people via the administration of the country they have earned money for themselves and spent it on houses, cars and expensive suits..not only are they useless but they are also the real parasites on the body of Belarusian society. Together with Lukashenko and his army of cops they took away our freedom and disposed of social and political processes in this country and now they are trying to drown Belarusians who live in poverty and unemployment with debt.

It is time to act – to deal with these parasites and get rid of the bureaucrats and cops in our society!

(via, translated by Insurrection News)

*refers to the so-called ‘Social Parasite Law’ introduced by the dictator Lukashenko that requires people who work less than 183 days per year to pay the government compensation for lost taxes. Failure to pay the fines are punishable by additional financial penalties, community sevice work and imprisonment.

Posted in Anarchist Movement, Belarus, Direct Action, Fuck Lukashenko, Fuck The Social Parasite Law, Minsk

Berlin, Germany: Attack against Securitas in the context of the Global Anarchist Urban Guerrilla


Bon Soir!

On the evening of the 28th of February, six Securitas (private security company) vehicles were torched at Anhalter railway station. Securitas have been gaurding the entry to the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse in Kreuzberg, Berlin for two years, forcing the remaining refugees to a jail-like existence. Through constant displays and harassment of the residents, their number has been constantly reduced – many have disappeared in jail, have been deported or have a house ban.

If we were able to identify more deeply with society’s slaves we would now complain that ‘guarding’ costs millions of euros for taxpayers. But no. Then we would have to complain about the bad working conditions in the security sector. On the contrary we are working on the destruction of the bridges of this society, which are still being preserved via the security sector in order to integrate even the partly autonomous milieus with reluctant practice.

This why we look at each other with sparkling glances and realize that the channeling of anger is increasing in many remote regions of this shitty world. We read about the riots in Sweden, the seething rage in Switzerland and the attacks against the guardians of the system in France. We will not continue to celebrate our affinity in secret, but will make it visible through the perceptible swaths of burning tires, buildings and whole parts of the city. As our comrades in Greece formulate, we also want to set the nights of comfortable society on fire and transform our cities into unregulated battlefields.

There are individuals who have not fallen into the bondage of the system and determine their own perspectives so as not to fall into the same disgrace. The recapture of the last anchors and the rebellion against this slavery / barbarism is increasingly stronger. To those names we have experienced, we also dedicate this attack to strengthen them in their struggle or to keep the memory alive:

For Tamara Sol in the prison of the territory dominated by the Chilean state, for her retaliation against a security mercenary.

For Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, who are forced to fight in court against the hostage status of their child.

For Lambros Foundas who was shot dead seven years ago in a fight against the pigs in Athens.

For the countless fugitives who are murdered in the name of the EU at the borders by private and state mercenaries or guarded by private security companies in deportation camps.

We, a conspiracy of vengeful arsonists, call upon the global cells of anarchist action to support proposals from the German-speaking countries to use the G20 summit to strengthen our common praxis. In this sense, reference should be made to the idea of informal coordination. For us, there will be no summit with temporary protests, but an attempt to establish previously uncontrollable conditions without political demands.

Conspiracy of Vengeful Arsonists

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Arson Attack, Berlin, Chile, Conspiracy of Vengeful Arsonists, Direct Action, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Greece, International Solidarity, Lambros Foundas, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Revolutionary Struggle, Tamara Sol

Jakarta, Indonesia: Anarchist / Drug War Prisoners ‘Death To Duterte’ Street Campaign Day 6 (Eng/Indo)


Received on 02.03.17:

Day 6: anarchist/ drug war prisoner Jakarta street campaign “Death to Duterte”

Today we continued our campaign, rampaging through the streets of North Jakarta, armed with stencils and spray cans. We made a stencil of Duterte, with text asking “How many people did Duterte kill today?” We also added an anarchy sign and a firm F.T.P (Fuck the Police). This is because the Philippines police are being used as Duterte’s private army to commit junky genocide. Additionally, as anarchists and drug war prisoners, we recognise the police as the State forces we have the worst experiences with. We say to the filth: once you don the uniform, you are a representative of State structures designed to oppress and crush us; hence, you loose any right to expect anything but our utter contempt and rage! Be warned, we will not stay silent or passive in the face of your aggression!

Tomorrow our 7 day campaign finalises; however, we encourage our friends in other places across the globe to heed the call for action by Filipino drug users to act in solidarity with their suffering! Resist the fascist murderer Duterte by any means at your disposal! We cannot think this is someone else’s problem when people like us are being shot down daily in the streets, and we cannot leave it to the utter ineptitude of State structures to respond- because they will not.

To the streets in solidarity! Death to Duterte!    


Hari 6: anarkis / obat perang tahanan Jakarta jalan kampanye “Matilah Duterte”

Hari ini kami melanjutkan kampanye kami, mengamuk melalui jalan-jalan Jakarta Utara, dipersenjatai dengan stensil dan kaleng semprot. Kami membuat stensil dari Duterte, dengan teks bertanya “Berapa banyak orang yang Duterte membunuh hari ini?” Kami juga menambahkan tanda anarki dan perusahaan F.T.P (Persetan Kepolisian). Hal ini karena polisi Filipina yang digunakan sebagai tentara swasta Duterte untuk melakukan genosida bermutu rendah. Selain itu, sebagai anarkis dan tahanan perang narkoba, kita mengakui polisi sebagai aparat Negara kita memiliki pengalaman terburuk dengan. Kami mengatakan kepada kotoran: setelah Anda don seragam, Anda adalah perwakilan dari struktur negara yang dirancang untuk menindas dan menghancurkan kita; oleh karena itu, Anda kehilangan hak untuk mengharapkan apa-apa tapi penghinaan dan kemarahan! Berhati-hatilah, kita tidak akan tinggal diam atau pasif dalam menghadapi agresi Anda!

Besok kampanye 7 hari kami finalizes; Namun, kami mendorong teman-teman kita di tempat-tempat lain di seluruh dunia untuk mengindahkan panggilan untuk tindakan oleh pengguna narkoba Filipina untuk bertindak dalam solidaritas dengan penderitaan mereka! Resist pembunuh fasis Duterte dengan cara apapun yang Anda inginkan! Kita tidak bisa berpikir ini adalah masalah orang lain ketika orang-orang seperti kita yang ditembak jatuh sehari-hari di jalan-jalan, dan kita tidak bisa meninggalkan ke kebodohan mengucapkan struktur Negara untuk respond- karena mereka tidak akan.

Untuk jalan-jalan di solidaritas! Kematian untuk Duterte!

Posted in Autonomy, Death To Duterte, Direct Action, Drug Users, Drug War Prisoners, Fuck Duterte, Graffiti, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Jakarta, Mati untuk Duterte, Philippines

Jakarta, Indonesia: Action at the ASEAN building for ‘Death To Duterte’ campaign Day 5 (Eng/Indo)


Received on 02.03.17:

Day 5: Anarchist/ drug war prisoner campaign on Jakarta streets calling for “Death to Duterte”

Today we undertook an action directly targeting the Indonesian ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) offices. As we traveled through the city toward our destination, we were overwhelmed by the existential alienation and horror of capitalism. The fortresses of capital-multinational corporations and 5 star hotels coldly  towering above us- we saw only soldiers and cops undertaking ‘security operations’ to provide protection for an overfed, hypocritical Monarch, who is joined by his 1500 person ‘entourage’ whilst holidaying in Indonesia. This person is also complicit in the murder of civilians for arbitrary so called “crimes”. With venom in our hearts, we fervently wished for tools aside from pens, paint, words and rage in our hearts to send the message we wanted to. Our masked faces disguised our disdain and contempt for systems which allow fascists like Duterte and said Monarch to fester and spread their poisonous ideologies and hypocrisies.

As we arrived at the ASEAN building, we undertook a very quick hit and run exercise, throwing 50 printed copies of a flyer thru the highly guarded fences of this building of regional hypocrisy and complicity. In futility, given the ineptitude of their recent responses to the junky genocide in the Philippines, we hope that these flyers will be delivered to the so-called ASEAN “human rights” council and our rage read and understood (we have no real confidence they will act upon it though).

The flyers, in both Bahasa Indonesian and English,  read “Since President Rodrigo Duterte’s 2016 election to power in the Philippines, based on a populist, nationalist, pro-cop ‘law and order’ campaign, over 9000 illicit drug users –the majority of whom are economically and socially marginalised, and include underclass sex workers, trans people and men who have sex with men- have been indiscriminately slaughtered in bloody extrajudicial rampages by killer cops and vigilante Catholic citizen groups drunk on the vilest forms of morality and urged on by Duterte’s guarantee of impunity.

International bodies, including the ‘UN and ASEAN families’, have responded with their usual incompetence- evidence that they care more about maintaining the regional economic status quo and trade deals than any ideals pertaining to human rights. Meanwhile Duterte’s junky genocide continues unabated. According to Filipino friends, local vigilantes have created ‘black lists’ naming drug users and other ‘undesirables’ to target. Many drug users are terrified for their safety and are attempting to escape the slaughter by voluntarily reporting themselves to State authorities in an attempt to preempt visits from the death squads. Subsequently, thousands of people been detained in overcrowded disease infested disused Filipino military camps deemed “rehabilitation centers”. There are no release dates for people detained in these barbaric “rehabilitation” centers which function as ad-hoc prisons, complete with screws who subject drug users to torturous “character building” practices” to “atone for their sins” and activities designed to instill (by force) nationalist pride as a “rehabilitation” strategy.

In solidarity with our friends being slaughtered daily, we urge you to resist this new form of “acceptable” genocide by whatever means are available to you!

Death to Duterte!”

We send our apologies for the poor action photos; however, the attached one is the only one which does not compromise our identities.

The campaign continues! Death to Duterte!


Hari 5: Anarkis / obat perang tahanan kampanye di jalan-jalan Jakarta menyerukan “Matilah Duterte”

Hari ini kita melakukan tindakan langsung menargetkan kantor ASEAN Indonesia. Ketika kami bepergian melalui kota menuju tujuan kami, yang kami kewalahan oleh keterasingan eksistensial dan horor kapitalisme. Benteng perusahaan multinasional modal dan hotel bintang 5 dengan dingin menjulang di atas kita-kita hanya melihat tentara dan polisi melakukan ‘operasi keamanan’ untuk memberikan perlindungan untuk kekenyangan, munafik Monarch, yang bergabung dengan-Nya 1500 orang ‘rombongan’ sementara berlibur di Indonesia. Orang ini juga terlibat dalam pembunuhan warga sipil untuk sewenang-wenang yang disebut “kejahatan”. Dengan racun di dalam hati kita, kita sungguh-sungguh berharap alat bantu selain dari pena, cat, kata-kata dan kemarahan dalam hati kita untuk mengirim pesan yang kami ingin. Wajah bertopeng kami menyamar penghinaan dan penghinaan kami untuk sistem yang memungkinkan fasis seperti Duterte dan berkata Monarch bernanah dan menyebarkan ideologi beracun dan kemunafikan.

Ketika kami tiba di gedung ASEAN, kami melakukan hit sangat cepat dan menjalankan latihan, melemparkan 50 eksemplar dicetak dari selebaran melalui pagar yang sangat dijaga bangunan ini kemunafikan regional dan keterlibatan. Dalam kesia-siaan, mengingat kebodohan tanggapan terbaru mereka untuk genosida bermutu rendah di Filipina, kami berharap bahwa selebaran tersebut akan dikirimkan ke yang disebut ASEAN “hak asasi manusia” dewan dan kemarahan kita membaca dan mengerti (kita tidak memiliki kepercayaan diri yang nyata mereka akan bertindak atasnya meskipun).

Selebaran, baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, baca:“Sejak Presiden Rodrigo Duterte menang pemilu 2016, berdasarkan kampanya yang semuanya popularis, nasionalis, pro-polisi, dan mementingkan kehukuman dan ketertiban – lebih dari 9000 pengguna narkoba [junkies] sudah dibunuh begitu saja.

Dari pengguna narkoba itu, kebanyakan adalah orang2 miskin dan marjinal, termasuk  pekerja seks kelas rendah, banci, dan lelaki sama lelaki. Mereka dibunuh tanpa pandang bulu oleh polisi yang mengamuk di luar hukum, dan juga kelompok masyarakat Katolik yang main hakim sendiri, yang  mabuk dengan moralitas yang paling menghina, dan yang didesakan dengan jaminan Duterte ini untuk impunitas.

Badan-badan internasional, termasuk PBB dan ASEAN, telah merespon dengan kekacauan biasa – bukti bahwa mereka lebih peduli status quo ekonomi dan perdagangan, daripada cita-cita yang berkaitan dengan hak asasi manusia. Sementara genosida terhadap pengguna narkoba terus berlanjut gara-gara Duterte. Menurut teman-teman Filipina, warga setempat telah menciptakan ‘daftar hitam’ untuk menargetkan junkies. Banyak sekali pengguna narkoba tsb yang takut akan dibunuh oleh kelompok-kelompok Duterte, dan berusaha untuk melarikan diri untuk sukarela melaporkan kepada pihak berwenang.

Selanjutnya, ribuan orang sudah ditahan di dalam kamp-kamp bekas militer yang tersesak dan penuh penyakit. Sekarang di kasih nama  “pusat rehabilitasi”. Tidak ada tanggal kebebasan untuk orang yang ditahan, sampai ‘pusat rehabilitasi’ ini  di berfungsi sebagai penjara ad-hoc yang sadis! Lengkap dengan penjaga yang suka menganiaya, memaksa pengguna narkoba untuk memberbaiki ‘karakter’, dan juga memaksa mereka untuk memerasakan kebanggaan nasionalis sebagai strategi ‘rehabilitasi’!

Dalam solidaritas dengan teman-teman kita yang dibantai setiap hari, jangan jangan kau menerima genosida ini! Menolak di mana saja dengan cara apapun!

Duterte harus mati! Bunuh Duterte! Duterte BANGKAI”

Kami mengirim permintaan maaf kami untuk orang miskin Foto tindakan; Namun, salah satu yang melekat adalah satu-satunya yang satu yang tidak kompromi identitas kita.

Kampanye terus! Mati untuk Duterte!


Posted in Autonomy, Death To Duterte, Direct Action, Drug Users, Drug War Prisoners, Fuck Duterte, Fuck The War On Drugs, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Jakarta, Mati untuk Duterte, Philippines

Jakarta, Indonesia: Report from the Anti-Trump Protest Action at the US Embassy 04.02.17 (Eng/Indo)

Received on 01.03.17:

A report about the protest action against Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban on 04.02.17  that was organized by Anarkonesia, Persaudaraan Pekerja Anarko-Sindikalis (Anarcho-Syndicalist Workers Association) and Antifa Jakarta (Jakarta Anti Fascist).

After being organized and announced in only a week, the solidarity and protest action against the USA’s elected president’s Muslim Ban policies, spontaneously proceeded quite well according to plan.

Around 25-30 participants from the three groups were involved in direct action by marching from the assembly point at Galeri Nasional to the main action point in front of the USA Embassy building. Besides the three groups –which were the main organizers and initiators —there were also other individuals who were also involved in the action. They came from many groups with different backgrounds, such as the women movements, LGBTQ , PLHIV, progressive Muslim groups, advocate organizations for West Papua, War on Drugs victims, Shia Muslims, students, foreign citizens (including several citizens of the USA), and also Indonesian citizens themselves.

Anarkonesia itself is a local anarchist collective (the members come from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi), its members come from many variants of anarchism, while the PPAS is a local syndicalist association, which means the organization has more focus in the anarcho-syndicalism. And of course, we absolutely understand the Antifa as a strategic confrontation group against fascism.

At 10AM that day, these groups met each other in front of the Galeri Nasional bus station, then marched to a city park near the Embassy. Media persons and a group of police officers were already there. Using many attributes and also direct verbal messages, the anarchists explained the characteristics and the revival dangers of fascism movements in the wider scale, and in specific situational context in Indonesia: about how massive the growing of civil intolerant organizations based on religion, ethnicity and nationalism in Indonesia which are known to have a close relationship with the Government –such as Front Pembela Islam (Islam Defense Front).

There were many comments about the number of the participants which was considered too little if compared to other mass actions several times before, which held to protest and to block a strong candidate of Jakarta Governor who comes from a minority ethnic and religious background. We need to explain simply, that the situation regarding the Governor election (and also the president election two years ago) are big events which significantly affect the spread of intolerant political activities. This electoral practice of political contestation –which will meet its highest level in the middle of February– is considered so rotten and not a good reflection of a healthy democracy in Indonesia. It also will become a bad precedent for political education in Indonesia.

Although in local scale, this Jakarta Governor Election itself actually has made polarized a division among the people on a national scale. It is because Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. And the other reason is obviously because the issues that have been ‘played’ in this contestation: ethnicity, racism, and religion issues. There are two big groups who attend this competition. They are the Bhineka group (people who fight for so-called unity in diversity –including the liberals) versus intolerant groups based on ethnic, racial and religious background. The movement scale of these two groups is quite massive. The increased use of internet technology and social media have given rise to a significant impact and massive growth of mass illusions in this proxy war. The state’s interest of hegemony –also with the capitalists, obviously—seems shrouded in this war. There is a big gap between the movements of each groups. The intolerant religious groups have already started their movement for at least 20 years. On the other hand, the democrats and liberals movement –which the leftists always feel sorry about—are very weak at the grassroots level. While the right wing is expanding and taking over the spaces which are not touched by the opposition, instead of fighting back, the opposition got weaker and even drowned in scepticism, pacifism and alienation as a result of the production and consumption pattern of capitalist-economy society, which has made them end up as a silent majority.

This low understanding of class consciousness has been predicted and understood by the anarchists, so we, the anarchists, are not trapped in mass-supporting illusion as shown in the process of planning and organizing. Illusion, which looks so on fire in their fight to get public participation through their supports, slogan and existence which wanted to be seen as mass representation. Instead, the anarchists see this phenomenon as a part of collective work in increasing and growing the class consciousness. Not by becoming a vanguard, but through taking the initiative and working together with autonomous-individuals who are developing their class consciousness via class struggle.

As a part of propaganda process in public space, in the end, this action has finally triggered many responses , comments, debates, discourses about fascism, capitalism and of course anarchism at a national level, which used to be thought of as a taboo thing to talk about. The anarchism movement itself can be counted as a new thing in Indonesia. The anarchist movement had its highest level of introduction in the middle of the 1990s, with the massive growth the of punk music scene, with its ups and downs, and also the betrayal history of the authoritarian left wing party (Partai Rakyat Demokratik). This can be a thing to being studied in history that always taken place within the anarchism movement on an international level. Moreover, we also have to consider the dark history (or propaganda) of the left movement in Indonesia many years ago, which makes almost all Indonesian people have a bad impression of everything that is connected to socialism/communism.

Anarkonesia and the PPAS are completely new groups in the left movement in Indonesia, having been around for just over one year. But, several individuals who are involved in both groups have been involved for many years in the Indonesian left movement. The Antifa Jakarta also started recently after we rebuilt the organizing activities from bottom to top. Considering these facts and situations, these groups together design a movement step-by-step and consolidations which are accountable and responsible. Direct actions in the field are concrete application of theory which always being educated.

The people see and asked to get involved concretely and consciously in organizing activities of protest against fascism and capitalism. From the beginning, the struggle is absolutely based on decentralized and autonomous distribution of power and freedom to the individuals collectively; a free association that connected one another. Direct democracy through meetings and discussions is the soul of this movement. Any fight against repression, no matter how small it is, is a must. Revolution must be picked up and we must do it in daily steps and daily scale. The proletariat workers unite in consciousness to fight and to destroy the exploiting capitalism order and their fascist alliances.

For any question and responses or networking here’s our contacts on Twitter: @anarkonesia @JktPpas @antifaJKT

Long live the movements.
Long live anarchism.

Jakarta, in front of the USA Embassy,
February 4th, 2017.


Laporan Kolektif Anarkonesia, Persaudaraan Pekerja Anarko Sindikalis dan Antifa Jakarta Terkait Aksi Protes #FascistBan

Setelah melalui proses pengorganisasian dan penyebaran informasi hanya dalam waktu 1 Minggu, aksi protes dan solidaritas atas kebijakan dari presiden terpilih Amerika Serikat yang ke-3 kelompok inisiasi secara spontan pun berlangsung cukup baik sesuai perencanaan.

Sekitar 25-30 individu-individu peserta aksi protes dari 3 kelompok turun aksi langsung dengan melakukan marching dari titik kumpul Galeri Nasional menuju titik aksi utama: Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat. Selain dari ke-3 kelompok organizer, turut bersama dalam aksi adalah individu dari kelompok masyarakat dengan latar identitas: gerakan perempuan, LGBTQ, ODHA, Islam Progresif, organisasi advokasi untuk Papua Barat, Korban NAPZA, Syiah, Pelajar/Mahasiswa, warga negara asing (termasuk dari Amerika Serikat) dan warga Indonesia yang lebih umum.

Anarkonesia adalah kolektif Anarkis lokal (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) anggotanya terdiri dari Anarko pelbagai varian, sementara Persaudaraan Pekerja Anarko Sindikalis adalah sebuah serikat sindikalis berdasarkan lokal pula dan tentunya kita memahami Antifa sebagai kelompok strategis perlawanan terhadap fasisme.

Pada pukul 10.00 kelompok-kelompok ini bertemu di depan halte Galeri Nasional, kemudian melakukan march sampai ke sisi taman kota dekat Kedutaan. Setelah bertemu teman-teman lainnya, march kembali dilanjutkan. Media dan 1 pleton aparat keamanan dari kepolisian telah hadir di lokasi. Melalui pelbagai atribut dan penyampaian langsung protes atas kebijakan presiden terpilih Amerika Serikat, para anarkis pun menjabarkan ciri-ciri dan bahaya dari kebangkitan fasisme pada skala yang lebih luas dan dalam konteks khusus situasi di Indonesia; sebagaimana marak tumbuhnya organisasi masyarakat intoleran berbasis agama, suku dan nasionalisme yang memiliki kedekatan serta sejarah mesra dengan negara, seperti: Front Pembela Islam.

Terdapat tanggapan akan jumlah peserta aksi yang dinilai terlampau sedikit dibandingkan aksi-aksi massa yang berlangsung beberapa waktu lalu untuk memprotes dan menghadang naiknya kembali seorang calon kuat kandidat gubernur Jakarta dari latar belakang suku dan agama minoritas. Perlu kami ceritakan secara sederhana situasi pemilihan kepala daerah (juga pemilihan umum presiden 2 tahun yang lalu) merupakan peristiwa yang berdampak signifikan meningkatnya aktifitas politik intoleran dengan mencemaskan. Kontestasi politik praktis elektoral yang akan berpuncak pada pertengahan Februari ini dianggap sangat busuk dan bukan cerminan demokrasi yang sehat serta akan menjadi preseden buruk pendidikan politik atas kehidupan bermasyarakat di Indonesia.

Pemilihan Kepala Daerah ini telah membentuk celah polarisasi pada masyarakat, walau sifatnya lokal namun berdampak nasional dikarenakan Jakarta adalah ibukota pemerintahan serta tentunya latar identitas yang dimainkan atas isu ini: agama dan ras. 2 kubu besar peserta kompetisi ini adalah: kelompok Bhineka (keberagamanan) dan liberal dengan kelompok berlatar Agama, Ras, Suku. Namun, kadar pergerakan dan skala kedua kelompok ini cukup besar. Berkembangnya teknologi internet dan media sosial berdampak atas menggilanya ilusi massa dan saling fitnah ala proxy war. Kepentingan hegemoni dari negara beserta kapital seolah terselubung dalam perang ini. Terdapat ketimpangan, saat gerakan berlatar agama telah memulai aktifitas konkritnya di lapangan bahkan semenjak kurun waktu paling sedikit 20 tahun yang lalu. Kelompok liberal dan demokrat juga bahkan yang sangat disayangkan oposisi kiri semakin melemah aktifitas pergerakannya pada tingkat akar rumput. Ketika kelompok kanan semakin memperbesar dan mengambil ruang yang tak disentuh oleh oposisinya, kelompok oposan justru melemah dan tenggelam bersama pasifisme, skeptis dan teralienasi sebagai dampak pola produksi dan konsumsi masyarakat ekonomi kapital, menciptakan munculnya kelompok “mayoritas yang diam”.

Rendahnya tingkat kesadaran kelas ini telah diprediksi dan dipahami oleh para anarkis untuk tak terjebak atas ilusi dukungan massa sebagaimana diperlihatkan pada proses perencanaan dan pengorganisasian yang seolah begitu berapi-api dan berebut partisipasi dalam dukungan, slogan dan keberadaan ingin terlihat sebagai representatif massa. Para anarkis justru melihat fenomena ini sebagai bagian kerja kolektif penyadaran kelas, bukan dengan menjadi pelopor melainkan melalui inisiatif dan bergerak bersama individu yang otonom juga sadar kelas; perjuangan kelas.

Sebagai sebuah rangkaian proses propaganda pada ruang publik pada akhirnya aksi ini telah memunculkan tanggapan, perdebatan dan wacana terkait fasisme, kapitalisme dan tentunya anarkisme di tingkat nasional yang sebelumnya merupakan hal yang ganjil diperbincangkan. Gerakan anarkisme di indonesia terhitung baru (kurang lebih 30 tahun) dengan puncak pengenalan pada pertengahan 90an bersama maraknya persebaran populer dari skena musik Punk. Mengalami pasang surut dan sejarah penelikungan oleh partai sayap kiri otoriterian, sebagai pembelajaran persis yang selalu terjadi atas masa lalu gerakan anarkisme di tingkat internasional. Pun kita perlu mengingat dan menjadikan tolak ukur pergerakan atas sejarah kelam gerakan sosialis/komunis di Indonesia pada masa lalu.

Anarkonesia, PPAS adalah kelompok yang sama sekali baru, jelang setahun bahkan, walau beberapa individu di dalamnya adalah orang lama dalam pergerakan kiri/Anarkisme. Antifa pun baru saja terlahir kembali dan membangun (lagi) aktifitas pengorganisasian dari bawah ke atasnya. Berdasarkan kenyataan dan perhitungan situasi tersebut, kelompok-kelompok ini bersama merancang tahapan dan konsolidasi gerakan secara seksama dan terukur. Aksi langsung di lapangan merupakan sebuah aplikasi atas teori yang terus diedukasikan bersama-sama.

Masyarakat melihat dan terus diajak terlibat secara nyata dan sadar pada aktifitas pengorganisasian, protes atas Fasisme dan Kapitalisme. Perjuangan dari awal mutlak berdasarkan distribusi kekuasaan dan kemerdekaan yang terdesentralisasi serta otonom atas individu-individu secara kolektif. Sebuah asosiasi bebas yang terhubung satu dengan lainnya. Demokrasi langsung melalui rapat dan musyawarah adalah jiwa dari pergerakan ini. Perlawanan sekecil apapun atas represi merupakan keniscayaan. Revolusi haruslah dijemput dan melalui langkah keseharian. Kelas pekerja proletariar bersatu dalam kesadaran untuk menghancurkan tatanan menghisap kapital bersama sekutu fasisnya.

Panjang umur pergerakan. Panjang umur anarkisme. Solidaritas!

Jakarta, Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat, 4 Februari

Posted in #FascistBan, Anarcho-Syndicalist Workers Association, Anarkonesia, Antifa, Antifa Jakarta, Antifascism, Direct Action, Fuck Trump, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Jakarta, Persaudaraan Pekerja Anarko-Sindikalis, Videos