Category Archives: Paint Bombing

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Justice Tribunal paint-bombed in solidarity with imprisoned comrade Rafael Braga (Eng/Port)

Received and translated by Insurrection News on 16.06.17: On Saturday, May 6th, a few days after we learned of the absurd sentence, when night fell, we walked towards the Justice Tribunal of Porto Alegre and we threw paint bombs at … Continue reading

Posted in Brazil, Direct Action, Fire To The Judiciary, Fire To The Prisons, Paint Bombing, Political Prisoners, Porto Alegre, Rafael Braga Vieira

Switzerland: May Day Antifascist Action at the Turkish Consulate in Zurich

Today on the afternoon of the revolutionary May 1st, with about 120 people we converged on the Turkish Consulate on Weinberg street in Zurich in solidarity with the resistance in Turkey, Rojava and Bashur. While we were there we left … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, Bashur, Direct Action, Fuck AKP, Fuck Erdogan, Graffiti, International Solidarity, May Day 2017, Paint Bombing, Rojava, Switzerland, Turkey, Zurich

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Lutheran Church vandalized in solidarity with the evicted Solidaria squat (Eng/Port/Esp)

Received and translated on 24.03.17: At dawn on March 21, we decorated the facade of the Lutheran Church on Senhor dos Passos street in the center of Porto Alegre with paint as a gesture of strength and in solidarity with … Continue reading

Posted in autonomous spaces, Brazil, Direct Action, Paint Bombing, Porto Alegre, Solidaria, Squatting

So-called Australia: Office of Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce paint-bombed in solidarity with First Nations Communities

Received on 31.01.17: On January 30th, 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s Tenterfield office in so-called “Australia” was paintbombed in solidarity with First Nations struggles. This action was spurred by Joyce’s disgusting and ignorant comments around Invasion Day 2017, when … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Direct Action, First Nations, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Paint Bombing, so-called 'Australia'

Berlin, Germany: Paint bomb attack against luxury buildings

Berlin, December 31, 2016 In the night from 31.12 to 01.01 we attacked two buildings with color bombs in Prenzlauer Berg: ‘Schönhauser Allee 23’ and ‘Palais Kolle Belle’. ‘Exclusive properties’ with luxury facilities for exorbitant prices: These two properties are … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-gentrification, Autonomous Groups, Berlin, Direct Action, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Paint Bombing

Germany: Apoist Youth Initiative claim responsibility for attacks on fascist institutions in Stade and Quickborn

The Revenge Commandos Sehid Zana Ciwan and Sehid Serbest Cibran of the Apoist Youth Initiative have released a statement claiming responsibility for militant attacks against a club house of the nationalist-fascist DİTİB (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) and other Turkish … Continue reading

Posted in Abdullah Öcalan, Antifascism, Apoist Youth Initiative, Direct Action, Germany, Graffiti, Kurdish Struggle, Paint Bombing, Revenge Commando Sehid Serbest Cibran, Revenge Commando Sehid Zana Ciwan | 1 Comment

Bern, Switzerland: UBS bank attacked in solidarity with #NoDAPL

30.11.16: We paid a visit to UBS in Spiegel near Köniz last night. On the facade we expressed extensively with color what we think of the DAPL. We also put the ATM out of action. For months there have been … Continue reading

Posted in #NoDAPL, Bern, Direct Action, Indigenous Struggle, International Solidarity, Paint Bombing, Sabotage, Switzerland | 1 Comment