Category Archives: International Solidarity

Athens, Greece: Explosive attack against New Democracy politician Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore by CCF-FAI/IRF

Responsibility claim for the attack on Adonis Georgiades‘s bookstore. On 3/15 we placed and detonated a clockwork explosive device at Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore at 263 Kifissias Av. Adonis Georgiadis is a well known to all… picturesque, saturated and at the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Chile, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI-IRF, Direct Action, Enrique Guzmán, Explosive Attack, Greece, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (IRF), International Solidarity, Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova

Russia: Moscow Anarchists declare Days of Action in Solidarity with Detainees in Belarus

We, the anarchists of Moscow, express our solidarity with the anarchists of Belarus. You set an excellent example for all the followers of leftist ideas in Russia and other countries when you led the protest march on March 5 in … Continue reading

Posted in Belarus, Direct Action, Fuck Lukashenko, International Solidarity, Moscow, Moscow Anarchists, Repression, Russia

Athens, Greece: Banner in solidarity with anarchists in Belarus

Received on 04.04.17: On 03/04 we hung a banner inside the Panteion University in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners in Belarus who protested against the ”social parasite” law and got imprisoned, detained or injured. Anti-authoritarian Squat of Panteion

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-authoritarian Squat of Panteion, Athens, Banners, Belarus, Fuck Lukashenko, Fuck The Social Parasite Law, Greece, International Solidarity, Repression

From Rojava to Belarus: Solidarity with the Anarchist Prisoners

Aleksandr Lukashenko, for 24 years you have dominated the people of Belarus and using your oppressive state apparatuses inherited from the authoritarian Soviet past, you continued this perpetual nightmare for the people. Since the 15th of March, you, and your … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Belarus, Fuck Lukashenko, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), International Solidarity, Rojava

Scotland / Japan: No More Hiroshimas! No More Nagasakis! No More Hibakusha!

On Thursday the 30th of March 2017, Faslane Peace Camp (the worlds longest running active protest site and a frontline in the fight against nuclear weapons of mass destruction), was honoured to host a visit by the Hibakusha Reiko Yamada and … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Militarism, Anti-Nuclear Struggle, Faslane Peace Camp, International Solidarity, Japan, Scotland

New anarchist guerrilla force, the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces, formed in Rojava

Announcement of the Creation of the IRPGF and Membership in the IFB Today, the revolution is under attack. Like the Paris Commune and at so many other points in history, the revolutionary forces face the leviathan of capitalist hegemony which … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascist International Tabur (AIT), International Freedom Battalion, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), International Solidarity, PKK, Rojava, Syria, YPG, YPJ

St Petersburg, Russia: Anarchist solidarity action for detained protesters in Belarus

Early in the morning in St Petersburg, some anarchists hung a banner on the Alexander Nevsky Bridge that read ‘The Will of the Belarusian people!’ as a sign of solidarity with the detained protesters and anarchists in Belarus. “We were … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Banners, Belarus, Fuck Lukashenko, International Solidarity, Political Prisoners, Russia, St Petersburg