Category Archives: Spain

Chile: Free at Last! Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar onto the Streets!

SANTIAGO – Chilean Anarchists, Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrived this morning at Santiago’s International Airport, after having been expelled from Spanish custody and deported back to their home country. Mónica and Francisco had been charged under Spanish Anti-terrorism legislation for … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Francisco Solar, Mónica Caballero, Spain

Anarchist prisoners Mónica Caballero & Francisco Solar to be expelled from Spain and released in Chile soon

According to corporate media in Spain and Chile, the Audiencia Nacional (National Court) of Spain decided on January 30 to commute the rest of Mónica and Francisco‘s sentence to expulsion. The lawyers of the comrades are thought to have requested … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Francisco Solar, Mónica Caballero, Spain

Galicia (Spanish State): New operation against Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Elisa Di Bernardo

  Careful who you call comrade! Tuesday, 24 January, on the outskirts of Vigo (Mos), a deployment of about 60 armed men between the Guardia Civil and secret agents, searched (and almost destroyed) the house where Gabriel Pombo da Silva … Continue reading

Posted in Elisa Di Bernardo, Fuck The Police, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Operation Buyo, Repression, Spain, Spanish State

Spain: Update on Operation ‘Buyo’ and the detention of anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva

Note from Instinto Salvaje: An update has been circulating relating to the arrest and subsequent release of the comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva. We believe that it is important to mention that it is not clear whether there are any links … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Operation Buyo, Repression, Spain

Greece: Two comrades from Spain on trial following the eviction of a squat for refugees

Itziar and Iñaki, Zabaldi’s internationalist militants, were arrested in the eviction of a space occupied by migrants and Greeks in Thessaloniki. The police operation resulted in three evictions and several detainees, some of whom have already been tried. These two … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Iñaki, International Solidarity, Itziar, Refugee Housing Squats, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Spain, Squatting, Thessaloniki, Zabaldi

Chile: Actividad – “Factores del desorden”

ACTIVIDAD “Factores del desorden contra el poder: Presencia anárquica y posibilidades insurreccionales en conflictos actuales.” EXPOSICIONES: *Agitación anárquica contra el Proyecto IIRSA en Valparaíso. *Buscando expandir la revuelta en la lucha contra la Maxi Prisión en Bruselas (Bélgica) *Desbordando lo específico: luchas anti-represivas y antiespecistas en España. … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Liberation, Belgium, Chile, Events, Posters, Spain, Valparaíso | Leave a comment

Spain: Supreme Court reduces the sentences of anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar

On December 16, the Supreme Court reduced the sentences of comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, accused of placing a bomb in the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza in October 2013, repealing the initial sentence of … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Francisco Solar, Mónica Caballero, Spain | Leave a comment