Category Archives: Uncategorized

Athens, Greece: Riot cops attacked with Molotov cocktails in solidarity with arrested #DisruptJ20 protesters in the US

Received on 30.01.17: Athens: Incendiary solidarity with the comrades in the U.S. On Thursday January 26th 2017 at 10pm we attacked with molotov cocktails against the MAT anti-riot forces that guard the offices of PASOK in Harilaou Trikoupi St., in … Continue reading

Posted in #DisruptJ20, ACAB, Athens, Direct Action, Exarcheia, Fuck Trump, Greece, International Solidarity, Molotov Attack, Uncategorized, USA

Santiago, Chile: Sale el número 19 del boletín “La Bomba” (Diciembre 2016)

Santiago: Sale el número 19 del boletín “La Bomba” A nuestrxs queridxs lectorxs, afines y anónimxs en el mundo. A nuestrxs presxs que resisten día a día al Poder. A aquellxs prófugxs que burlan a las nefastas policías. Por todxs lxs caídxs, en especial a la memoria combativa del Pelao Angry. Sale para todxs ustedes: ¡El último boletín del año! En esta nueva edición, la memoria combativa se toma las calles. Esta memoria combativa a la cual nos referimos, es una constante … Continue reading

Posted in Chile, La Bomba, PDF, Publications / Zines, Santiago, Uncategorized

Greece: Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas released from custody – Revolutionary Struggle comrades end hunger & thirst strike

According to Athens Indymedia a new order was issued by the prosecutor on 08.01.16 terminating the detention of Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas, the 6 year old son of Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, and awarding temporary custody of … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Greece, Hunger Strike, Konstantina Athanasopoulou, Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Political Prisoners, Revolutionary Struggle, Thirst Strike, Uncategorized

Greece: Updates on the hunger & thirst strike of the 3 imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle comrades (09.01.17)

Photo: banner in Syros: Solidarity to those who do not bow their head -and to their kids- P.Roupa, N.Maziotis, K.Athanasopoulou 08.01.17: Imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou, on hunger and thirst strike since 05.01.17. have both collapsed … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Arson Attack, Athens, Banners, Direct Action, Exarcheia, Greece, Hunger Strike, Konstantina Athanasopoulou, Molotov Attack, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Political Prisoners, Revolutionary Struggle, Thirst Strike, Uncategorized

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Anarchy has memory (Greece)

[Text that was written for an event in memory of the comrade Sebastián “Angry” Oversluij that was held at an anarchist space in Chile] One is never really lost unless oblivion wraps one in its arms. It has been three … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), Damianos Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Greece, Harris Hatzimichelakis, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), International Solidarity, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Panagiotis Argyrou, Sebastián Oversluij, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, Theofilos Mavropoulos, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Dispatches from Greece Two: The Exarcheia Commune Rises and Defends Itself, a Review of the Battle

“Ons Danse le Lachrymo…” Graffiti, France, July 2016 (transl. “We Dance the Teargas”) “Comrade, will you watch these while I throw one?” He is tall, masked from head to toe in black, and is known to me. As he speaks … Continue reading

Posted in Alexis Grigoropoulos, Direct Action, El Errante, Exarcheia, Greece, Riots, Street Clashes, Tourism, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Berlin, Germany: Attack against construction company HOCHTIEF and a call against the G20-summit

At the end of august in Greece the anarchist group “Rouvikonas” carried out an action against the toll station of the highway Korynthos-Patras smashing the toll booths’ windows and leaving behind flyers. After the attack 10 comrades were arrested and … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Collective Rouvikonas, Anarchist Group Rouvikonas, Berlin, Direct Action, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Uncategorized | Leave a comment